Articles #1615

Kirill Zaporizhia - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021

Kirill Zaporizhia - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021
Biography When meeting, Kirill Zaporizhzhya was first asked if he was not the brother of Makara from the "youth". The actual and number of points in the...

Olga Podchufarova - biography, news, photos, personal life, biathlete, biathlon, Slovenia, "Instagram", return 2021

Olga Podchufarova - biography, news, photos, personal life, biathlete, biathlon, Slovenia, "Instagram", return 2021
Biography Olga Vladimirovna Plotcharova - Biathlon's star, the sports career of which was very difficult. She had a chance to survive both ups, and falls,...

Yanina Kolesnichenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Anatoly Cat, Films, Filmography 2021

Yanina Kolesnichenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Anatoly Cat, Films, Filmography 2021
Biography Yanina Evgenievna Kolesnichenko is bright, beautiful, peculiar, talented Russian actress of cinema and theater. In 2006, she received the title...

Evgeny Miller - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021

Evgeny Miller - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021
Biography Evgeny Miller - Actor of the Russian Theater and Cinema, whose star was lit at the Russian Kinoneblon in the mid-2000s. Since then, the piggy...

Yier Workova - Biography, "Voice. Children", Personal Life, Father, Photo and Latest News 2021

Yier Workova - Biography, "Voice. Children", Personal Life, Father, Photo and Latest News 2021
Biography In March 2016, Ivena, the work, a girl born in Sunny Bulgarian Plovdiv, will be 11 years old. But she has already held an artist. So consider...

Arina Mironova - biography, "voice. Children", personal life, photos, rumors and the latest news 2021

Arina Mironova - biography, "voice. Children", personal life, photos, rumors and the latest news 2021
Biography"I love complicated. Where it is difficult, fewer people. But you need to go to become a person, "says the girl who is 8 years old.Arina Mironova...

Margarita Slutskaya - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021

Margarita Slutskaya - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021
Biography Margarita Slutskaya is the Russian model, Internet blogger and the Vidge of his own video channel about cosmetology. He took part in the 4th...

Vladimir Chernokhlinov - biography, "voice. Children", personal life, photos, rumors and last news 2021

Vladimir Chernokhlinov - biography, "voice. Children", personal life, photos, rumors and last news 2021
Biography He is 14 years old, but he is already called the young Russian guitarist-virtuoso. His electric guitar game may envy adult rock musicians.Vladimir...

Nonna Yeganyan - Biography, "Voice. Children", Personal Life, Photos and Latest News 2021

Nonna Yeganyan - Biography, "Voice. Children", Personal Life, Photos and Latest News 2021
Biography 11-year-old Nonna Yeganyan lives in St. Petersburg. The girl is studying at the music school in the class of violin and sings wonderfully. She...

Ekaterina Kovalenko - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021

Ekaterina Kovalenko - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021
Biography Ekaterina Kovalenko - participant of the TV project "Bachelor of the 4th season", which has also recently become Vice-Miss Moscow. She was born...

Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021

Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021
Biography Tatyana Shmeleva - Russian model, dancer and beginner actress. Known as a member of the 4th season of the romantic show "Bachelor" on TNT, as...

Alexey Lobanov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and last news 2021

Alexey Lobanov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and last news 2021
Biography Alexey Lobanov is a Russian theater actor, in 2014, starring in the militant "Professional". The future artist was born in the late 1970s in...