Andro (Andro Kuznetsov) - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, The Limba, Jony, Skriptonitis, Elman 2021



Andro is a talented young singer whose unusual voice managed to conquer the hearts of fans. Even those who are not familiar with the work of the artist, probably heard his vocals in the church of Hit "Santa Lucia" Group Quest Pistols Show. The musician is engaged in solo creativity, creates original lyrical compositions.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born on January 19, 2001 in Kiev (according to some sources, in the Gypsy Tabor near Kiev). By nationality, the singer is a purebred gypsy. At birth, the boy received the name Andro Kuznetsov. Since childhood, the child was interested in music, manifested artistry. In many respects, the grandfather had the influence of the Musical Career of the young man.

At the young age, Grandfather Andro, along with the "Romane Schaw" ensemble, a lot acted in the republics of the Soviet Union. Having a thin musical rumor and a wonderful voice, the old man was the first of his relatives in his grandchildish creative potential and insisted that the boy would be professionally engaged in singing, although the parents of the young singer were against.

Android did not finish at school. After the 6th grade, he threw his studies with the permission of parents and dedicated himself to music. During this time, he mastered the game on three instruments - guitar, piano and drums.


The first step in conquering Music Olympas became unusual for Andro. The young man learned that Open Art Studio was listening to the girls for the execution of the chorus in the song "Santa Lucia" creative team Quest Pistols Show. The guy, who at that time turned 15, decided to risk and try the forces in the selection. The voice of the young man struck the producer of the group Yuri Bardas with an unusual timbre and coloring.

In 2016, a landmark event occurred in the creative biography of the guy - he signed a contract with Kruzheva Music, which collaborated with Milkovsky's Zhenya, Mushroom, Moon and other stars. Representatives of the company began searching for a vocal teacher for a young singer. The Andro family insisted that the Menthip of the young man becomes a mentor. In parallel with the lessons of professional singing, the performer began to prepare material for the first album.

In the same year, the artist presented the Debut Composition "Alien", which in a short time becomes hit. The song attracts the attention of the public to a non-standard form - there is no familiar plot in the track, the hero is in love with the girl, but his feelings remain unanswered.

Others began to appear behind this track. The young singer began experimenting with different musical genres, I tried what was close to His minigration, souls and voices. As a result, Andro tried himself as a rapper. Fans have a positive assessed the selected direction, and new compositions, such as the "Nightline", "froze," rose to the tops of the charts.

The originality and recognition of the music of Andro appeared due to the fact that the artist managed to master the motifs of gypsy music relative to him. Such a sound could not not pay attention to the public. Having written 20 songs, the guy began to perform at different concert venues. The main theme of the writings of the singer was the relationship between a man and a woman. One of the singles of this time was the song "I Bach", created in the Ukrainian language.

In August 2019, the artist released a solo album Moon Flame. The plate includes 9 tracks of different subjects. The song "Nightline" became one of the bright numbers used in prom. And the lyrical composition "sick your smile" blew the charts.

On the occasion of the release of the long-awaited plate, the singer organized a tour of the cities of Russia and the CIS countries. On the page in "Instagram" Andro posted a photo and video from concerts.

An iconic event for the creative life of the artist was the creation of the Raava Music label in 2018, the founder of which was the Azerbaijani executor Elman Zeynalov. Group projects, in addition to Andro, Steel Jony, Elman and Gafur. Initially, together with comrades, the musician planned to create high-quality tracks and protrude under the new name Incognito: everyone had contracts with other companies. But the artists decided to complete the obligations under other agreements and engage in their own project.

One of the bright hits Android was the co-advocacy with The Limba "X.". Sounding the composition reminded the style of early The Weeknd. She fell into the top 10 of the most auditioned tracks in Apple Music in Russia. With another popular rapper, Jony, the Ukrainian executive recorded the Madame track. At the same time, a Caver appeared on the song Olga Buzova "Few Polovine". The singer, in turn, performed "X.O" from the repertoire of the artist.

Personal life

Andro fans want to find out if their idol meets with someone, but he thoroughly hides the mystery of his personal life from the press.

In secular events, the guy appears one or with buddies, and there are no photos of the singer on social networks.

Rumors about the novel with the singer of the Black Star Nazima label appeared on the network in May 2021. The couple was spotted by fans during a joint walk through the park. Musicians held hands and showed interest in each other. Nevertheless, comments from the artists did not follow. But the fans noticed how the performers flirt with each other in "Instagram", sending hearts and marking photos likes.

Andro now

Bright collaboration introduced Andro to his fans in 2021. He recorded together with the brightest representative of the Kazakhstan Rap Scene by Skiptonit Hit Dragon. The authors of the track were the musicians and the Sound Producer Artist Aishot Arzumanyan. A week after the release of the song, I got on the 4th place "Top 100 Russia" in Apple Music.


  • 2019 - Moon Flame

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