Articles #67

Matrena Timofeevna - biography, image and characteristic of the heroine, quotes, the value of the name, photo

Matrena Timofeevna - biography, image and characteristic of the heroine, quotes, the value of the name, photo
Character History The essay of Nikolai Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" is written more than a century ago. The poem gives a bright characteristic of...

Yermil Girin - biography, image and characteristic, analysis, main characters, quotes, the value of the name

Yermil Girin - biography, image and characteristic, analysis, main characters, quotes, the value of the name
Character History The character of the poem Nikolai Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." In Poem, we are talking about how the seven peasant men went to...

Katerina Ivanovna ("Crime and Punishment") - Biography of heroine, "Crime and Punishment", Raskolnikov, Children, Image and Characteristics, Death, Photo

Katerina Ivanovna ("Crime and Punishment") - Biography of heroine, "Crime and Punishment", Raskolnikov, Children, Image and Characteristics, Death, Photo
Character History The secondary character of Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Officer's wife Marmaladov, stepmother Sony Marmaladeova, a...

Porfiry Petrovich ("Crime and Punishment") - image and characteristics, conversation with Raskolnikov, quotes

Porfiry Petrovich ("Crime and Punishment") - image and characteristics, conversation with Raskolnikov, quotes
Character History "Crime and Punishment" is an important work in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and the sign of the milestone in the history...

Karl Ivanovich - Teacher's biography from the story "Childhood", appearance, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes

Karl Ivanovich - Teacher's biography from the story "Childhood", appearance, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes
Character History A secondary image from the story of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood". The old teacher, German, works in the family of IRTENEV, teaches children...

Nikolai Diamond - biography, image and characteristics, quotes

Nikolai Diamond - biography, image and characteristics, quotes
Character History Alexander's story Kuzrina "Kush Lilan" does not take five pages, but brightly demonstrates the life of Russian people in the distant...

Vera Almazova - biography, image and characteristics of the heroine, quotes

Vera Almazova - biography, image and characteristics of the heroine, quotes
Character History Alexander Kuprin is a talented novelist, a short form master whose works were popular in the early 20th century. The stories of the author...

Belikov - character biography, character, appearance, quotes, photos

Belikov - character biography, character, appearance, quotes, photos
Character History The main character of the story of Anton Chekhov "Man in a case". Greek teacher, lonely man of older years, closed from the outside world,...

Andrei Sokolov - character biography, character, appearance, quotes, filmization

Andrei Sokolov - character biography, character, appearance, quotes, filmization
Character History The Russian soldier is a great warrior, a lot of misfortunes falls on whose share, in whatever era he has not defended his homeland....

Legolas - character biography, film "Lord of the Rings", character, appearance, quotes, actor

Legolas - character biography, film "Lord of the Rings", character, appearance, quotes, actor
Character History The character of Roman John Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings", as well as the same name of the names of the director of Peter Jackson's...

Rassakhin - character biography, "Crime and punishment", splitters, image and characteristics

Rassakhin - character biography, "Crime and punishment", splitters, image and characteristics
Character History The character of Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." University friend of the chief hero of Roman Rodion Raskolnikova.History...

Chelkash - character biography, Maxim Gorky, image and characteristic, appearance, quotes, main characters

Chelkash - character biography, Maxim Gorky, image and characteristic, appearance, quotes, main characters
Character History In the works of Maxim Gorky, realism and romanticism are surprisingly harmoniously combined. Short stories, the direction of which critics...