Varis Dirie - Photo, Biography, Writer, Personal Life, News, "Instagram" 2021



Varis Diro - a fashion model from East Africa. In a woman, not so much height, weight and other parameters of the figure, how many courage and biography, the basis of the Wüstenblume musical, written by the composer Yorno-Uwe Fahrenhrog-Petersen according to the script of Gila Mehmert.

Childhood and youth

The star of the podium was born in the tribe of Somali nomadics in 1965. The exact date of birth of beauties, whose name is in the translation means "desert flower", unknown. According to breeding traditions, parents did not bother with fixation of the birthdays of children, there were many of them, and half did not live to the age of adulthood. Varis had 11 brothers and sisters, of whom six children died in childhood and early adolescence.

Two sisters of the model became victims of female circumcision: one died a couple of days after that, the other died in 10 years, without fails to give. The fact is that the barbaric procedure, the meaning of which - forever deprive the future woman of pleasure from intimate proximity, not only cripples female genitals, but is also carried out without anesthesia and in antisanitarian conditions.

In 5 years, Varis has also been circumcised. And when the girl who was nursing the younger brothers and sisters and sisters, she turned 13 years old, a rich old man was crossed. The bridegroom promised to parents for the bride of 5 dromaders (single-burnt camels). Varis decided to escape. The girl's mother did not help her daughters, but did not prevent running.

Bosikom Varis reached the desert to the capital of Somalia Mogadishu, where relatives lived. The girl overcame 697 km, miraculously not becoming a victim of predatory animals and rapists. In the capital, Dirie worked at a construction site, and then one of the distant relatives went to work at the Somalia embassy in the UK and agreed to take Varis with him as a housekeeper and nanny.

When the Somali diplomat was withdrawn to his homeland, the girl remained in London as an illegal migrant. Dirie taught English, worked in a fast food restaurant, and to avoid deportation, entered into a fictitious marriage. The trendy photographer Terens Donovan drew attention to the beautiful black girl, thanks to which the photo of Varis in 1987 decorated Pirelli calendar pages.

In the late 1980s - early 90s of the 20th century, Varis became a face of fashionable brands, shone on the covers of glossy publications and starred in the film about James Bond "Sparks from Eye". In 1997, at the peak of model career, Dirie told about female circumcision in a conversation with a correspondent of the Lady magazine Marie Claire Ziv. The interview had a huge resonance, and Varis became the UN ambassador to combat the barbaric procedure.


The first novel "Desert flower" Dirie wrote in co-authorship with the writer and the publicist Kathleen Miller. The autobiography of the model has become a bestseller. In the Hita of the Brazilian company "Globo" - soap opera "Clone", created at the turn of the Millennium, in the mouth of an enlightened Muslim "Uncle Ali" put words about the contradiction of female circumcision of Islam's norms.
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In the future, the Bibliography of Varis was replenished with books "Letter of My Mother" and "Children of the Desert", and Debut Roman Dirie in 2009 was shielded director Sherry Herman. At the International Festival in San Sebastian, the picture "The Desert Flower" received a prime of audience sympathies.

In 2002, Dirie created a foundation in Vienna, whose goal is to combat female circumcision, and in 2010 it became the ambassador of the world. According to Varis, to defeat the barbaric custom, and now crumpled millions of girls, you can, only making women financially independent of her husbands.

Personal life

Varis survived a number of recovery operations that helped her to gain the joy of motherhood. The fruit of love with a jazz musician Dana Murrey was the son of Aleik. Later, Dirier gave birth to the second son of Leon, but the father's name was kept secret. On the Internet, the information is distributed that it adopted two more, but documented this information is not confirmed.

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Varis is friends with the executor of the leading role in the film "Desert Flower" - actress of Ethiopian origin Leai Kebad. The woman considers the best holiday and swimming. In the biography of Diri, there were 2 incidents: in 2004, the Athivist House in Vienna was attacked by the 26-year-old Portuguese Paulo Augusto, and in 2008 she disappeared for 3 days.

Varis Diro now

The celebrity continues to fight for women's rights. In the "instagram" writer in 2019, regularly appear rollers with performances Varis in various parts of the world under the slogans "Women's circumcision is not cleansing, and the crime" and "human rights are impossible without women's rights."


  • 1998 - "Desert Flower"
  • 2004 - "Dawn in the Desert"
  • 2005 - "Children of the Desert"
  • 2007 - "Letter to my mother"
  • 2010 - "Daughter of Nomads" ("Black Woman, White Earth")
  • 2014 - "Safa"

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