Alina Kovalenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ukrainian actress Theater and Cinema Alina Kovalenko has an unusual appearance, which, in addition to directors, attracts photographers. She tried himself in modeling, but still decided to dwell on the actor. With his talented game, Alina conquered not only domestic, but also foreign spectators.

Childhood and youth

Alina was born in the spring of 1992 in the Ukrainian capital - Kiev. As the children's years of her biography passed, everything remains a mystery. It is only known that for some time she worked as a model, education received at the Kiev National University of Theater, cinema and television. I. K. Karpenko-Karoi, at the Faculty of Acting Mastery.

Alina's career on television began not from films. With a diploma of higher education, she went to castings, and her first roles were in music clips and advertising. For a while, the girl played in the theater and even tried independently to put the performances, but all this period did not leave dreams to appear on the screen.


The debut in the movie took place at Kovalenko in 2017, her first ribbon became a melodrama "Girl with peaches." She tried on the image of the village beauties Anna, which earns, selling peaches. But once the girl gets into an accident, gets numerous injuries and loses the possibility of walking. From this point on, her life turns over, because now without a wheelchair, it does not even overcome the pair of meters.

Alina Kovalenko and Vlad Nikityuk

The culprit of the accident Roman wants to correct everything that has done, and for this transports it to his home and provides full care. Moving to him, Anna pursues another goal: take revenge on a person, because of which her destiny has changed forever. The main male hero was performed by Vlad Nikityuk.

Covalenko told about this role that the character play was difficult. Anna is the complete opposite of Alina in life, so actresses had to spend some time to understand her character and nature, as well as take into account the upbringing and origin. Psychological difficulty caused the fact that during filming a lot of time she had to sit in a wheelchair, but at the same time she revised her own attitude towards people with disabilities, realizing on their own experience, as difficult to them accounted for in life.

The way Alina embodied the image of a dramatic heroine, very much in the Ukrainian directors, so after the release of the film on the screens, it was regularly invited to other shooting. After a year, she appeared in the TV series "Open Window", where he played Marina.

In the same year, the artist starred in the Ukrainian melodrama "Girls" with the Dasha Volga, Valeria Fedorovich, Anastasia Shulgoy and Eva Shevchenko-Golovko starring, and then in the 12-Series Russian-speaking mystical television series "Sorduny", the director of whom the Swede Anders Jar. There she reincarnated in the girl named Dean.

At the end of February 2019, the 1st series of large-scale costume melodrama "serf" came out on the STB channel. The actress played the daughter of the Kiev landowner Olga Rodzevich. The plot unfolds in 1856 in the provincial city of Nevini Chernihiv province. The main role of the rich landowner Peter Chervinsky was performed by Stanislav Boglan, Julia Auga played His wife Anna Lvovna.

As an idea of ​​the screenwriters, their family owns the young fortress Katerina by Verbian, who, despite the origin, plays the piano, knows foreign languages, writes pictures and has flawless manners. Such a godfather Anna Lvivna raised her.

Alina got into the main cast. Her heroine Olga adheres to free views and very highly, but beauty and mind make it the main star of Kiev society. The picture was so liked by the audience that the directors almost immediately started shooting the 2nd season. He came out in September of the same year and had no less demand, and therefore the news about the exit of the 3rd ribbon was known in October. Its premiere is planned for 2021, the exact date and acting of the new series have not yet been specified.

The first full-length picture in the list of works Kovalenko was the film-action "Cool. 1918 "Director Alexei Shapareva, dedicated to the events that occurred during the fight under steep in the winter of 1918. The rolled tape reached in early February 2019. Another feature film "Zakhar Berkut" with the participation of Alina began to broadcast in the cinemas in October 2019, she played the heroine Roman. The film was filmed by director Akhtem Seitablaev and John Winn, shielding the historical story of Ivan Franko the same name.

Personal life

Kovalenko's personal life is kept away from strangers and nothing gives the presence or absence of a young man. On social networks ("Instagram", "Vkontakte"), the actress lays out only own photos. On most of them, it is captured alone, and some pictures are made during photo shoots.
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There are footage with rest, including a swimsuit. It can be seen that Alina carefully monitors the figure (height 178 cm, weight 54 kg), adheres to the right nutrition and is engaged in sports. In his free time, it leads a personal photoblog.

Alina Kovalenko now

2020 began for Alina positively. Immediately 2 seasons (one after another) "serf" from the beginning of January began to be broadcast on the channel "Russia-1", making an artist to the well-known and among Russian audience. All actors' dialogues were conducted in Russian.

Alina and now continues to receive offers from other directors, every year I am racing the filmography of new projects.


  • 2017 - "Girl with Peaches"
  • 2018 - "Open Window"
  • 2018 - "My girls"
  • 2018 - "Caldunya"
  • 2018 - "Die-4"
  • 2018 - "Voice from the Past"
  • 2019 - "Cools. 1918 "
  • 2019 - "Cools. 1918 "
  • 2019 - "Zakhar Berkut"
  • 2019-2020 - "serf"

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