Alexey Shcherbatov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, General



General Alexei Shcherbatov almost all his life gave military service, and the last 5 years the career devoted the posts of the Moscow Grador's office, replacing Dmitry Golitsyn as Dmitry. Today, his feats are described in school textbooks, and the biography set out the authors of numerous works, and this is not surprising, because the prince made a great contribution to the history of Russia's development.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born in the winter of 1776, his mother was Princess Nastasya Dolgoruky, and his father - Prince Grigory Shcherbatov.

Portrait of Alexey Shcherbatova

The future of the boy was predicted from the early years, in 6 he was enrolled in the Semenov Regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard Fourier, by the age of 16, Shcherbatov had already wore the rank of ensign, to 23 was appointed Colonel, and another after a year, Major General. True, in this rank, the young man stayed for a long time and after 4 years he retired on family circumstances.

Military service

Again, military service entered the life of Shcherbatov in 1805, he returned and immediately began to lead the Kostroma Musketeer Regiment. In any battles, Alexey did not lose honor and dignity, having started service under the rule of Paul I, Shcherbatov made an excellent career. Not less than invented him and Alexander I, who in recent years the kingdom has made an officer into generals from infanteria. During the years of the Patriotic War and in foreign campaigns, Alexey bravely fought with his regiment.

General Alexey Shcherbatov

In 1807, having a reserve brigade, Shcherbatov went to Danzig, on the profound of Russian troops. And when Napoleon offered them an honorable surrender, the general refused, preferring to fight until the latter. After 2 months, he captured to the enemy and only in July returned to his homeland (after the signing of the Tilzite world).

The next year, the brave officer fell into the Danube army and fought 2 years with the Ottoman Empire, where he received a difficult injury, and after treatment, returned to the service.

After Alexey Grigorievich, he headed the infantry division of the observation army, fought near Brest-Lithuanian and Kobrin, in the vicinity of Borisov and other places, fought with Polish rebels, participated in the seizure of Warsaw.

In 1835, he was appointed a full pension and sent to resign health, and after 4 years he returned again, receiving the Kostroma regiment to the command. In 1844, Shcherbatov took the position of Moscow Military Governor's Governor, at which she stayed for 5 years.

Personal life

For a long time, Alexey Grigorievich walked in bachelors, but during the Moscow holiday, 1809 met love. It was the princess of Ekaterina Vyazemskaya, who had a fabulous belly to Shcherbatov. Almost immediately after the acquaintance, the prince offered the elect's hand and the heart, to which she answered agree.

Ekaterina Andreevna, the first wife of Alexey Shcherbatova

The wedding was played in 2 weeks and went to the city of Janov, where Scherbatov regiment was based. Together with her husband, she proceeded through the whole of Russia, despite the lack of amenities and decent princed housing for the night. In the future, the pair often had to part because of the Alexey service, but as soon as it became possible, the wife followed him.

This happened in the summer of 1809, she came to her husband in Bochnia, by that time the spouses were waiting for the firstborn. Pregnancy beloved attached to the prince feeling of well-being, their personal life flowed measuringly and calmly. The time-free time from Shcherbat is the time they are kotal for walks, dinner with the officers of the regiment, visited local mines, salt mines, examined estates and castles.

By the new year, Chet Shcherbatov returned from Bochnia to Moscow, but the joy of meeting the meeting with their relatives was long. 2 days before the holiday, the princess began to complain about strong toothache, which several days did not give her peace. Soon, the woman had a high temperature, she spent a couple of days in delight, and on January 3, Catherine died. For Alexey, it became a huge tragedy, in one day he lost his wife and an unborn child.

Sofya Stepanovna, the second wife Alexei Shcherbatova

For the second time, Scherbatov decided only after 7 years, in the 1817 His spouse became Stats-Lada Sophia Apraksin, who was coming by the granddaughter of Field Marshal Stepan Apraksin.

Six children were born in this marriage. The first daughter of Catherine appeared, married a member of the State Council of Illarion Vasilchikov. A year later, the wife gave the Scherbatov son Grigory, and after 3 years - Olga's daughter (married Prince Sergey Golitsyn). Among the younger children, Alexey Grigorievich were sons Boris, Vladimir and Alexander.

Decembrist revolt

About the rebellion of the Decembrists, who opposed the rule of the empire Nikolai I and adopting them the oath in 1825, many guessed. However, the emperor did not know exactly what scale was reached. With his arrival for the throne, Alexey Grigorievich's fate was also threatened, and there was a serious reason.

Decembrists on Senate Square

During the period attempted to overthrow the operating power of the soldiers and officers, Scherbatov were in Kiev, and when the Chernigov regiment risked after the Decembrists, the general could easily suppress his rebellion, but did not do this.

Many believed that if Alexey Grigorievich supported the rebels, the history of Russia could be different. Of course, he knew about the preparing conspiracy, and when the main organizers of the secret society directly asked his advice, received an ambiguous answer from General. According to Shcherbatov, the plan of the Decembrists was initially a failure, since he understood that they would not succeed to destroy the established orders.

Portrait of Pavel Pesser

Interesting the fact that Aleksey Grigorievich was persistently interested in concrete plans of the head of the South Society of Pavel Pestel and explained to a man that, before opening the war, a clear action program should be offered. But then he explained his act by the fact that he was simply afraid of unrest in Kiev, and therefore did not let the rebel.

When the Decembrist's uprising was suppressed, and the organizers were sent to the cautious and executed, Nicholas I rejected some time from Shcherbatov, but in the future I changed the anger to mercy and did not punish the general.


By the age of 70, the health of the prince worsened, although the man still performed the responsibilities of the Military Governor General. But feeling that he no longer cope with the work, in the spring of 1848 he resigned and removed the powers of the Moscow Grador. And soon after that, the exact cause of the death of Shcherbatov is unknown.

The funeral of Alexey Grigorievich was held in Moscow, his grave is located on the territory of Golitsyn's tomb in the Don Monastery. The relatives of his second spouse and the predecessor in the service of Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn were buried there.


In December 2019, in memory of the events of the Decembrist uprising, the film "Union of salvation" was filmed by director Andrei Kravchuk. After the defeat of Napoleonic France, the Russian army occupied Paris, becoming the strongest European power. This victory brought the officers confidence that now everything is possible.

Alexey Shcherbatov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, General 10268_7

Young and ambitious, they wanted to get equality and freedom, abandoning the monarchy. To carry out the goal, the soldiers were ready on a lot, including to say goodbye to their own lives. Part of the plot is concentrated around the Chernihiv regiment, which was based in Poltava villages and created a plan for overthrowing the royal family.

Since the prince of Shcherbatov in 1825 was the commander of the very military unit, which arranged a plot, without him the film did not cost. He played actor Alexey Guskov, who in the statements about his character noted that with the support of Alexei Grigorievich the Decembrists, the history of Russia would now have been completely different. He also explained that the film is artistic, and not documentary, so individual moments may not coincide with reality.

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