Pavel Pestel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Decembrist



Pavel Pestel was one of those who believed that the "star of captivating happiness" and "Russia will take away from sleep over his homeland. His name is really inscribed on the "fragments of self-defense", and not ink, and blood: he became among the five Decembrists, who after the uprising was expected by the death penalty. Having lived 33 years old, a man managed to become famous in the battles, to lead the secret opposition and adequately take death as a result of the collapse of his hopes.

Childhood and youth

According to the nationality, the Decembrist - German, no wonder at birth in 1793 he was named Powl Budrhard. North-seekers moved to Russia back in the 17th century. Paul had two younger brothers, both subsequently built a career. Parents Ivan and Elizabeth brought up children in Lutheran faith.

Pavel Pestel in youth

The boy featured a brisk and inquisitive mind, first he studied at home, and then received an education in Dresden for 5 years. Returning to the Motherland in 1810, the young man entered the Page Corps - a prestigious military school who was preparing personnel officers of the Life Guard. The corps gave elitial education, and the Pestel graduated from him among the first student. His name was even perpetuated on a marble chalkboard in a number of outstanding graduates.


Paul began a military career in the rank of ensign of the Lithuanian Lake Guard Regiment. He was the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, fighting at Borodino and having received the Golden Swamp "For Bravery". Having survived a heavy wound, Pestel continued participation in hostilities and to the 1822th reached the title of Colonel.

In 1816, he began to participate in the collections of Masons, and a little later began political activities, becoming a party to almost all the secret societies, of which the Decembrists came out ("Union of Salvation", "Union of prosperity", southern society). Last he headed due to the mind, eloquence and unchanging respect for which he used among the associates.

Pavel Ivanovich wrote the "Russian truth" - the republican project, expressing the views of the Pestel to the internal structure of Russia. Together with the "Constitution" Nikita Muravyov, this document became the main ruger of the ideas of the Decembrists.

Personal life

Contemporaries recognized Pestel by an outstanding person as a mind and the strength of the Spirit. He was a personality decisive, deep and eloquent. All his mind and Talent, the Decembrist sent to the ministry of the chosen case - first the military, then revolutionary. But for a personal life of a man's time left. At least, it is known about it extremely small.

Portrait of Pavel Pesser

Pavlo Ivanovich's biography researchers believe that in 1815 he fell in love with Mitava and even thought about marriage. Rumors about it reached the Father, who expressed concern about this occasion in one of the surviving letters. The family feared that the Son would go for a serious step without parental blessing. However, the officer remained a bachelor.

After the uprising, the colleagues even called the Pestracy as a lucky way, because he did not leave behind his widow and orphans. He was a gentle and caring son, as evidenced by the preserved correspondence with his parents. Judging by the portrait, the man was good.

Conclusion and death

Being an ideological inspirer and the leader of the Decembrists, in the uprising, Pestel participation, however, did not accept. His arrest on denunciation took place shortly before the exit of the troops on the Senate Square. In case of inspection, men were discovered and seized poison, which could cause premature death. He survived dozens of full-time bets and interrogations, one of which Emperor Nicholas I conducted personally.

Pavel Ivanovich spent half a year in prison. In the list of sentences to the death penalty, his name stood under the 1st number. Initially, the motley wanted a quarter, but then the preventive measure was changed to hanging. Together with him, on July 13, 1826, Kondrati Ryleev, Peter Kakhovsky, Sergey Muravyev-Apostol and Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin were hanged in the Kronverka of the Petropavlovsk Fortress. Their bodies laid in 2 boxes with lime and buried on the island of starvations.


In memory of Sadel, dozens of streets are named in different cities of Russia and the countries of the former USSR.

Pavel Priluchny in the role of Pavel Pestel (Frame from the film

The life of the Decembrist is described in a number of feature films, including:

  • 1926 - "Decembrists"
  • 1975 - "Star of captivating happiness"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"

In the last ribbon, the role of a petsman performs the actor Pavel Priluchny.

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