Greer Chaylfels - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading, Exercises 2021



Greer Chaylfires - American, who has shown on his example, as in a short time to get a dream figure. The method developed by the author, the method of respiratory and exercise was called Bodiflex. Today, the gymnastics proposed by Greer do in many countries of the world. Nothing is known about childhood and youth in the biography of an American housewife.

Sports and books

Already being a married lady and giving birth to three children, the GERER faced a common problem of excess weight. The woman tried various types of physical training, reduced calorie food, but nothing helped to remove kilograms and volumes. Chaylfels were not of those who, after failure, consolidated with the current situation.

The housewife learned that in New York there are expensive courses for weight loss. Having collected the right amount, Greer went to New York training. At first, the classes did not make an impression on an American - the group was engaged in respiratory yoga. However, gradually the Childers noticed the striking changes that occurred in the body.

In a short time, the volume of the figure decreased, the kilograms were gone, with which the housewife could not cope for a long time. Returning home, the Merry continued intensive training, and for 3 months the size of her clothes has changed from 56 to 44. Then, impressed by the effectiveness of the exercises, the woman decided to acquaint with this complex of Americans who suffer obesity.

For this, the Childers reworked the material with which he met in New York. She wanted workouts to be accessible to everyone, while she had to pay for the course of $ 1.5 thousand, and the exercises did not take a lot of time from the audience.

Adapted and simplified exercises needed to be performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach. The initial time of charging was 5 minutes, gradually increasing to 15. The main condition of the method was to master the correct breathing technique - without it it was impossible to begin gymnastics.

The technique was reduced to a rich saturation of the body with oxygen during physical action. Hyperventilation of the lungs provided the best blood flow along the vessels, burning fat. Before running the program in the masses, the Merry went to consult with doctors. Doctors confirmed that such breathing contributes to weight loss and does not harm health.

When the complex was ready, Childers recorded training for video tapes and gave an interview on top television, told the story of overweight. In a short time, the cassettes were bought up, and the Merry technique became popular first in the states, and then in other countries.

The housewife supplemented the course of the book "The Great Figure in 15 minutes a day." In the manual, the writer told in detail about the respiratory system used in training, supplied the textbook with drawings showing how to properly perform gymnastics. The book became a bestseller - the Americans, without making great efforts, dreamed of finding attractive forms.

The author called the Bodiflex system and joined it a huge number of followers. The housewife made a faithful calculation, because people who are far from professional sports could be engaged in her technique, not engaged in yoga. The exercises are selected in such a way that there was no difficulty to fulfill them.

The program has found both supporters and those who opposed the technique. The latter argued that the hyperventilation of the lungs is harmful to the natural state of the human body, that the safety of health body inflexibility is not proven by medical experts.

Personal life

Merry is happy in marriage with his spouse who engaged in surgical activity. Pary had three children.

Greer Childers now

In 2019, GERER, despite the elegant age, continues to engage in physical training. In social networks, communities appeared, acquainting those who wanted to lose weight the Childers. In "Instagram", the sequence of the American Housewife Course is laid out photos with the results of training.


  • "The magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day"

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