Articles #96

Persephone - biography, appearance and character, name, attributes

Persephone - biography, appearance and character, name, attributes
Character History Character of ancient Greek mythology. The goddess of fertility, the spouse of Aida - the Supreme God of the underground kingdom of the...

Ivan Homeless - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actor

Ivan Homeless - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actor
Character History Roman Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is a mysterious and mystical work of Soviet literature. Each narrative character...

Azazello - character biography, image and character, quotes, actor

Azazello - character biography, image and character, quotes, actor
Character History Character of the fantastic novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Demon-killer, enters Woland's Speed. Also named "Demon Deep...

Scorpio ("Mortal Kombat") - biography, ability, actor, filmization

Scorpio ("Mortal Kombat") - biography, ability, actor, filmization
Character History Mortal Combat is considered successful fighting game among computer games. It offers an interesting range of characters for managing...

Poam - biography of the character "Duck stories", image and character

Poam - biography of the character "Duck stories", image and character
Character History Disney has released many outstanding cartoons on which not one generation has grown. The universe of cartoon heroes grow up every year,...

Minos - biography, son of Zeus, legends and myths

Minos - biography, son of Zeus, legends and myths
Character History King Minos, right in Crete, brought an island state to greatness. The hero, whose father was Zeus himself, decorated the ancient Greek...

Jeff killer - character biography, age and weight, image and character

Jeff killer - character biography, age and weight, image and character
Character History Even people, far from the Internet horror strokes, Jeff killer is familiar - who did not send a terrible photo with implays, smiling...

Leather face - character biography, image and character, actors

Leather face - character biography, image and character, actors
Character History Character of a series of horror films "Texas chainsaw massacre." The killer maniac, brought up by the cannibal family. In each film of...

Vienna (Character) - Photo, Marvel, Comics, History, Biography, Image, Abilities

Vienna (Character) - Photo, Marvel, Comics, History, Biography, Image, Abilities
Character History Vienna - the villain of the Marvel Universe, which for his more than 30 years of history managed to pretty spider person. The other heroes,...

Glad - character biography, "Guardians of the Galaxy", image and character

Glad - character biography, "Guardians of the Galaxy", image and character
Character History All characters invented by the creators of the Universe "Marvel" are extraordinary. In addition to the main characters of the narrative...

Yonddu - character biography, image and character, actors and quotes

Yonddu - character biography, image and character, actors and quotes
Character History Singing the leader of intergalactic bandits, whose deeds deserved the censure even among colleagues on the robbery shop, knows the price....

Altron - character biography, value, image and character, quotes

Altron - character biography, value, image and character, quotes
Character History The robot, despising humanity and the imperfection of nature, is a worthy enemy for the strongest superheroes of the Earth. Altron, who...