Charlotte Cambridge - Photo, Biography, News, went to school, Princess 2021



Relatives of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II lives not easy - the possession of the press is becoming every step of the dukes and duchess, graphs and a counterture, princes and princesses of the British throne. For example, the Music of Queen Charlotte Cambridge appeared only in 2015, but the details of her biography without tired are discussed at the first lanes of world newspapers and magazines.

Childhood and family

Rumors about fast replenishment in the family Kate Middleton and Prince William official representatives of the Royal Court confirmed on September 8, 2014. It was expected that the child would be born in April 2015. The forecast served a good service to bookmakers: residents of Great Britain put serious money, seeking to guess when the next heir to the throne is born - 24 or 25 April.

The baby violated all the expectations, appeared at 8 o'clock 34 minutes on May 2, 2015 at the Holy Mary Hospital in London. Birth weight amounted to 3.71 kg. In honor of the birth of the fourth heiress of the British throne, large monuments of the capital were highlighted with pink color: the Tower Bridge, the Ferris Wheel "London Eye" and fountains on Trafalgar Square. Hyde Park and Tower Dali Salute.

On May 4, the world met Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Cambridge. The second names of the girl were given by the great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II and grandmother Diana - a hot beloved princess, whose perceptible death grieved all the United Kingdom.

2 months after birth, July 5, 2015, Archbishop Kenterbury Justin Welbi led Charlotte to Anglicism. The baptism ceremony took place in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Norfolk. In the same place in 1961, Princess Diana was immersed in Holy Water.

Great parents Girls became Adam Middleton and Laura Fellouse, Cate Middleton and Prince William, as well as family friends - Thomas Van Stubenze, James Mide and Sophie Carter.

Like all the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren of Elizabeth II (except Evgenia York), Charlotte was baptized in a family relic - silver gold-plated font. In her, the first child led to religion in 1841.

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At the birth of Charlotte received the title - her royal majesty of Princess Charlotte from Cambridge. She is the fourth in line to the British throne after his grandfather Prince Charles Wales, Pope William Cambridge and Senior Brother George.

Previously, the British throne was inherited first between men in the order of seniority, then the right to wear the crown was transferred to women, also for seniority. Now the floor does not play roles, the order of the throne defines only the date of the appearance of heirs to light. Interesting the fact that Charlotte became the first senior sister of the British Prince, who will come to power before him.

For the first time Charlotte appeared in the public on June 11, 2016. Parents made a girl on a balcony of the Buckingham Palace during the Trooping The Color parade. The same autumn, the baby participated in the royal visit to Canada, and in July 2017 he visited Poland and Germany.

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Despite the efforts of William and Kate to protect Charlotte and her George brothers (July 22, 2013) and Louis (April 23, 2018) from the press, each photo of the "royal baby", each statement causes fever.

According to the shopping statistics and polls of parents, Charlotte - baby style icon. The thing that the granddaughter of the princess Diana is put on, immediately sweep away from the shelves. According to BRAND Finance, the British economy thanks to Charlotte to get rich for £ 3 billion.

In January 2018, Charlotte went to Willcocks Nursery School - kindergarten near the Kensington Palace, where William and Kate family lives. The girl was taught everything that applies to know the royal individuals - the basics of etiquette, poetry, pottery, drawing, music, cooking and even French.

Charlotte Cambridge now

On September 5, 2019, Charlotte first went to school. Now the girl gets "adults" knowledge at Thomas's Battersea, her elder brother George is also studying here. No one will turn to the baby her royal majesty and magnify a princess - in the class heir to the British throne know as Charlotte Cambridge.

It was worth the girl to go into society how she began to "break down" family secrets. In the first week, Charlotte school boasts to classmates, which will soon bring up a younger sister.

"Mom will have another girl," Princess said confidently.

Is it worth waiting for the next joyful news from the Royal Court, it will show time, but the journalists then noticed that Kate Middleton's belly was truth slightly rounded.

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