Group "Papin Olympos" - photo, history of creation and composition, news, songs 2021



September 1, schoolchildren and students wait without much enthusiasm. This is understandable: at first - lessons, textbooks, teachers, seconds - "Institute, Exams, Session". But if among them there are fans of the creativity of the team of "Papin Olympos", then all the adversity of the first day of the fall of 2019 screamed a musical novelty, filled with bitterness memories of school pore, permanent soldiers of teachers and protest against the system.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of "Papinos Olympos" began in 2018, when in the heads of "two young rolling", as they themselves prefer to call, David Saifulloheva and Leonid Alyoshina (future bass guitarist) from Volgograd came the idea of ​​leaning his own bend. The date of birth of the team is considered the last day of spring when the debut track came out.

The idea of ​​the start of the musical career was like a timely - the frontman ended the school, she was preparing for the delivery of a single state exam, moving his studies to the background and leaving his head. And in the end, everything turned out: the initiative was supported and the other members of the composition - the drummer and the emperor Rhythm Daniel Sushchenko and the Keyman Elizabeth Andreeva, and by part-time the fan of Joseph Brodsky.

"Lisa is the cultural capital of the group. Lena - Ask him about any disease, he will answer that he hurt them. Danya - Hearted. And I'm just a good person, "said Saifulloev.

As for a very funny name, the fans have advanced several contradictory opinions, from the ruins of an ancient city in Liki to the father's camera, but in fact it was about the Olympic.

"Several years ago, they loved the work of Korzi on the parties. In one of the songs there are words "How do you have a father Olympos ...", at the concerts of his fans and now come in Olympos. Here my mother gave me the Olympic, and friends asked me: "What do you have, Dad Olympos?" I don't have dads, "David explained.


The debut spring release, sunken in the heart of many young listeners, was the "dark orange sunset", instantly separated over the network. But "Olympos" did not rest on the laurels, but "finished" the fans with the autumn collector "not to the brave" and a clip on the title hit, also had noisy success.

However, they do not remain aside and colleagues guys, for example, Kirill Lermontov (he is a niacion), who came to support beginner artists for a concert and offered cooperation. As a result, the light saw the track "The Body also hurts." And the community in Vkontakte called "Rhymes and Panches" gave the Volgograd team exact characteristic:

"Papin Olympos" will easily remind you of the work of buckwheat, and their songs will recreate the sound of oldest low demes on a magazine forgotten by someone in a box under the bed. Nevertheless, the group also uses modern grazers such as involved electronic synths. "

The secret of more than a successful start of David did not hide, comparing music with a woman who should be given to the greatest result in return.

"Papin Olympos" is now

In 2019, the release of the mini album SURVIVAL WITH ME COME ON, whose first working name was "no underground", preceded the publication of songs "I will not go today", "kitten" and "Komariki". In the debut ep, they were not included - five singles "Zombies named Billy" settled there, "Taxet", "waitress", "hate you all" and "Day, when we met with you."

The team then published on the music services "School", and in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte - the poster of the upcoming tour of the tour, the first part of which started with Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, and the second one with Samara and Ufa. In the same social networks, soloists are placed important information for fans relating to the replenishment of discography, fresh photos and news.


  • 2018 - "NOT BEGING"
  • 2019 - Survival with Me Come on


  • 2018 - "NOT BEGING"
  • 2019 - "Dark Orange Sunset"

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