Articles #99

Ninja Turtles (Characters) - pictures, comics, adventures, movies, names

Ninja Turtles (Characters) - pictures, comics, adventures, movies, names
Character History Ninja Turtles - Characters of the Popular Comic Series, as well as cartoon characters, films and computer games. Becoming the result...

Dean Winchester - biography, serial "supernatural", image, actor

Dean Winchester - biography, serial "supernatural", image, actor
Character History Having visited the hell, purgatory and even in heaven, Dean Winchester lives truly diverse life. Hunting for demons does not imply a...

Sam Winchester - biography, series "Supernatural", actor, image

Sam Winchester - biography, series "Supernatural", actor, image
Character History Characteristic Sam Winchester, ghost hunter and demons from fantasy series "Supernatural", impressive. The only young man who kills the...

Medusa Gorgon - character history, meaning, legend

Medusa Gorgon - character history, meaning, legend
Character History Ancient Greek mythology affected culture: ancient painters depicted gods, monsters and titans with oil paints on canvas, and the sculptors...

Perseus - biography, legend, image and character, actors

Perseus - biography, legend, image and character, actors
Character History In the myths of ancient Greece, the biographies of the heroes are often given, whom poets, sculptors and painters have attracted. It...

Santa Claus - character history, place of residence, quotes

Santa Claus - character history, place of residence, quotes
Character History Santa Claus is a character who has moved from fairy tales to reality. Children and adolescents believe in him, adults are resorted to...

Cat in boots - character biography, image and character, actors

Cat in boots - character biography, image and character, actors
Character History Performance, musical, anime - as soon as the legendary tale of a decisive cat was not transformed! It is not surprising, because a bold...

Cthulhu - History of the Divine, Name, Prototype

Cthulhu - History of the Divine, Name, Prototype
Character History Khulhu is the ugly creation, which is in dreams, from which blood is fastened. A resident of the sea depths is not distinguished by antiquity,...

Snow Maiden - character history, image and character, age

Snow Maiden - character history, image and character, age
Character History Character of urban New Year Folklore. The assistant and companionship of Santa Claus, comes from that granddaughter. In the oral folk...

Perun - History of Slavic God, attributes, name

Perun - History of Slavic God, attributes, name
Character History The character of Slavic mythology, God-Studzzitz and God of War, patronize the prince and the princely army - a squad. The name of Perun...

Riddick - Character Biography, Race, Actors, Quotes

Riddick - Character Biography, Race, Actors, Quotes
Character History Muscular violator of the law, whose sarcastic quotes fought out, is not just a villain. Riddick is the last hope of the universe for...

Cyclops - character biography, value, image and character

Cyclops - character biography, value, image and character
Character History Character of the mythology of the ancient Greeks. Cyclops represent either a certain individual race, or children of the goddess of the...