Articles #1081

Ivan Sechenov - biography, photos, medicine, personal life, contribution to science

Ivan Sechenov - biography, photos, medicine, personal life, contribution to science
Biography The fate of Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, an outstanding scientist-physiologist, was not easy. In his biography, success was replaced by failures,...

Arash - biography, music, photos, news 2021

Arash - biography, music, photos, news 2021
Biography ARASH is a partner in Russia and Europe, characterized by a nontrivial musical style. The singer with Azerbaijani roots connects the Iranian...

Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA - biography, photos, figure skating, personal life, news 2021

Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA - biography, photos, figure skating, personal life, news 2021
Biography Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA - Kazakhstan figure skater, young, but feeding high hopes. When a fragile, low girl (her height - 148 cm) in training turned...

Jean Batist Lamarc - Biography, Photo, Science, Personal Life, Proceedings

Jean Batist Lamarc - Biography, Photo, Science, Personal Life, Proceedings
Biography Jean-Batista Lamarka belongs to the honor of the creator of the first classification of animals and plants. He made a huge scientific feat, but...

Jerome Kull Jerome - biography, photos, books, personal life, creativity

Jerome Kull Jerome - biography, photos, books, personal life, creativity
Biography Jerome Kull Jerome - British playwright and writer, whose popularity in Russia turned out to be almost higher than in his native Britain. The...

Louis Philipp I - personal life, board, overthrowing, cause of death, photo

Louis Philipp I - personal life, board, overthrowing, cause of death, photo
Biography Louis Philippe ruled France from 1830 to 1848 and became one of the most controversial leaders of the country. Historians call his board of the...

Michael Bean - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021

Michael Bean - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021
Biography Michael Bin is the star of Hollywood in the 1980s. On his account, dozens of work in the cinema, but glory and recognition were brought 3 film...

Sergo Ordzhonikidze - biography, photo, revolution, personal life, cause of death

Sergo Ordzhonikidze - biography, photo, revolution, personal life, cause of death
Biography Sergo Ordzhonikidze is known for raised the USSR industry to unprecedented heights. This statesman really did a story. At the same time, based...

Timofey Spivak - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021

Timofey Spivak - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021
Biography Do not be afraid of change and cool to change your life if you will require fate or established circumstances at a certain point in the moment...

Reese Ahmed - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, "Metal Sound", Nationality 2021

Reese Ahmed - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, "Metal Sound", Nationality 2021
Biography Reese Ahmed is the first in the history of the artist of Asian origin, who received the Emmy award for the acting game, political activist and...

William Garvey - biography, photos, medicine, personal life, contribution to science

William Garvey - biography, photos, medicine, personal life, contribution to science
Biography William Garvey is an English doctor 17th century, the author of one of the most significant discoveries in biology and medicine. It is the first...

Peter Weller - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021

Peter Weller - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021
Biography Peter Weller is an American actor and director. Due to its non-standard appearance, it stands out among Hollywood handsome and memorized by the...