Zhou Chang - character biography, photos, books, film, actress


Character History

Books, and then the films telling about the biography of Harry Potter, forced the whole world to silence, waiting for the release of a new episode of Sagi. Joan Rowling described as a student of Hogwarts adults, and at the same time his personal life was changed. Spectators followed his sympathies and made rates who can become a lover character. In the book "Harry Potter and Fire Cup", the curtain of the mystery was opened. The public found out that the boy with a scar on his forehead preferred the owner of a nontrivial appearance - Zhou Chang. The representative of Kogtevran was not as simple as many thought.

History of character creation

Joan Rowling described the heroine in the book is not otherwise as a "very beautiful girl." It seems that Zhou Chang is not much different from the surrounding representatives of various nation. Hogwarts Polon British, there are African Americans here, but Asians are rare. The appearance of the girl highlighted it among school students and did special.

Writer Joan Rowling

The first appearance of the girl took place in the book "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban." Zhou participated in Kviddic, being a catcher. During the game, a young magician noticed Harry Potter. The guy fell in love, but shy to approach the girl. Two years he wore deep sympathy in the heart, and for five books, Rowling supported intrigue, not telling about the one who conquered the heart of Potter. In the fifth book, the secret has become apparent. Readers witnessed the first kiss of students. But the novel turned out to be short.

Zhou Chang wears an unusual name. But it seems to be banal. The name is invented by analogy with a typical Chinese or Korean surname, translated by the "butterfly". Chang in Chinese means "free." Harry failed to keep the beloved - like an adorable free butterfly, she spun from his arms towards another fate.

Cedric Diggori (Art)

It is curious that the combination of these names and the surname in Chinese means "longing, melancholy." Perhaps this way Rowling hinted on the experiences of the girl after the death of Cedric Diggori.


Zhou is a daughter of wizards who have moved from China. Being purebred, she continued the family business. Her mother was a housewife, and his father worked in the hospital. The character of the wizard was formed in a pleasant environment: the girl was loved and holly. Since childhood, she heard stories about Hogwarts and magic. To get there was her cherished dream.

Zhou Chang (Art)

At 11 years old she received an invitation from the school of wizards. A speaking hat determined her at the faculty of Cogtevran, which embarrassed Zhou. She did not have the devils inherent in the disciples of this direction. Beautiful and talented, she was not a grief and egoist.

The Department of Melnikov really was her destination. Zhou proved it, becoming the best student in a short time. She was a public figure and represented the Faculty in Quiddich tournaments. Fate collided the girl with Sedrik Diggori, the captain of the team of Puffenduya. Handsome and the ladies' waters were bought in the attention of girls. Contrary to Charm Fleur, rivals on the fight "Tournament of three wizards", Cedric fell in love with Zhou. They visited the school ball as a couple.

Zhou Chang and Cedric Diggori

The feelings of Zhou to Sedrik were not honest, because she experienced sympathy and to Potter. After the death of Digiori, she was inconspicuous. The smile disappeared from the face, the sadness settled in her soul. The situation was aggravated by the arrival of the new director Dolores Ambridge and fear for academic performance. Zhou felt guilty for feelings for the Potter.

The impact of the wizard prevented this to take the first step. The news that there will be another partner on the ball of Zhou, the guy upset, but after the death of Cedric, Harry appeared a chance. The guy was not ate. The fate itself near the heroes, uniting them in the detachment of Dumbledore.

The feelings of young people were not destined to be preserved. They often quarreled. Harry did not know how to find an approach to the lover, and Zhou jealous him to friends. The treachery of Zhou in relation to Dumbledore's detachment was a decisive factor for parting.

Harry Potter and Jow Chang

Serum truth prompted the girl to admit the team plans. Later, the magician tried to restore the relationship, but everything was in vain: the guy had a new chosen one.

The faithful school of Zhou did not leave her during the reign of Snape and even defended Hogwarts in the battle against the Death Eaters. After a while she married Roger Davis. The son of Henry appeared in the family.


In the films about Harry Potter, the role of Zhou Chang fulfilled the actress Katie Ljung. The daughter of a businessman and a doctor, the girl preferred life with his father after the divorce of the parents. Father sent a girl to the casting to the project "Harry Potter and Fire Cup." The competition participated 4,000 contenders, and Katie did not believe in their strength.

Actress Katie Lyung as Zhou Chang

Waiting for samples, she sat in line and doubted the decision. But the director chose Luung. Katie starred in four kinocartes. The actress continued his career after the completion of the films of the franchise, but the roles were secondary. None of the images eclipsed with an adorable Zhou in an elegant dress on a sodne ball.devushka was educated at the University of Arts in London and continues public activities.

Interesting Facts

  • In the book, the circumstances of the betrayal committed against Dumbledore's squad, others. For meanness went Marietta Ejk. In the movie its function directed by Zhou. The truth was invented as an excuse, but her presence of Harry and friends learned too late.
  • It is not known that the magic wand is made of Zhou, but readers know that her patronus is a gentle swan. Like the bird, beautiful and good Chang believed people and tried to see only good in them.
Katie Luing and Robert Pattinson
  • For a kiss between Zhou Chang and Sedrik Diggori Katie Luing and Robert Pattinson received a reward from the MTV channel for the best movie cell.
  • Participation in the Franchise about Harry Potter brought the character of glory. Fans lay out in the Internet photos, art fan fiction and hentai with the participation of Zhou Chang.

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