Michael Newton - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books, hypnosis



Michael Newton is a writer and a hypnotherapist, which consisted in the American Association of Consulting Psychologists. The specialist devoted the practice of correction of behavioral deviations through the disclosure of the spiritual personality.

Michael Newton

Michael Newton was born on December 9, 1931 in Los Angeles. About the personal life of a psychologist little known. He did not apply to the biography in an interview, and journalists were more interested in the methods of a scientific figure and research in the profile sphere.


Newton's psychology has been engaged in over 50 years. He dedicated the lives of research. The main achievement was the developed technique of age regression. With this technique, the hypnotherapist helped patients to enter a state in which people remembered past lives. The contribution of a specialist in the development of science was encouraged by the award-winning National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapeutors in 1988.

Newton led the group therapy of several centers of mental health and organizations involved in spiritual revival.

From 2002 to 2005, Michael Newton held high positions. He became president of the Social Regression Society, and was also in a leadership position at the Institute of Hypnotherapy, which founded himself. Newton has a certificate of the hypnotherapist, and also had a doctoral degree in psychological counseling. Michael worked in universities, studying pedagogical activities, and acted as a corporate and behavioral consultant.


As writer Newton became the author of 3 books. The first was published in 1994 and was called "Travel Souls". The second work "Purpose of the Soul" was released in 2000, and in 2001, the publicist received a reward from the Association of Independent Publishers in the nomination "Best Metaphysical Book". The work of "Life between Lives" was published in 2004.

In the books, the psychologist told that inside each person a toliary of the infinite energy of the creation, which some call the divine start or soul. According to his theory, leaving the body when death, the soul retains the experience and memories that he received in it. A person lives a few lives and every time returns to a new body, the soul remains immortal.

Michael Newton

Immersing patients in hypnosis, Newton created the effect of meditation, in which the patient was not difficult to recall the events of past life. Newton's technique confirmed that a person can move between periods in past lives, restoring events in memory. So the hypnotherapist explained the connection of the soul and human body.

The theory of Michael Newton had followers. Founded by the Institute of Hypnotherapy "Life between Life" functions now. The organization has a website where the photo of the writer has been published, the author's bibliography has been posted and the principles of technology are described. In 2019, it was also possible to find a personal coach or offer interested services.

Personal life

Michael's spouse called Peggy Newton. The woman supported the interests of her husband. By the time he took up literary activities, a woman with readiness provided him with help on a new field.

Michael Newton and his wife Peggy

Peggi read the manuscript and engaged in editing. Newtons lived in California, in the mountains of Sierra Nevada, until the death of the hypnotherapist.


At the Institute of Hypnotherapy, it is customary to say that a person did not die, but returned to the Spirit. The new journey of Michael Newton started on September 22, 2016.

Followers and close people wanted to a friend of an interesting way to a new life and instead of grief distributed this good news about the new way, in which Newton's soul went.


  • 1994 - "Travel Souls"
  • 2000 - "Purpose of the Soul"
  • 2004 - "Life between lives"
  • 2009 - "Memories of life after life"

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