Fourcan Andich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Actor 2021



Fourcan Andych is a Turkish actor, first winning the hearts of the viewers in his homeland, then conquered lovers to melodram far beyond. A talented and charismatic handsome man is rapidly moving towards the peak of popularity, and films and serials with his participation enjoy high attention and instantly gain high ratings.

Childhood and youth

The star of Turkish soap operas in April 1990 was born in Istanbul. According to the nationality of Fourcan - Turk, although there are both Bosnian blood on the mother line in his veins.

Childhood and young years of actor took place in the outskirts of the city of Ataşehir. Mama-housewife brought up three sons (Fourcan - Middle). The head of the family was busy at work and was often in foreign business trips, providing sobed existence relatives. He founded his own company, where he served as a financial and administrative director.

Fourcan Andych, graduating from high school, went to the highest education in Ukraine. In 2007, watched in the language courses, entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. The guy quickly realized that the selected specialty was not his path, and was transferred to the Faculty of Economics. But here he studied only a year, leaving his studies and returning home.

In Istanbul, a young man joined the ranks of the University of Bigji, where he studied at the Faculty of Radio and Television. In 2011, it continued to education at the Faculty of Visual Communication and Design at the University of Yedittepe. All these years, Andich dreamed of theatrical stage, but on the advice of a friend turned into a modeling agency, which helped make the first steps on television.

Handsome, whose growth reaches 1.90 m, and weight ranges in the range of 88-90 kg, willingly removed in commercials, which were broadcast on various Turkish channels. Furkana Andich's figure is the subject of admiration for girls and envy of men. Basketball, to which he devoted 11 years of life to keep the form of an actor.


The cinematic biography of Andesch started in 2011, when the viewers first saw him on the screens in the College Diaries ", where Fourcan got an episodic role of a rustled student named Merrt. The series became a rating, but the audience did not have time to remember the flashed guy.

The taste of glory is young artist felt next year. In 2012, Andich played a key character in the TV series "Desperate Housewives", in which he starred for 3 seasons.

After this work, Furkana willingly invite Turkish directors, trusting the main characters. In 2013, he appeared in the ribbon "fleeing from the rain", in 2014 - in the melodrama "escaped the brides." During the next three years, the filmography of the ascending star of Turkish cinema was replenished with paintings "offended flowers", "Merry" and "Sweet Revenge".

The first prestigious reward appeared in the first-end project in the artist's piggy bank. Playing a key character in the comedy "Sweet Revenge", Andich for a better understanding of the role was trained in cook courses. Now the actor pleases appetizing dishes of relatives and friends.

Personal life

In the hours of leisure, Fourkan Andych is engaged in Thai boxing and surfing. He has pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter", for the emergence of fresh photos on which fans are closely followed. The actor willingly communicate with the subscribers, sharing the secrets of personal life. He admitted that too emotional and jealous, what is trying to fight. The favorite actresses called Kate Blanchett and Natalie Portman.

Star handsome man is very popular among the colleagues of the fine floor, but the wife and children have not yet acquired. In 2014, fans spoke about the novel with Denise Baisal, partner on the TV series "Fallen Brides". But the connection was the fiction of journalists - the pair refuted the rumors.

The same story happened in 2016, when Fourcan was filmed in the TV series "Sweet Revenge" with Leila Lydia Tugul. And again it turned out that the novel existed only in a rich imagination of journalists and fans.

In 2018, Andich was pleased with fans. A colleague Dylan Chichek Deniz colleague was a favorite girl of the actor, a kiss. The couple did not deny romantic relationships. Since then, Fourcan does not hide his beloved from the cameras and often appears in the public.

Fourcan Andych now

Now the star of Turkish melodram continues to be filmed, annually giving the audience for 2-3 projects. In 2019, Andych appeared in the Motherwest Drama "Children's Sisters", where she played one side of the love triangle. The project partner has become famous in the homeland of Actress Afr Sarachoglu.

In the summer of 2019, Furkana Andichy saw in the lead role in the romantic comedy "everywhere you". His film played by Aibuke Busat.


  • 2011 - "College Diaries"
  • 2011 - "Desperate Housewives"
  • 2011 - "I called her Ferich"
  • 2012 - "History of cookies"
  • 2013 - "Flowing from the Rain"
  • 2014 - "Bread, Love, Dreams"
  • 2016 - "Digested Brides"
  • 2016 - "Sweet Revenge"
  • 2016 - "Offended Flowers"
  • 2017 - "Groom Team"
  • 2017 - "Merry"
  • 2019 - "Children of Sisters"
  • 2019 - "You are everywhere"

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