Articles #83

Arkady Kirsanov - Biography, Life Principles, Image and Character

Arkady Kirsanov - Biography, Life Principles, Image and Character
Character History Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, who wrote the novel "Fathers and Children", created a weighty work for his era. He covered the opposition...

Vasily Buslaev - biography, appearance and character, epics, shielding

Vasily Buslaev - biography, appearance and character, epics, shielding
Character History The Russian literary tradition originates from the epic and testes, the centuries of the people who were in the people and transmitted...

Laocoon - biography, myths and legends, name, characteristic

Laocoon - biography, myths and legends, name, characteristic
Character History The heroes of the ancient myths and legends inspired artists to create delicious creations. Not only the gods and the supuses became...

Krishna - Biography of the Divine, Name, Commandments, Attributes

Krishna - Biography of the Divine, Name, Commandments, Attributes
Character History Religious beliefs of Europe and Asia differ from each other. The Supreme God of the Indians was and remains Krishna. He is a prophet...

Meneli - biography, image and character, name, epithets

Meneli - biography, image and character, name, epithets
Character History Grozny Vladyka Sparta, who spent 10 years to return the wrong wife, is a symbol of perseverance, pride and stubbornness. Meneli grew...

Agamemenon - Biography of the king, myths and legends, image and character

Agamemenon - Biography of the king, myths and legends, image and character
Character History Character of ancient Greek mythology. The king, which rules in mycken. The son of the previous Myna Tissue Atreya, the elder brother...

King Oedip - character biography, quotes, actors, image and character

King Oedip - character biography, quotes, actors, image and character
Character History Character of Greek mythology, Tsar PhiV. By ignorance killed his own father and married her mother. I blinded myself and retired to exile...

Dedal - biography, image, inventions, quotes, myths

Dedal - biography, image, inventions, quotes, myths
Character History Character of Greek mythology. Famous inventor, engineer and artist. Built the Knos Labyrinth in Crete for Tsar Minos. The king settled...

Archangel Gabriel (Character) - Image, Angel, Biography, Icon, Life

Archangel Gabriel (Character) - Image, Angel, Biography, Icon, Life
Character History Archangel Gabriel is a character that appears in the texts of the Holy Scriptures of several religions. It is considered one of the angels...

Molchanin - biography, image and character, values, quotes

Molchanin - biography, image and character, values, quotes
Character History The epithets that Aleksey Molchalin award, is a smoothie, sniffing and heartless passable. The anti-game comedy "grief from the mind"...

Lilith - biography, name, image and character

Lilith - biography, name, image and character
Character History Mythological character, the wife of Adam, whom God created the first to Eva. Lilith did not want to obey Adam and escaped from him, after...

Dieded - Biography of the King Argos, myths and feats, character

Dieded - Biography of the King Argos, myths and feats, character
Character History In the minds of people, the thought was rooted that the ruling king is the stronghold of the foundation and restraint. But the king of...