Konstantin Chuychenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation 2021



Politician Konstantin Chuychenko made a brilliant career. Starting as an investigator in the district department, he managed to quickly advance through the career staircase, to get into politics and even take the position of deputy chairman of the government. Political scientists characterize its work in different ways, but in general, residents of Russia and those who understand this topic responded about the activities of Chuychenko positively.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Anatolyevich was born in the summer of 1965 in the Russian city of Lipetsk, there he also spent the first years of biography, then with his parents moved to the Leningrad region. His father worked as a transport prosecutor. About the childhood of the deputy, little is known, in the media only it was mentioned that he was a sociable and funny child, he was called the soul of the company in the circle of friends.

Politician Konstantin Chuychenko

After graduating from school, Chuychenko decided to continue the path of his father and entered the Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov. Dmitry Medvedev studied with him in one group. Having received a higher education, Konstantin began to build a career.

Career and politics

The first job Chuychenko was not related to politics. With a diploma from the Leningrad university, he got a job by the investigator, the service was held in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg. Later, I decided to continue my studies and entered the Academy of External Intelligence (formerly the Red Banner Institute of State Security (KGB) of the USSR).

For some time, Chuychenko worked in the State Security Committee, but in the early 1990s, he left there (or fell under the reduction). When the situation in the country began to stabilize, the graduate specialists became in demand, therefore Konstantin did without any problems with the company "Interiuraudit de Faria and T", where he took the position of general director. On her he stayed until 1994, and then proceeded to jurisprudence, becoming a lawyer.

The new round of Career Chuychenko acquired in 2001, when he rose at the helm of the Law Department of Gazprom, at that time the company worked his fellow countryman Dmitry Medvedev. For some assumptions, it was he who suggested a long-time friend. But for a long time in this position, Konstantin was not, after a year the man received an increase and entered the board of the company, and a year later he became a member of the Presidium of the Gazprom Arbitration Court and at the same time became a member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom.

Konstantin Chuychenko and Dmitry Medvedev

Career in Gazprom ended for Chuchenko in 2008. Dmitry Medvedev was elected to the position of President of the Russian Federation, they say that he called a comrade to the administration, appointing an assistant - the head of the control department. Konstantin Anatolyevich was responsible to follow the execution of presidential decisions at the regional and federal level. There he spent the next 10 years, since Vladimir Putin re-elected for the new term did not replace his new face.

In 2016, Chuychenko participated in the elimination of the Federal Agency for Special Construction. Judging by the report prepared by the employees of the Russian government, during the years of this organization, the systematic embossed of money and non-payment of salaries to employees of subcontractors took place. Konstantin Anatolyevich also headed the Supervisory Board of the Amur Tiger Center, which later entered Zarina Doguzov (nowadays the head of Roshurism).

In 2018, Konstantin Anatolyevich becomes a deputy prime minister. In the new position, a man was responsible for the state policy in the media and planning the work of the government, controlled the execution of the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, and also checked the efficiency of the federal authorities.

Personal life

About the personal life of Chuichenko knows little. He has a wife and three children. Spouse on education lawyer, but there is no information about her place of work on the network. The family provided, according to the data from the income declaration, only for 2017 Konstantin Anatolyevich replenished his own piggy bank by 12 million rubles, and his wife was 10 million rubles. In addition, a man has a frequent house with a shopping block, a motoviste, a boat and a trailer.

Politician Konstantin Chuychenko in 2019

Chuichenko Christina Tikhonov's wife falls by his native sister Yane Tikhonova, who for a long time attributed relations with Denis Sugobov. In the media even walked rumors that it was Konstantin who helped a relative so quickly climb the career ladder. In fact, the man's husband is called Maxim, with which she has been happy for many years in marriage. Sugobov also has a wife and five children, a woman name is Maria.

Chuychenko does not lead a profile in "Instagram", but his photo is often appearing on the government's press service page.

Konstantin Chuychenko now

On January 15, 2020, the news of the resignation of the government became known. About this evening, Dmitry Medvedev, and Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation, but he asked everyone to fulfill the authority before approving the new Cabinet of Ministers, since everyone leaves his posts. A few days later, the new composition of the country's government was published, Konstantin Chuychenko received the post of Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.


  • 2006 - Order of Honor
  • 2011 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland"
  • 2014 - Order of Alexander Nevsky

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