Articles #68

Gingerbile - character biography, character, appearance, quotes

Gingerbile - character biography, character, appearance, quotes
Character History The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Auditor" denies the characters inherent in any era. The characters who described the author...

Gaev - character biography, play "Cherry Garden", image and characteristic, film

Gaev - character biography, play "Cherry Garden", image and characteristic, film
Character History Character play Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden". Brother of the main heroine, Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.History of creation Anton Chekhov...

Natalia Savishna - Heroine biography from the story "Childhood", appearance, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes

Natalia Savishna - Heroine biography from the story "Childhood", appearance, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes
Character History A secondary character of the story of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood". Maid, then nyanka mother of the main character, then the housekeeper....

Larra - character biography, character, appearance, quotes

Larra - character biography, character, appearance, quotes
Character History The work of Maxim Gorky "Old Man Izergil" is a romantic story in which there is a narrative of three legends. From the mouth of an elderly...

Vera Shein - Heroine Biography, Tale "Pomegranate Bracelet", Music, Image and Characteristics, Character Analysis, Quotes, Photo

Vera Shein - Heroine Biography, Tale "Pomegranate Bracelet", Music, Image and Characteristics, Character Analysis, Quotes, Photo
Character History The main character of the story of Alexander Kurin "Pomegranate Bracelet". Princess, daughter of the British and Tatar prince, the wife...

Old woman Izergil (character) - photo, biography, heroine, image, characteristic, Danko, Bitter

Old woman Izergil (character) - photo, biography, heroine, image, characteristic, Danko, Bitter
Character History The old woman iszergil - the character of the same name, consisting of three, at first glance, not interrelated parts. A woman who survived...

Dr. Bormental - Character Biography, "Dog Heart", Actors and Roles, Image and Characteristics

Dr. Bormental - Character Biography, "Dog Heart", Actors and Roles, Image and Characteristics
Character History Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov presented the world literature of nontrivial heroes. Through literary creativity, he covered the modern...

Ranenskaya - Heroine Biography, Cherry Garden, Children, Image and Characteristics

Ranenskaya - Heroine Biography, Cherry Garden, Children, Image and Characteristics
Character History The main heroine of the lyrical play Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden". The landowner who wondered the state and remained without money....

Captain Marvel (character) - photo, biography, comics, strength and abilities, appearance, actress

Captain Marvel (character) - photo, biography, comics, strength and abilities, appearance, actress
Character History Captain Marvel is a comic character published by Marvel Comics, as well as fantastic films, animated series, computer games. The heroine...

Bellatris Lestrange - History, Photo, Books, Film, Actress

Bellatris Lestrange - History, Photo, Books, Film, Actress
Character History Saga about Harry Potter is known for fantastic creatures, incredible events and unsurpassed wizards. Negative plot characters in the...

Danila Bagrov - character biography, film "Brother", quotes, actors and roles, photo

Danila Bagrov - character biography, film "Brother", quotes, actors and roles, photo
Character History The main hero of the films of the director Alexei Balabanova "Brother" and "Brother-2". Veteran of the first Chechen war. Brother Hero...

Peter Luzhin - image and characteristics of the character of the novel "Crime and Punishment", Raskolnikov, quotes

Peter Luzhin - image and characteristics of the character of the novel "Crime and Punishment", Raskolnikov, quotes
Character History "Crime and Punishment" is the classics of world literature. Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky affects the profound of the images and...