Igor Krasnov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Prosectering of the Russian Federation, EU sanctions 2021



The resignation of the government in early 2020 laid the beginning of a fundamental transformation of Russia's political system. The following fundamental solutions were not forced to wait a long time: Yuri Chaika was exempted from the position of the Prosecutor General "in connection with the transition to another job." For the released post, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Igor Krasnova, Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

Igor Viktorovich Krasnov was born in Arkhangelsk on December 24, 1975. Since childhood, possessing an inquisitive mind, differing in concentration and punctuality, he knew that life would connect with justice.

Igor Krasnov

Legal education Igor Krasnov received in Pomeranian State University. M. V. Lomonosov (now the Northern Federal University), and in 1997 he entered the service to the prosecution authorities, starting from the lowest position.


By the 2000s, Igor Krasnov earned a reputation as a fair, incorruptible senior investigator on particularly important cases in the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia. Therefore, he began to trust resonant affairs.

So, in 2005, Igor Krasnov put his hand to investigate the attempt on Anatoly Chubais, the current general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Thanks to his fat and perseverance, the acquittal for the three probable perpetrators in 2008 was appealed, and the case again gave a move.

Lawyer Igor Krasnov

None of the defendants sitting on the bench were not punished, but later they showed their real person: the main accused, Colonel GRU retired Vladimir Kvachkov, tried twice for the call to the organization of armed rebellion and the initiation of hatred in public servants.

Igor Igor Krasnov to investigate and accomplished murders. Under his leadership, they were looking for guilty of the death of the Judge of the Moscow City Court of Eduard Chuvashov, the world champion in Thai boxing Muslim Abdullayev, Fedor Filatov's anti-fascists and Ivan Khutorsky.

Igor Viktorovich's special glory brought a case about the murder of a lawyer Stanislav Markelov and a new newspaper journalist Anastasia Baburova in 2009. Confident actions of Igor Krasnova and competent leadership team led to the arrest and imprisonment of Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Hasis.

Later it turned out that one of the convicts had a relation to the combat organization of Russian nationalists (Born) - one of the most cruel nationalist groups in Russia. Preventing their activities, the appointment of a fair punishment for crimes committed by Born - all this is again the merit of Igor Krasnov.

Lawyer Igor Krasnov

Lawyers Alexei Pershin and Vladimir Zherebonkov, who had a chance to work with Igor Krasnov over the murder of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, in an interview with Novaya Gazeta, characterized the investigator as a "high-class professional", "without exaggeration - one of the best in the Investigative Committee."

"Krasnov is a thoughtful, the most motive investigator. He very checkered to evidence - carefully collect them and competently fixes them, "said Vladimir Zherebonkov.

Perhaps it was for these qualities in 2015 by Igor Krasnov, by that time the general had already appointed the main thing for the investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov, a political figure. Guilty in the deeds recognized seven natives of the Chechen Republic. For the achieved result of the future of the potential Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, April 30, 2016 increased to the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

In the career of Igor Krasnov, there will be a successful investigation of not only "wet", but also corruption affairs. So, since September 2014 to March 2015, he headed the group to investigate theft in the construction of the Eastern cosmodrome in the Amur region, and in 2016 caught Dmitry Zakharchenko, Police Colonel, on a bribe and obsolence justice.

Lieutenant-General Justice Igor Krasnov

Other Igor Krasnova's bright case is an investigation into the catastrophe at Sheremetyevo Airport, which occurred in May 2019 and claimed 41 people. Without waiting for the conclusions of the Interstate Aviation Committee, the investigative committee of the Russian Federation called the guilty of the pilot of the Denis Evdokimov pilot of the aircraft.

Igor Krasnov refers to the type of employees who coolly and rightly make decisions regarding other persons. He silently - never before the candidate for the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation did not appreciate the progress of the media, wanting to grasp glory. Only when his position became "media", an extended interview appeared on the Internet.

January 13, 2020, shortly before the proposal of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, to become the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Krasnov was interviewed by journalists of Kommersant. He not only analyzed the loud cases that took place in his career, but also offered possible solutions to the fight against corruption and armed attacks in educational institutions.

Personal life

Igor Krasnov is a fairly secretive person, so there is no information about his personal life in open sources. Does he have a wife or children where he lives and what is engaged in his free time, it remains only to guess.

Igor Krasnov

Like many representatives of the powerful departments, Igor Krasnov was not used to spending time on social networks, so he has no pages in "Instagram" or in VKontakte. All photos of men who appear on the Internet are official.

Igor Krasnov Now

On January 20, 2020, Vladimir Putin liberated the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Seak from his position. The reason for this is the transition to another job, as was indicated in the news on the website of the Kremlin.

Igor Krasnov

The president of Russia proposed for the liberated position, he suggested that Igor Krasnov - promising, young, strict lieutenant-general of justice. The fateful decision in the biography of the Deputy Chairman of the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council adopted on January 222020.

On March 2, 2021, Krasnov came under the sanctions of the EU, introduced in connection with the sentencing Alexei Navalne.


  • 2011 - the medal of the Order "For merits to the Fatherland of II degree"
  • 2014 - Honor of the President of the Russian Federation

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