Vladislav Ivanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Member "Dom-2" 2021



Vladislav Ivanov since childhood got used to work and discipline. These qualities together with the natural charm helped him to conquer the hearts of fans and participants of the Dom-2 project.

Childhood and youth

Vladislav Ivanov does not hide his age: he was born in 1994 in the city of Stavropol. Other details of the biography of celebrities, such as the sign of the zodiac and education information, are unknown. The young man is not a brother Konstantin Ivanova, they are namesakes.

The guy early began to get used to physical exertion. He received the title of Candidate in the Master of Sports on Boxing and spent a lot of time in the gym. This taught Vlada stamina, excerpt and ability to deal with difficulties.

Ivanov thought about independence and to start providing themselves. The young man was not afraid of hard work, worked on car wash and construction. All in order to move to Moscow and begin their own business, what a brother helped him.

When income began to grow, Vladislav was able to afford to travel. He visited Italy and Georgia, where he laid out the photo on the page "Instagram". Among the users of the network there were many fans of the lifestyle of an athlete. His audience grew rapidly, and enthusiastic reviews appeared under the posts.

"House 2"

October 14, 2019 the arrival of Vladislav for the Dom-2 project, which is broadcast on TNT TV channel. Within the framework of the show, lonely girls and guys are trying to establish a personal life and find the soul mate. It is for this purpose that the man was on the frontal place of telestroy. Ivanov said that she came to conquer the heart of the love of Drofto, with which before it corresponded on social networks and seen several times outside the project.

As a gift, Vladislav gave the girl a lush bouquet of red roses and boxing gloves as a sign of internal strength and imbibery. He noted that "House-2" lacks strong and confident men, but now it will change.

To win the sympathy of droft, the athlete stated that he would develop a system of individual training, which would be effective both in the gym and in the bedroom. Love appreciated the words of a man and showed interest to him, which allowed Vladislav to stay on the project. Fans of the show ambiguously spoke about the new participant, noting his excessive self-confidence.

Build relations with Droftic Vladislav never succeeded. Soon he began to show sympathy for other participants who responded to him. Only Anya Levchenko did not want to take care of the man, for which he insulted it, calling "Gopnitsa." Soon the girl at his own desire left the show.

Then Valentina Presnyakov came to Vladislav, who communicated with him to the project. The girl praised in Ivanovo straightness and strength, boasted what was able to conduct a household. She noted that he would not leave the project if she could not build relations with Vladislav.

Feelings between them did not flash. The leaders sent Ivanov to the Seychelles, where His sympathy won Claudia Legging, which tried to forget about the feelings for the former beloved Nikita Umansky. But the novel of the couple lasted for a short time, soon the girl announced that he leaves "House-2".

Meanwhile, Vlad aggravated the conflict with Presnyakova, who was unhappy with his shipment to the "Island of Love." The man accused Valentina that she did not hold her word, and demanded her care from the show. He gave a voice against the girl, and by decision of the majority of the participants, she was forced to say goodbye to Telestroy.

After that, the audiences showed how a man retired in the toilet with Kristina Khamraev. Later, they stated that they were simply kissed, but they refused to demonstrate the feelings on the camera. Spectators accused Vladislav in a desire to increase interest in their person, because due to the fact that he could not find a couple, other participants began to insist on their care from the project.

The viewers' opinion has changed when Ivanov confessed to the sympathy for Catherine Scalon. Prior to this, the girl was associated with a scandalous relationship with Fedor Rukkov, and Vladislav repeatedly hinted that she should find another man. After Katya flew to the Seychelles, they reported the news of the novel.

Participants in the sincerity of feelings did not believe. Ilya Yabbarov said that the relationship of the pair is unlikely to last 2 weeks. They were denied in settlement in a separate bungalow, which caused dissatisfaction with the audience, who watched the development of the relations of Scalon and Ivanov with interest, hoping that this time he could find a soul mate.

In December 2019, in general voting, it was decided to expel Vlad from the project, Katya said that he would leave for her beloved, but they were saved by the leading Olga Orlova. Despite this, it was not possible to keep feelings in love, soon the Scalon said that he wanted to part with a man because of the feelings of guilt, which was tormented by her all this time. After that, she tried to return the relationship, but the participant flatly refused to put up.

Personal life

About Vladislav's relations outside the information project is not, he prefers it to not comment.

Vladislav Ivanov now

In 2020, a man continued to delight fans with new posts in a social network, where he says that now is happening in his life.

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