Stewi Griffin - history, character, appearance, interesting facts, actors, photos


Character History

Character of the American Animation Sitkom "Griffins". The younger son of the Family of the Griffin, a phenomenally developed and gifted two-year-old boy.

Appearance and nature

Stewi Griffin with weapons

The head of Stewi Griffin looks like a rugby ball. The hero looks like a 1-2-year-old child and wears a red jumpsuit over yellow sweatshirts. The hero speaks with a strong British accent and demonstrates an exceptionally evil character - plans to kill the mother and subjugate the whole world. Satui frankly villainy laughter.

The character of Stewi allegedly influenced the habit of Lois to smoke marijuana, from which she did not refuse even during pregnancy.

At the same time, the hero is unusually talented, constantly designing technical innovations like hypnotizing glasses and adores weapons. Stewi also knows how to play the piano, dance and sing songs, writes plays and know how to manage a tank and military aircraft.

Series "Griffins"

Smile Stewi Griffin

The heroes of the cartoon "Griffin" live in the fictional American town of Queachog. Stewi was born there. The hero was still in the womb of the mother, where, according to his own assurances, almost went crazy, probably from boredom. Together with the boy's boy, a geographical map of Europe appeared, on which a little evil genius noted the target for bombing.

Obviously, the hero planned to seize the world before birth. However, in one of the episodes of the 11th season, the scene of the birth of Stewi is shown, and nothing supernatural happens. So, perhaps, the memories of the hero about themselves is a fiction or a joke.

Stewi Griffin with normal head

Satui has an elder brother Chris, the inhibited teenager is 14 years old, which suffers with obesity and lagging in development. Mom Chris, Lois Griffin, saw a lot and used drugs during pregnancy the first son, and the deviations of Chris are explained.

In fact, the parents did not plan to the birth of Chris and sued the condom manufacturer. Thanks to this, the Griffins were able to buy a house.

Family of Griffins

Meg, sister Hero, - a durable girl with complexes. It is not known whether Maga has a native daughter to Piter Griffin, the head of the family. The animated series has hints that the real heroine father is another man. The heroine tries to please the guys and start the girlfriends, applies for this mass of effort, but the complexes about the appearance interfere with Meg achieve the goal.

Stewi Griffin refers to relatives with disregard. The hero contemptuously calls her eldest brother in fat, sister - pig, and father - a damn pervert and a stupid. Lois also gets, Stewy calls the mother out and dishwasher.

Such a relationship has some reasons, since none of the family members notices the highly developed intellect of Stiui. Adults relate to the hero as a baby, and leave his replica.

Stewi Griffin and Dog Brian

The only character in the animated series, which perceives Stewi seriously, is a talking dog Brian. So, however, also gets. Stewi teases the PSA "Pianchug", and in this there is a share of truth - Brian and really loves to drink.

Dog Brian constantly hints that Stewi is a latent gay. In some episodes, the character actually behaves suspiciously, for example, visits gay parties, surrounding the girl. On the direct question, whether he is not gay, the hero is responsible: "Probably."

However, in other series, Stewi demonstrates heterosexual inclinations, for example, cares for the girl from kindergarten. "Roman" ends sadly - it turns out that his girlfriend sought only to receive cookies from Steyui and did not eat love for the hero himself.

Kuccatch Stewi Griffin

In the series "Ocean's Three and a Half", the hero falls in love with the newborn daughter of the neighbors - Suzy, but by the end of the episode crepts to the girl.

The orientation of Stiui is likely to be defined as "bi", but it is not known what the Hero will be pushed in the future an unsuccessful relationship with girls. In the episode "Uncompressed History" you can see the option of the future, which may be waiting for a hero. There are 35 years old, and he is still a virgin.

Adult Stewi Griffin and Rupert

The only friend of Satui is a teddy bear Rupert, a favorite toy of the hero. Stewi belongs to the bell as if he is alive, complains that it is divided by plans and is advised. At times, Rupert appears in the fantasies of Stiui in the image of a 25-year-old pitching with a head of a toy bear.

These fantasies have become another reason to suspect Satui in a non-traditional orientation. For the sake of Rupert, the hero once goes to a dangerous and distant journey to rescue the bear from the trouble.

Interesting Facts

Stui Griffin (ART)
  • In the series Stewi, the actor and producer Set McAfarlain voiced. The same actor voiced the head of the Family of the Griffins and their PSA-Alcoholics, as well as some other characters. In Russian dubbing, the hero is voiced by different actors - Vyacheslav Baranov, Nikita Prozorovsky and others.
  • As a result of one experiment, Stewi created his own malicious clone, which absorbed the worst features of the hero. This new Stewi is extremely malicious, is not able to negotiate and prone to unmotivated violence and sadism. In the final, one of the stew was shot, but unknown - which.
Stui Griffin and his evil double
  • In the episode "The Big Bang Theory", Stewi travels by car time and becomes an involuntary culprit of a large explosion, which marked the beginning of the universe.

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