Chucky doll - Chuck biography, movies, main characters, photos


Character History

Many films shot about killer toys. Religion Voodoo and stories about maniacs inspire directors on horror films, whose characters become dolls. Chucky is a representative of unusual creatures whose second kind is cruelty.

History of creation

The first appearance of the chucky doll on TV screens occurred in 1988. Director Tom Holland presented a picture telling about a small murderer. The film was popular and provoked the release of toy lines like a tape character.

Charles Lee Ray and Chucky Doll (Art)

According to the plot of the project, a toy from a specialized store came to life because of the relocation of the soul of the killer - Charles Lee Ray on the nicknamed Chicago scenario. The maniac died in the store, hiding from the police. The toy gets a boy Eddie's birthday as a birthday gift, and his life is changing. In the final of the film, Chucks are killed and burned, but the monster is resurrected thanks to the bride.

Chucky doll has an unpleasant appearance: she has red hair and an ominous expression of the face. The director belonged to Chucks to a similarity with a man. Therefore, he is not emptiness inside, but the real bodies. Blood appears from injuries on the body of dolls, scars remain.

The physiological abilities of Chucky allow him to have children. The hero has the ability to regenerate and resurrection after death. Therefore, his biography is so long, and it is almost impossible to get rid of maniac-psychopath.

Chucky Doll (Art)

The prototype of the chucky dolls were two personalities. The author united the elements from the story about the murder of the Father, who stood in line for the gift of his son, and the details from the notic on the sailor's doll, which, according to legend, was relevant to Voodoo religion.

When Voodoo doll appeared in the family, misfortunes began. In the house, as if the devil was settled, to get rid of which it was impossible. Owners such a doll disappeared or ended their lives in a psychiatric hospital, fell into madness.


Figure Doll Chucky

The first film dedicated to the sinister doll Chucky was the painting "Children's Games", released on screens in 1988. This original kinocartine laid the beginning of the franchise. The plot had a real rationale, and the name of the main character - Chucky was made up of the names of three killers: Charles Mensson, Lee Harvey and James Earla Rea.

In 1990, a presentation of the sequel "Children's Games 2" took place. The child who became a sacrifice of the doll lost his parents and got into the foster family. He was chased by nightmares and terrible memories. The remains of Chucky were found to create a new line of toys, and Andy's boy again forced to meet his face to face with his nightmare.

Frame from the film "Children's Games 3" (1991)

The third picture is "Kids Games 3" - came out in 1991. Andy matured, studying at a military school and almost forgot the nightmares of childhood. Production of dolls were launched again. Chucks began to pursue a teenager, wanting to kill him.

"Chuck's Bride" - 1998 filmtin. Crazy Tiffany becomes the owner of the doll. A new hostess picked up the chaki of the bride. After sending it to the Light, Chucky moved Tiffany's soul in the bride doll. Monsters began to work in a duet. Their first victims became a young married couple.

Chucky doll and his bride

"The offspring of Chucky tells about how a child appeared in the maniacs. The killer's wife made a son named Glen. Now they teach off the hatred of hatred, bloodthirstiness and the destruction of people. The tape went on the screens in 2005, and she followed a break for 8 years.

In 2013, cinematographers returned to the theme of the killer dolls, removing the "Chuck Curse". Toy-maniac found a little girl, daughter Nicky. Chucks, as before, craves murders and violence.

In 2017, the audience saw the tape "Cult Chucky". Niki lies in a mental hospital. The girl was convinced that she made brutal murders. Psychotherapists work with her to return to reality. A suitable solution, according to specialists, has become kuklotherapy. Murders are renewed. Russed Andy from the first episodes is trying to help Niki and opposes the bride of Chuck and the most disgusting doll.

Interesting Facts

Doll Chucks with a knife
  • The main instrument of chucky doll is a knife. The hero composes himself over the victim and dismissed without parsing, leaving terrible wounds.
  • "Right me," - the phrase that often utters the killer. It is spoken by almost all dolls equipped with a special device for broadcasting sound.
Chucky doll in the film "Children's Games" (1988)
  • In the film "Children's Games" of 1988, Chucky tells the voice of actor Brad Durif. The artist told that before the start of the voice acting quickly ran through the studio, bringing himself to a state when there were no insanity notes in his voice. So he created the most plausible image. It is curious that in the film "Curse of Chucky" daughter Brad, Fiona Dorror, played the main female role.
  • In 2013, cinematic technologies were at such a level that it was possible to use computer graphics and special effects. But the creators of the "Curse of Chucky" paintings preferred to give tribute to the usual methods. They used natural doll and manual work techniques. For filming the film prepared 100 animatronic dolls. The computer model was used a couple of times.

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