Articles #82

Archangel Mikhail (Character) - Image, Angel, Biography, Icon, Life

Archangel Mikhail (Character) - Image, Angel, Biography, Icon, Life
Character History Archangel Michael is a character, the image of which appears in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to the Christian religion,...

Methodius Buslaev - biography, appearance and character, quotes

Methodius Buslaev - biography, appearance and character, quotes
Character History After the triumphal publication of the books of Joan Rowling about Harry Potter, many Russian authors attempted to repeat the success...

Radha - History, Wife Krishna, Name, Mantra

Radha - History, Wife Krishna, Name, Mantra
Character History Character of Indian philosophy and mythology. The female embodiment of the deity, the immortal beloved of God Krishna.History of originThe...

Nemesis - character biography, name, image and character

Nemesis - character biography, name, image and character
Character History Pensive beauty carefully follows the deaths of mortals. As soon as the goddess Nemesis meets injustice or comes across a crime, the girl...

Edmond Dantes - biography, names and appearance, bride, quotes

Edmond Dantes - biography, names and appearance, bride, quotes
Character History The grim prisoner of the IF Castle is recognized as a real symbol of fair retaliation. The fate of Edmon Dantes, which Alexander Dumas...

Leviathan - origin of creatures, legends and myths, value in culture

Leviathan - origin of creatures, legends and myths, value in culture
Character History Old Testament Character, Marine Monster, created by God and later killed by Arkhangel Gabriel. The monstrous snakes, invulnerable to...

Abraham (biblical character) - photo, history, name, sacrifice

Abraham (biblical character) - photo, history, name, sacrifice
Character History Abraham is a biblical character who is considered the father of many nations. Initially, the hero of the biblical myths is the name of...

Lolita - Biography of Heroine Roman Nabokova, Appearance and quotes

Lolita - Biography of Heroine Roman Nabokova, Appearance and quotes
Character History Roman Vladimir Nabokova "Lolita" was located doubtful glory. After the publication, he caused a stormy reaction from critics and readers....

Gilgamesh - biography, myths and legends, name, image

Gilgamesh - biography, myths and legends, name, image
Character History Bold, fearless half-breed named Gilgamesh became famous thanks to his own feats, love for women and the ability to be friends with men....

Beatrice - Biography of Dante Muse, name, quotes

Beatrice - Biography of Dante Muse, name, quotes
Character History In the biography of each art worker there was a woman who inspired the creation of works and imprinted in them for centuries. The creator...

Jewish tender - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actor

Jewish tender - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actor
Character History Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote the novel "Lord Golovyov" in 1875-80. The work is a chronicle describing the life of one family. At first, the...

Childe Harold - biography, image and character, quotes

Childe Harold - biography, image and character, quotes
Character History In world literature, Childe Harold is the standard of the romantic hero. An attractive young man, tired of everyday existence, is sent...