Mattias Schweighepher - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Ani Shrom, "Instagram", wife 2021



Mattias Schweighaypher is more famous for fans of German cinema, because in his homeland in Germany he began to take another teenager. At this field, the actor succeeded: in his filmography, many large projects, including the pictures of the famous director of Til Schweiger.

Childhood and youth

Mattias Schweighepher was born on March 11, 1981 in the German city of Anklam. The family tradition determined the boy's profession even before he was born: Parents Mikhal and Gitt Schweighepher - famous German actors of theater and cinema. They divorced when celebrities were 3 years old, and since then he lived with his mother in Frankfurt, but continued to maintain a warm relationship with his father.

The boy was 8 years per year of falling the Berlin Wall, this event made an unforgettable impression on him. He got access to Hollywood films, which influenced the vision of acting art. Before that, there was not even a TV in their house, and the parents did everything to attach the son to the theater. They took it at rehearsals, where Mattias watched what was happening because of the scene.

The artist's screen debut took place, even when he studied at school. In 1994, the episode of the "Doctors" series was published with his participation. Then followed the shooting in other German television projects.

After graduating from the gymnasium of Wilhelm Andre in Chemnitz, Schweighahöfer entered the Berlin Higher School of Dramatic Art, but did not hold himself and the year, because then the sentences to be filmed flew on a talented artist as an abundance horns.


The first wave of popularity came to the star in 2000, when the picture was released on the screens "Forbidden Desire: I love my student." He played the young man of Ben, who enters an intimate connection with his married teacher. This becomes the cause of the drama that has walked on the screens. The role brought the performer Deutscher FernsehPreis award.

Next, the piggy bank replenished with a statuette of Babelsberger MedienPreise for a brilliant game in the melodraman "Kiss me, Fossa" on the fairy tale "King Frog" Brothers Grimm.

2007 marked for the actor first joint work with Tilewger Tileuger. He played Moritz in the comedy "Handsome". According to the director, he originally did not plan to give the role of Schweighepher and did not even invite him to samples. But the artist's search was delayed, and Til suggested a friend to try on the image on himself. As a result, Mattias approached perfectly and soon shone on the screens. True, for the sake of the image, he had to take the same way.

Mattias Schweighepher - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Ani Shrom,

Later, the actors met on the drama red baron drama, based on the biography of Manfred von Richtgofen. In order to embody the protagonist of the film, the star did not even need to visit listening, because for another a few years before that the director Nikolai Mullerchess noted his phenomenal external similarity with the famous pilot.

While working on the draft Schweighepher managed to overcome Aerophobia, developed as a result of child injury. He was forced to learn how to manage the educational fighter so that the flight scenes look realistic. The actor not only once again proved professionalism, but also took the first step to getting rid of fear. When shooting ended, Mattias passed the course of therapy and was finally able to feel comfortable on the plane.

In 2011, the performer made his debut as a director, submitting the public to the public "What kind of guy?", Where he played a major role. After that, he was even repeatedly able to combine acting and director on the court. Among the notable works of the star, the series "wanted" about a man whose life has changed a lot after the mysterious hacker attack.

Another sensational project involving Schweighefer became the comedy "the coolest day", where his colleague spoke by Florian David Fitz. This is a story about friends who have decided to have to have a quick death.

Then the artist appeared in the picture "100 things and nothing superfluous." The plot unfolds around two successful businessmen who gave bets with the condition of refusal from everything that they have, for 100 days. Russian audiences saw the film in 2019.

And next year, the premiere of the historical painting "Resistance" took place. In it, the star fell out to play the German war criminal Claus Barbie.


The performer was interested in music all his life, because he considered it the opportunity to tell stories and be closer to the public. He still mastered such instruments as a guitar, piano and violin.

But Mattias decided to make a passion for the profession of Mattias only in 2015. At first he presented the Single Fliegen, who became a soundtrack to his director's work "Nyanka". Soon after that, the first public speech was held as a singer on the ZDF EIN HERZ Für Kinder program.

Celebrity debut album was named Lachen Weinen Tanzen. He took the 5th place in the chart of Germany, 6th in Austria and 19th in Switzerland. The warm welcome inspired by the artist continue to sing, with the help of music, sharing an opinion on topics that worry. In 2020, he replenished with a discography with a Hobby plate.

Personal life

Schweighawer does not make secrets from personal life. In the past, he met with the Writer Ani Shrom, and did not become his legitimate wife. Two children were born in relations - Valentin and Greta Schweighepher. The godfather of the daughter of the actor is the drummer of the German pop group Silbermond Andreas Novak.

In January 2019, Mattias announced a break with shrom. Now the actor meets with a colleague on the craft Ruby O. Fi. The girl is 15 years old younger than the lover, but it does not prevent them from being happy. The artist is often divided by the photo from the Address on the "Instagram" page.

Mattias Schweighepher now

The actor continues to actively engage in creativity. In 2021, the premiere of the militant "Army of the Dead" Zack Snider took place on the Netflix braiflix. In the film about the group of mercenaries, who decided to rob casino during the invasion of Zombies, Mattiasus got the role of Ludwig Dieter.


  • 1998 - "Mystery of an old crypt"
  • 2000 - "Kiss me, Fossa"
  • 2001 - "Breaking my head"
  • 2002 - "Pen Akula"
  • 2004 - "Stop of the Heart"
  • 2007 - "Handsome"
  • 2008 - "Red Baron"
  • 2009 - "Handsome 2"
  • 2010 - "Trinity"
  • 2012 - "Let's help break"
  • 2014 - "Fatherhood"
  • 2016 - "The coolest day"
  • 2018 - "100 things and nothing superfluous"
  • 2020 - "Resistance"
  • 2021 - "Army of the Dead"

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