Larisa Ogudalova (Character) - "Didnote", characteristic, image, quotes


Character History

Larisa Ogudalova is one of the most dramatic figures of Russian classical literature. The heroine of the play of Alexander Ostrovsky "Nadriddannica" struck readers of the depth of the soul, the purity of cardiac gusts. Causible to true, passionate, non-knowledgeable love obstacles, the girl faces the cruelproof of the world. In this world, the only passion reigns - the power of money, there is no place for the young idleness.

Author and history of character creation

Alexander Ostrovsky created a drama, already being a famous author. The work began in 1874 and ended in 1878. The basis of the plot, according to literature, a real story lay down. In the early 1870s, the playwright worked as an honorary Judge in the Kineshma district. At about this time, Alexander Nikolaevich met the materials of the sensational case that occurred in the county. According to the papers, the minor official Ivan Konovalov killed a young spouse.

The image of Larisa Ogudallova Researchers of Ostrovsky's creativity was compared with the heroine of another play of a classic, Katerina Kabanova. Between the women's characters, there are really many similar features, but there are differences. Katerina lives in a legitimate marriage, with a secured husband. The social status of Larisa is unlightened - the girl has no attachment that for the second half of the XIX century in Russia put the cross on a successful marriage.

Nevertheless, Cabanova, and Ogudalova - according to the characteristic of passionate, not afraid of their desires, thirsty. Girls choose love with a heart, not paying attention to material values. For both freedom, sincerity, becomes the beginning of the tragedy - and that and the other heroine awaits the sad finale, death. They are victims of circumstances, historical realities presented at that time.

Fate Larisa Ogudallova

The character of the heroine of the play, its appearance is revealed through the quotes, the dialogues of other characters arguing about the idleness. Larisa is young and beautiful, but lives with his mother, so it cannot be hoped for a profitable marriage. A year ago, the girl had a novel with shipowner Sergey Paratov. However, the Beloved young Ogudallova had to urgently leave the city.

Since then, the mother of beauty, Harita Ignatievna, holds the house open to the grooms. However, there is no suitable batch. Secured gentlemen do not want to take the wives of a hopelessness, the rest of the applicants are far from envy - in this tragedy of history. The charter tolerate in the house of the evening, Larisa, says Mother, what will come out for the first one who will offer hand and heart.

They become a small official Julius Kapitonch Karandyshev. Larisa despises the groom, but can not break this word. When cooking to the wedding is going on, the news is rushing around the city that Sergey Parats returns - this time to sell the favorite steamer "swallow".

Larisa is also disturbing and worries the news about the return of the Barin - after all, the love of Sergey is still burning in the heart of the heroine. In the house of the Ogudovy, a guest dinner, which is coming by local merchants. One of them, the moss of Parmerych Knurov, has long been of the views of the young beauty, but it can offer the girl only the content - after all, he has been married for a long time. Among the guests there are both the paraty, which, remaining alone with Larisa, is seeking recognition in love.

The girl does not know that the Barin is already engaged with a rich bride, which, as soon as the ship will sell, will immediately leave the city. In the evening of the same day, Julius Karadyshev invites Paratov, Knurova, childhood friend Larisa Vasily Lazhovatova to his dinner. Poor atmosphere, a tense atmosphere, drunk groom, who sweat over him, the merchants wonder Larisa in the heart.

The heroine is ready to leave the mother and the groom - Ogudalov in a rustling of passion, endless love in Paratov takes a proposal from the shipowner to go with him for the Volga. The next morning, Knurov and Historites are discussed by the fate of Larisa. Deltsi know that Sergey Sergeevich "Million Bride" does not exchange in Larisa. Now, young Ogudalova is easy prey, because the trip with Paratov compromises the heroine.

The merchants decide that the further path of Larisa is the path of the content. Each of the characters wishes to take a beauty as a companion to the exhibition in Paris, and to find out who luck will smile, throw a coin. Meanwhile, the escaped bride discovers the bitter truth - Paratov deceived Larisa Ogudallov, her hopes, love, purity. Soon, the idle quarandyshev finds. The official tells Larisa about the abandoned coin, suggests that for the rich girl is just a thing.

These words are a comparison with a thing - seem desperate heroine with a suitable illustration of her life. Understanding that now feelings do not mean anything, the girl declares that he will look for gold. Larisa is ready to answer the offer of Knurova, "won" her for a trip to Paris, as Julius Kapitonich shoots a bride. Death as if it becomes saving for a bad luck - dying, the girl reports that no one blames.

Larisa Ogudalova in the theater and films

The first places of play took place in the theaters of Moscow and St. Petersburg soon, after writing a work. However, the public and theatrical critics did not like the performances. The recognition of the audience came later, after the death of the playwright, in the late 1890s. Then the role of Larisa appeared talented actress Vera Commissionerzhevskaya. Over the next decades, Alexander Nikolayevich was put in many Russian theaters.

In the twentieth century, the play was repeatedly shielded. The first kinema was offered director Kaen Ganzen in 1912. The role of the Ogudovoy was invited by faith fat. The fusion of Jacob Protazananova, which appeared on the screens in 1936, was popular. In 1984, Eldar Ryazanov presented to the audience his vision of the Russian classic play in the film "Cruel Romance". Larisa Guzeyev spoke in the role of Ogudovoy.


You see, I stand at the crossroads: Support me, I need encouragement, sympathy; Believe me gently, with caress! Catch these minutes and do not miss them! ... talk to me carefully. Do not you see that my position is very serious? Every word I speak and I hear I feel. I have done a very sensitive and impressionable. I see that I have a doll for you; You will play me, break and quit. Love if being a thing, so one consolation is to be dear, very expensive. I serve me the last service: FIRST ROOM TO ME Knurova.


  • 1912 - "Dustpannica"
  • 1936 - "Didnote"
  • 1962 - "Didnote"
  • 1974 - "Nonmennica"
  • 1984 - "Cruel Romance"
  • 2011 - "Nonmennica"

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