Konstantin Muravyov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



There is nothing more disgraceful thanks to waiting. But the most difficult thing is to fans of the serials and books that thirsty familiarize themselves with the new adventures of favorite heroes. And if the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" and the "Theory of the Big Explosion" in May 2019 found out what the case was over, the readers of the cycle of fantastic novels Konstantin Muravyov "Techinar" had to suffer longer.

Childhood and youth

Despite the popularity of Muravyov's works among Russian readers, information about his biography is not so much. So it is impossible to install it in addition, is there relatives with a ribbon star "Moscow tears does not believe" Irina Vadimovaya or the Decembrist Nikita Mikhailovich. But the exact date of birth is known - June 6, 1979, like Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, and the place - the industrial city of Pervouralsk, located in the Sverdlovsk region.

However, the childhood and the youth of the future science was not here, but in the Kyrgyz Republic. Here, the teenager lived under 14 years old, and he studied in the mathematical class of Pervioral school No. 7 in the mathematical class. Parents, although they belonged to the intelligent professions of the teacher and engineer, did not experience the thrust for writing.

Higher education Konstantin received at the physico-technical faculty of the current USTU-UPI. Later, went to work in the specialty, taking the place of the head of the DBMS administration department. If you believe publications on the social network, then the ant referred to a group of charts producing pipe products. According to the man, in the sphere of his interests always lay history and literature. He did not forget about sports, developing the body thanks to sambo and judo, and intelligence, fond of chess.


And although Konstantin Nikolayevich loved to read from an early age, especially works in the genre of fantasy, he himself decided to take a pen already in adulthood. Fortunately, for writing talented authors, a special platform was created - the site of the magazine "Samizdat". The first publication on the portal dated 2012, it was "unrecorded".

In the plot of this novel, the young man from the provincial Ural city goes to the winter Olympiad in Sochi, but during the trip something went wrong. As a result, the hero was on an abandoned by all the scientific station, to which the sunlight did not penetrate millions of years. But not everything is so sad - he was lucky to meet real love and become those who can change a lot.

In the future, according to the author's plan, the same cycle appeared, where two more books were added - "Unknown with Drakkar", telling about the life of the main character with a new family in the uncharted world, and the "threat of the clan". However, judging by the investigations of not indifferent readers and information in the media, the last novel was also created at all, and did not have any attitude towards Muravyov, which caused hot disputes and many angry comments.

In 2014, the first books of the two episodes saw the light - "somewhere there ..." and "step over", after a year, "Gray" came out, behind him - "Living" and "Tekhnar". In the writer's group in the social network "Vkontakte", you can see comments as a frequent and logical completion of the cycles.

"Damn, really hard to finish at least something? Readers are not an elves and do not live forever, "" The author is alive at all? 4 years with the guys waiting for the end of the series, the feeling that he put a huge bolt on his own creativity. Activity from it is generally present? ".

However, the righteous anger of readers can be understood. For example, the story of techinar was cut off in 2017.

Personal life

On the personal life of literary cases of the master, preferring to acquaint the audience with unknown worlds and there are no details of moving in them, there are no details. With the exception of the short status "married" and the messages of some Tatiana Nyakhina (participants of the same community in Vkontakte) on March 20, 2019, containing poor information that her family and the Muravyov family in 2018 held a vacation in the Turkish coast together.

With the assumptions, the girl became known that now he is most busy with the main work in Yekaterinburg, and, perhaps, it is with that some inactivity in writing business.

Konstantin Muravyov

As for social networks, in addition to the mentioned group in "VC", it also has a new separate page that appeared in 2018. From it, users could find out that the man is still crazy about cartoons, a rock ballad prefers from music, and from the movies - Soviet and foreign classics. Robert Linna Asprina ("Mythical Cycle"), Vladislav Konyushevsky ("Other Option", "Main Mission"), Gaya Julia Orlovsky (He, Yuri Nikitin, the creator of Richard Long Hands).

In the column "Favorite quotes" indicated the 1st Message to the Corinthians, the 13th chapter of the Bible:

"When I was a baby, I said infant with infant, I thought infantly, I was infant with infant; And as I became my husband, I left infant. "

But the photo is only one-only.

Konstantin Muravyov now

However, not so Konstantin Nikolayevich and abandoned the literature. In 2018, the cycle "Step up the abyss" was enriched with the novels "Mir-trap", "Echoes of a distant battle", "the invasion of demons", "Joker", "Web of the Dark God".

At the same time, the bibliography was replenished with "closed worlds" and "crossroads", and in 2019 they joined them the "World of Dark Sun". Books entered the series "Living."

In the same year, the writer took congratulations on the 40th anniversary, saying that the plans were the release of the "dead worlds".


  • 2012 - "Unrecorded"
  • 2013 - "Unknown with" Drakkar "
  • 2014 - "Somewhere there ..."
  • 2014 - "Step up the abyss"
  • 2015 - "Gray"
  • 2016 - "Living"
  • 2016 - "Call sign" Tech'nar "
  • 2018 - "Peace trap"
  • 2018 - "Closed Worlds"
  • 2018 - "Full Battle Exchange"
  • 2018 - "Crossroads"
  • 2018 - "Joker"
  • 2018 - "Demon's Invasion"
  • 2019 - "Web of the Dark God"
  • 2019 - "The World of Dark Sun"

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