Articles #208

Ruslan Ostashko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Yutubeub Channel, Politrussia, "Time will Show" 2021

Ruslan Ostashko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Yutubeub Channel, Politrussia, "Time will Show" 2021
Biography Ruslan Ostashko is a Russian journalist, a businessman and a TV presenter who protects the national interests of the state. Free time a man dedicates...

Dan Fogler - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, lost weight, "Walking Dead", wife 2021

Dan Fogler - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, lost weight, "Walking Dead", wife 2021
Biography Dan Fogler since childhood was fascinated by the fictional worlds with bright and charismatic heroes, which became the basis for choosing a life...

Yana Brickchenko - biography, news, photo, personal life, skier, swimsuit, "instagram", ski racing 2021

Yana Brickchenko - biography, news, photo, personal life, skier, swimsuit, "instagram", ski racing 2021
Biography Often, athletes from provincial cities grow up to the world elite. Fans of ski racing await a similar jerk from Yana Brickic. And the young native...

Oleg Philipchik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Filmography 2021

Oleg Philipchik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Filmography 2021
Biography In his youth, Oleg Phillip decided to devote the life of the cinema and theater. Since the end of the Schukinsky school, he played tens of bright...

Polina Danilchenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Instagram", Shaw "Voice. Children ", participant 2021

Polina Danilchenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Instagram", Shaw "Voice. Children ", participant 2021
Biography At the age of 8 participation in the TV project "Voice. Children "became the first significant solo performance of the young soloist of the Unsemble"...

Lily Vasilyeva - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Skier, Ski Racing, World Cup 2021

Lily Vasilyeva - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Skier, Ski Racing, World Cup 2021
Biography Lily Vasilyeva began to ski in adolescence and spent years to succeed. She won recognition at Russian competitions, and in 2021 first received...

Alexey Polarinov - biography, personal life, photos, news, writer, books, Roman "Reef", author 2021

Alexey Polarinov - biography, personal life, photos, news, writer, books, Roman "Reef", author 2021
Biography February 17, 2021, Irina Shikman on a personal page in "Instagram" announced that her Yutiub-channel "And to talk?" The other day will enrich...

Evgeny Savelyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", husband Alexandra Bortich, son 2021

Evgeny Savelyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", husband Alexandra Bortich, son 2021
Biography Evgeny Savelyev - Russian businessman, owner of the company "King says!" and former politician. Having a chance to build a career in the state...

Yuri Evddokunun - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband Svetlana Rozhkova, artist 2021

Yuri Evddokunun - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband Svetlana Rozhkova, artist 2021
Biography On December 6, 2020, the next issue of the Talk Show "Stars came together" on NTV was devoted to an unemployed topic - Russian celebrities and...

Matvey Semenov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Parents, Rodkom, Movies, "Instagram" 2021

Matvey Semenov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Parents, Rodkom, Movies, "Instagram" 2021
Biography While one young Russians are in search of fame storming the vocal competition "Voice", others become famous, filming in the series. 2020 gave...

Dmitry Lowovtsev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "twitter", Alexei Navalny headquarters, journalist, FBK 2021

Dmitry Lowovtsev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "twitter", Alexei Navalny headquarters, journalist, FBK 2021
Biography Famous in Khabarovsk journalist Dmitry Lowovtsev left work on television to devote itself to activities in the opposition headquarters. But he...

Anthony Road - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", son of Irina Ponarovskaya, wife 2021

Anthony Road - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", son of Irina Ponarovskaya, wife 2021
Biography Anthony Road does not apply to the world of celebrities, but his name is heard due to the fact that he is the son of Irina Ponarovskaya. The...