Khalifa Haftar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Libya 2021



Huthtar Khalifara Caliphi Khalifara's biography is worthy of work in Tom Clansey. The officer has repeatedly faced a betrayal and betrayed the allies. In the life of the caliphs were a prison and a loss of loved ones, studies in Russia and emigration in the United States.

Childhood and youth

The military was born in the midst of the Second World War, on the day and year, when the regular movement of trolley buses launched in the Soviet Kirov on the occasion of the anniversary of the October Revolution. Unlike the city on Vyatka, who was in the rear, the Small Motherland Haftar, the Libyan city of Adjabia, was in the epicenter of battles between the Germans and the Americans. The Father Caliphs belonged to the Berber tribe al-Fardjani, mother was from Egypt.

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After studying in the hometown and the Turna, the young man entered the Royal Military College in Benghazi, where he became friends with Muammar Gaddafi. Cadets, like the Decembrists, together created the antimonarchic underground organization "Free Officers".

Libyan rebels turned out to be more successful than Russian colleagues and in 1969 with the help of Egyptian intelligence and silent support of a group of Soviet warships standing off on the shores of Libya, overthrew King Idris I. The determination from which Califa blocked the American air base in Tripoli. Haftar became the right hand of Gaddafi.

Military Career

The first external military success of a young commander is connected with the confrontation of the Arab coalition (Libya, Egypt and Syria) and Israel. As a result of the surgery implemented by Haftar on the "War of the Judgment Day" in October 1973, the troops of the Jewish state were discarded from the Suez Canal by 30 km.

However, a few days later, the Israelis had already come to Cairo and fired Damascus. The "fraternal Arabic triumvirate" collapsed, and in 1976, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat ordered the troops to seize Libya and execute the "Traitor Muammar". The Caliph division, armed with Soviet "hails," reflected the Egyptian attack on Musaid, and Sadat signed an agreement on the cease-fire.

At the turn of the 70s and the 80s of the 20th century, Haftar studied at the Moscow officer courses "Shot" and improved the qualifications at the Mikhail Frunze Military Academy. The classmates remembered the Libyan officer with friendly and smiling, but sidewalls and boys.

A series of victories of Haftar interrupted the hybrid war of Libya with a chance for a lane of a mussel, in which geologists discovered uranium ore. In February 1986, a fugasic bomb, discarded by the French attack aircraft, ripped next to the tent, in which Khalifa headquarters were located. Haftar received contusion and surrendered to captivity.

The deed Califa Gaddafi regarded both betrayal and renounced a friend. Almost a year and a half, Libyan Colonel spent in a cell standing on the sun on the territory of the former outdoor pool in the capital of Chad - Nitejamene.

In 1987, Haftar found CIA agents. He agreed to cooperate with the US intelligence services, and through Zaire (Congo), the Americans were taken out of the former enemy to Virginia.

In the early 90s of the 20th century, Haftar headed the front of the national salvation, the recruiting of Libyan politicians and officers for the antimammar coup. The rebels of the rebels were repeatedly suppressed Gaddafi, but in October 2011, the leader of the Arab Jamahiriya was captured and became a victim of extrajudicial reprisals.

In 2014, drochilation arose in Libya. Most of the country is controlled from the city of Tobruk Libyan National Army (LNA), headed by Hattar. However, Tripoli meets the Government of National Unity (Stone), which is supported by Turkey, USA, Italy, United Kingdom, Qatar and Tunisia, and Haftar - France, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China, Jordan.

Russia acts predominantly on the side of LNA (Khalifa has repeatedly met with Sergey Shoigu, and in January 2017 even visited the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"). However, not forgetting about its geopolitical interests in the north of Africa, Moscow is negotiating and with the leadership of Stone.

Personal life

The first wife caliphs and his little sons were killed by the orders of Muammar Gaddafi after Haftar surrendered. Having moved to America, the man began his personal life at first: the secondly married and again became his father.

Now it is known about the presence of the Military Avestigator of Asma, living in the American state of Virginia, and five sons, of which two - Uba and Al Muntasir - also live in the US, and Three - Saddam, Khalid and al-Sadik - in Libya.

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Huthtar himself double Libyan-American citizenship. In addition to the native Arabic language, the man owns Russian, English, Italian and spoken French.

In April 2018, European media extended the news about the hospitalization of the Libyan commander-in-chief to the Paris clinic. At first, a stroke of Haftar was reported, then a Feld Marshal cancer spreading from the lungs on the brain. There were rumors about the coma and subsequent death of caliphs. However, before May 2018, the Arabic leader, despite the honorable age and illness, returned to the performance of responsibilities and in the photo looks quite cheerful.

Khalifa Haftar now

On January 4, 2020, Khalifa declared jihad and universal mobilization. All citizens of the country, men and women will give weapons to confront external aggression against Libya. Such a decision the warlord accepted after approval by the Turkish parliament of sending armed forces to the help of opposition Haftar to the Tripolia government.

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During the January visit, Vladimir Putin to Istanbul, Russian and Turkish presidents made an initiative to cease hostilities in Libya from January 12, 2020. However, Haftar, thanking the leaders of Eurasian states, reported that he would continue to fight with groups, which, according to UN resolution, are terrorist.

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