Articles #84

Milina - character biography, image, meaning, actress

Milina - character biography, image, meaning, actress
Character History The Mortal Combat game collected the army of fans in different countries of the world. Characters forced players to share on representatives...

Moon Knight - character biography, image and character, ability

Moon Knight - character biography, image and character, ability
Character History In the biography of the lunar knight, many epithets with the word "former": the former son of Rabbi, a former military, former CIA agent....

Ivan Brovkin - biography, actor, image and character, filmization

Ivan Brovkin - biography, actor, image and character, filmization
Character History Character of two Soviet films in the comedy genre. Soldier, then sergeant retired, a century and brigadier. In Ivan, there is a bride...

Sponge Bob (Character) - Pictures, Main Heroes, Quotes, Square Pants, Patrick Star

Sponge Bob (Character) - Pictures, Main Heroes, Quotes, Square Pants, Patrick Star
Character History Sponge Bob Square pants are among the favorite children's cartoon characters. A bright hero, ready to come to help friends, promoting...

Doctor Who (Character) - Photo, Biography, Series, Appearance, Actors

Doctor Who (Character) - Photo, Biography, Series, Appearance, Actors
Character History Doctor who is "the most popular newcomer Britain" according to the version of the Mirliple Weekly Newspaper The Daily Telegraph. This...

Green Arrow - biography, friends and enemies, quotes, character, actor

Green Arrow - biography, friends and enemies, quotes, character, actor
Character History The present name of the superhero on nicknamed Green Arrow - Oliver Quune. It is an excellent archer and part-time billionaire, which...

Pavel Kirsanov - character biography, appearance and manners, quotes

Pavel Kirsanov - character biography, appearance and manners, quotes
Character History Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote the novel "Fathers and Children" in 1860. For that time, the work turned out to be advanced and symbolic....

Troubadur - character history, meaning of words, image and character

Troubadur - character history, meaning of words, image and character
Character History A cheerful, nonsense trumpetur from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians" conquered the audience to the thirst for freedom and the power of...

Truffaldino - character biography, duets, film simulations, actors

Truffaldino - character biography, duets, film simulations, actors
Character History Art historians have repeatedly and in the colors described the conflict of Carlo Gozzi and Carlo Goldoni, two Italian playwrights, chambers...

Chupacabra - character history, victims and evidence of existence

Chupacabra - character history, victims and evidence of existence
Character History Character of urban legend, folk beastly creature. Attacks on domestic animals, kills and sucks blood. There is a lot of risks about the...

Scalozub - character history, name name, goals in life

Scalozub - character history, name name, goals in life
Character History Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov wrote a comedy "grief from the mind" in 1824. The work is designed to appear the habits and views of the...

Evridika - the history of the appearance, the wife of the Orpheus, the meaning of the name

Evridika - the history of the appearance, the wife of the Orpheus, the meaning of the name
Character History The legends of ancient Greece are overflowed by different characters and incredible events. Heroes are selflessly fighting for power,...