Jerome Flynn - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The cult series "Game of Thrones" revealed the world of many talented actors. One of them - Jerome Flynn, who performed the role of Mercenaries Bronno, although first of all he is known as the TV star, on his account there are noticeable roles in bright films.

Childhood and youth

Jerome Patrick Flynn was born on March 16, 1963 in the County County in the Family of the actor and singer Eric and the teacher of theatrical art of Fern. The place where Flynn family lived, surrounded massive forests and endless fields. Returning home from school, Jerome went to explore these expanses along with his brother Daniel and step brother and sister - Johnny and Kerry.

Flinds could not boast of wealth, but they were fortunate enough to get the land from a relative almost for nothing. Here, relatives grown vegetables and a weekly bought 120 logs for heating. In a wonderful work, the children took care of the wounded animals, which Mom found in the forest. Later animals released into wildlife.

At school, Jerome missed. He answered only to those subjects whose teachers he liked. Basically, the boy spent time in the gym, until he found a craving for acting skills and did not join the theater mug.

At 17, Flynn finally formed a desire to become an actor: first, he liked to pretend to be someone else, secondly, the girls showed more interest to talented guys. At 18, Jerome went to London and entered the central school of scenic speech and dramatic art.

Later, the actor remembered that excommunication from the parental house was the happiest event in his biography. Not because he felt bad with her parents, brothers and sisters, but because for the first time in his life he left his village in a big city.


In the youth of the role of the role of Jerome Flynna was limited to a banal set: a policeman, a fireman, a soldier, in one word, a man, ready to come to revenue, save the world. When the actor began to trust multifaceted rates of villains, he noted in an interview, but be "bad" much more pleasant. However, positive images significantly increased the base of Flynna fans.

In 1991, the series "Soldier, Soldier" started, in which the actor performed the role of Croral Paddy Garvey. In one episode, Flynn, together with a colleague on the Robson Green, was to execute a cover of Unchained Melody. The updated song accounted for the audience to taste, and they poured the producer of the series by the requirements of release a UNCHAINED Melody Single. After 4 months of persuasion, the actors recorded the track under the name Robson & Jerome.

Unchained Melody (1995) 7 weeks headed the British Chart. The song was the best-selling until 1997, while Elton John has not released Candle In The Wind 1997 in memory of the princess Diana.

Robson & Jerome released 2 albums - the same name in November 1995 and Take Two in 1996. They diverged a total circulation of 7 million copies. Despite the unexpected popularity of the group, Flynn and Green abandoned the project in favor of acting.

Soon Jerome Flynn is tired and from filming. In July 2010, after 10 years of silence, it became known that the actor will play in the series "Game of Thrones". In the 1st season, his character Bronn was secondary, and from the 2nd season Flynna included in a permanent caster.

Personal life

"The Game of Thrones" gave the Jerome Flynnna not only popularity, but also a happy personal life - the actor was in relations with a colleague along the casting site of Lina Hidi. She was not lucky to become a wife Flynna: in March 2014, a couple broke up.

It was rumored that the novel ended the scandal, allegedly because of this, the actors stopped dividing the frame. Flynn dispersed in this press, calling Hidi "a wonderful person and a wonderful actress," and added that they still communicate warmly.

Jerome Flynn - Vegetarian, meat does not eat from 18 years. Perhaps this is the cause of the hull of the actor, which is striking in the photo: when heighting 183 cm, the actor weighs 73 kg. He is a cartridge of a vegetarian society, a PETA member, a member of the Board of Directors of Vegannation - Israeli Project, the purpose of which is the creation of an international vegan economy based on Virtual currency vegancoin.

Jerome Flynn now

In June 2019, information appeared that Jerome Flynn will replenish his filmography of the TV series "Dark Tower" according to the cycle of Stephen King.

He will play Stephen Diskin, the father of the main character - the Roland Roland Arrow, which, despite the goats of the enemies, must reach the Dark Tower. Shooting is being taken, the release of the 1st season is scheduled for 2020.


  • 1986 - "Rebel with monoclem"
  • 1991 - "Kafka"
  • 1991 - "Edward II"
  • 1991-1995 - "Soldier, Soldier"
  • 1992 - "Between Lines"
  • 1999-2000 - "Bahger"
  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2012-2016 - "Street of the Ripper"
  • 2017 - "With love, Vincent"
  • 2019 - "John PEC 3"

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