Tanya Tank - Photo, Biography, Writer, Author, Books, Personal Life 2021



The writer Tanya Tank is known to readers as the author of detective novels that attract the attention of literature lovers with a deep analysis of the psychology of heroes, a bright humor and an intriguing story with unexpected turns of events. And some of her works are at all based on real stories, and the heroes in them are intersectable.

Childhood and youth

Tanya was born in early 1975 in Nizhny Novgorod. Its real last name - Kokina-Slavina, and she took the pseudonym tank, only when he began to write.

Tanya Tank

In school, the girl studied not bad, and after he began to study the profession of a journalist in Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky. Having received a diploma of higher education, she immediately got a journalist, while simultaneously combining this profession with the work of the literary editor.


The first attempts to write their own story appeared in the biography of Tanya for another 8 years, but this is her creativity and not seen by anyone. Even when she became a famous journalist, this passion did not leave.

At first in 2005, the tank published the book "The second oldest, or how to become a pen of a pen", which was intended for novice journalists, and then she appointed the post of deputy editor-in-chief in the city newspaper Nizhny Novgorod worker. Later, she settled in the Business Weekly "Exchange".

Tanya Tank wrote a whole cycle of articles on the problems of small businesses, for which it was nominated for the Award of the Union of Journalists of Russia in the category "Professional skill". Later, she took 1st place in the All-Russian Media Competition for the fact that the rest of the rest would illuminate the reform of housing and communal services. From 2012 to this day, a woman works in the newspaper "Housing Question".

Writer Tanya Tank

The first full-fledged book of the author appeared on store shelves in 2014. It was a printed edition called "Fear, I'm with you. A terrible book about the fatal and irresistible. " She came out in three parts: "Circles of hell", "And this is all about them" and "rebel from the ash." In six months, the journalist began to lead a thematic blog dedicated to the "fatal and irresistible" in the "LiveJournal".

Later in the author's bibliography, other books appeared - "Deviant" and "Nyaka". Both are written in the genre of an ironic detective, while reading easily and fascinating. Each of the listed works Tanya received a lot of positive feedback, but the writer itself assures that the praise does not wait. Much more effectively affects the dosed reasonable criticism, supported by facts and arguments.

Personal life

About the personal life of the writer her fans do not know anything, about children and husband, it does not apply, so she has a family, it remains a mystery to everyone.

In "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, the author lays out of little photos, much more publications there are dedicated to her books, as well as advice to women in difficult life situations.

Tanya Tank now

Now Tanya Tank is not in a hurry with writing new books. It seems that it has enough work, as well as webinars, who take away a lot of time. A series of such meetings with subscribers, the writer spent in the summer of 2019, they disassembled and communicated on the themes "I love ourselves: I love my soul," I love yourself: I love my body, "" Habit is wrong, "" How not to gain weight for holidays. "

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In a blog, a woman repeatedly told that he regularly visits the gym, eats only healthy food and follows the form. Now Tanya is ready to share secrets of slim and with readers, even organizes for this meeting.


  • 2014 - "Fear, I'm with you. A terrible book about fatal and irresistible. Part One: Circles Hell "
  • 2014 - "Fear, I'm with you. A terrible book about fatal and irresistible. Part Two: And this is all about them. "
  • 2014 - "Fear, I'm with you. A terrible book about fatal and irresistible. Part Three: Rolling out of the ashes »
  • 2014 - "Devians"
  • 2014 - "Nyaka"

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