Articles #71

Azor Ahai - Hero's biography, TV series "Game of Thrones", prophecy, actor, photo

Azor Ahai - Hero's biography, TV series "Game of Thrones", prophecy, actor, photo
Character History The series "The Game of Thrones", shot on the Saga George Martin "Song of Ice and Flame," disappointed some fans of the work, since the...

Patrick Melrose (Character) - Photo, Biography, TV series, Benedict Cumberbatch, actors

Patrick Melrose (Character) - Photo, Biography, TV series, Benedict Cumberbatch, actors
Character History Patrick Melrose is the protagonist of the book of British writer Edward Saint-Oba, as well as the eponymous series of these novels. A...

Antipych ("Storeroom Sun") - biography, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes, photos

Antipych ("Storeroom Sun") - biography, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes, photos
Character History Mikhail Svtain is a Soviet writer who chased the nature of his native country. The works of the writer are permeated with love for flora...

Nastya (Storeroom Sun ") - biography, image and characteristics, analysis, main characters, quotes

Nastya (Storeroom Sun ") - biography, image and characteristics, analysis, main characters, quotes
Character History Mikhail's Creativity is famous for the detailed descriptions of Russian nature, love for native places, flora and fauna of any regions...

Mitrash - biography, image and characteristics, analysis, main characters, quotes

Mitrash - biography, image and characteristics, analysis, main characters, quotes
Character History The story of the story of Mikhail Privina "Storeroom Suns". Boy of ten years, Nastya's brother, orphan. Together with the sister went...

Nicholenka Hirtienev - biography, appearance, family, fate and character, heroes, quotes

Nicholenka Hirtienev - biography, appearance, family, fate and character, heroes, quotes
Character History Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - the creator of the story "Childhood". The main character in it is Nicholya Hrtenev. The author introduces...

Rita Syanin - Biography of character, quotes, actress, image and character, photo

Rita Syanin - Biography of character, quotes, actress, image and character, photo
Character History The heroine of the story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...", as well as several shields of this text. Serious and...

Alesha Peshkov - biography, appearance, fate and character, heroes, quotes, photos

Alesha Peshkov - biography, appearance, fate and character, heroes, quotes, photos
Character History The main character of the autobiographical lead to Maxim Gorky "Childhood". A boy with a challenging fate, which had a lot of misfortunes,...

Green Goblin - Character Biography, Actor, Spider Man, Marvel Comics, Appearance, Photo

Green Goblin - Character Biography, Actor, Spider Man, Marvel Comics, Appearance, Photo
Character History The Universe "Marvel" is replete with extraordinary heroes. The peculiarity of these comics is that under the mask of one character in...

Samson Vyrin - biography, image and characteristic, analysis, name, quotes

Samson Vyrin - biography, image and characteristic, analysis, name, quotes
Character History The works united under the name "Tale of Belkin" were created by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In the writer's writers, they are demonstrated...

Doctor Octopus - Character Biography, Image and Character, Photo, Actor

Doctor Octopus - Character Biography, Image and Character, Photo, Actor
Character History The Universe "Marvel" is full of super-sloyers with unusual abilities. Some heroes are covered in comic screen vessels, other appear...

Victor Prodram - character biography, quotes, image and character, photo, actor

Victor Prodram - character biography, quotes, image and character, photo, actor
Character History Character of the Romanov series about Harry Potter English writer Joan Rowling. Student School of Mermstrang magic, located somewhere...