Noah Bumbach - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Noah Bumbach is an American director and screenwriter, in the creative piggy bank of which there is a nomination for the prestigious Award "Oscar". The director attracted to his work the attention of critics and the public, despite the fact that his films do not always find the response of a wide audience.

Childhood and youth

Noah Bumbach was born in New York on September 3, 1969. The Son of the Writer and Journalist of the Village Voice newspaper already in the young years gave parents to understand what was going to tie a biography with art. He grew up in the family, where it was considered normal easily managed with writing texts, and inspiration literally steam in the air. Noa engaged in creativity and already in school years did the first dramaturgical sketches.

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The boy was fascinated by the cinema. He graduated from a senior school in Brooklyn in 1987 and entered the college of Vassar. In 1991, Noah became a graduate with an honorary diploma. The first place of work of a young man was the edition of The New Yorker, which for a novice culture worker was quite prestigious.


Bumbach debut in the field of cinema took place when he was 26 years old. The comedy "Forget and Remember" was published in 1995 and demonstrated the public ability of Noah as a screenwriter. The film presented at the film festival in the native city of the author. He narrated the four heroes, graduates of the college, which opened the prospects for adulthood. The tape received the approval of critics, and the surname of Bumbach appeared in the top of the newsweek.

After 2 years, the director independently removed the film "Mr. Jealousy", which was based on its author's scenario. The plot was built around a man who had in one support group with a former guy his beloved. The hero got the opportunity to know the submets of their relationship, and all the ribbons are built around this.

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In co-office with Wesc, Anderson Bumbach created a script for the film "Water Life". Taking a pseudonym, he replenished his filmography of the "Higher Step" ribbon. The first noticeable success came to the scriptwriter after the premiere of the picture "Kalmar and Kit", which appeared in the box office in 2005.

The tape on the history of the family, who collided with difficult life circumstances, received several nominations for the Golden Globe and Oscar. The project was semi-friendly and described the senses of the screenwriter relative to the divorce of parents and his own family. He was noted by experts in the field of cinema, which brought the director's career a new round.

If earlier the actors of the second category were shot in the films of Na Bumbach, then for the subsequent shooting at Margo at the Wedding, he invited the stars of the first magnitude. Nicole Kidman, Jack Black and Jennifer Jason Lie were involved in the picture.

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Since 2009, NAA began to cooperate with Ben Stiller, who took part in creating projects "While we are young" and "The History of the Mairrow Family". The second ribbon produced the Netflix Stregnation Service, and the main characters in the frame embodied Bin Stiller, Adam Sandler and Dustin Hoffman.

The sign picture filmography was "Cute Francis" filmography. From work on it, the interaction with the Writer of Greta Hervig began. The tape presented at the festival in Canada was highly appreciated by critics. It raised existential issues that the director repeatedly affected his projects.

By combining the main features of a modern man in the form of the main character, the author reasoned about predestination in his fate and place in life. It is curious that the partner of Bumbach to write a scenario Gervig subsequently starred in their joint project "Mrs. America". The premiere of the film took place in 2015.

Personal life

In 2001, the director became acquainted with actress Jennifer Jason Lee. The relationship between creative people began, which led to marriage. In 2005, a wedding took place. Five years later, his wife gave a na of the son of Romer, but by the time the personal life of the spouses was smashed. In just six months after the birth of the son of Bumbach, and whether they decided to divorce. Officially, the couple broke up in 2013.

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During the marriage process, the screenwriter has already been in relations with his colleague in the cinematic sphere of Greta Hervig. In 2011, they declared themselves a couple, but noa did not marry the chosen. The absence of a stamp in the passport did not prevent Baumbahu and Her Roll think about children. In 2019, they had a son.

Noah does not lead accounts on social networks, but in "Instagram" there is an account in which the photo director is published. The page is supported by fans of his work. Public images of Baumbach are published here, news about his projects and marketing materials. The director himself prefers not to share personal information, so even data like its growth and weight remain in secret.

Noah Bumbach now

2019 was marked for Noa Bumbach presentation of the film "Wedding Story" with Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver in the lead role. He again touched the topic of family relationships and parting spouses. The painting based on real events was highlighted by the Netflix platform and in 2020 received a nomination for the Oscar Award.Embed from getty images

Now Noah Bumbach continues to work on new cinematic projects as a director and screenwriter.


  • 1995 - "Forget and Remember"
  • 1997 - "Mr. Jealousy"
  • 1997 - "Higher Step"
  • 2005 - "Calmar and Kit"
  • 2007 - "Margo at the Wedding"
  • 2009 - "Greenberg"
  • 2012 - "Cute Francis"
  • 2014 - "While we are young"
  • 2015 - "Mrs. America"
  • 2015 - "de Palma"
  • 2017 - "Mairrow family history"
  • 2019 - "Marriage History"

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