Valeria Karaman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Model 2021



Valeria Karaman managed to turn his drawbacks and becoming a popular model of glossy publications. But the girl did not stop on the achieved and began to master the new directions of creativity, conquering the hearts of the music and cinema fans.

Childhood and youth

Valeria Karaman was born on August 15, 1994 in the town of Bender, Moldova. In the veins model flows the blood of representatives of Jewish and Moldavian nationalities. The childhood of the girl passed in Transnistria, in the spirit of folk traditions, but soon the parents divorced, after which the move to Yakutsk was followed.

The future star grew under the supervision of the nanny, because Mom has a lot and hard worked. Then she got married again, and the family moved to the Ukrainian city of Kherson. Stephi replaced the girl's father, worked as a bartender to provide his wife and child. Despite the fact that I had to live modestly, my parents did not regret funds for the comprehensive development of Valeria.

Already in the school years, Karaman studied foreign languages, visited the music school, where he played the piano and engaged in vocals. Relationships with peers in the girl were not charged, she was teased for excessive hoodoobu and big ears. But it was these flaws that eventually helped the ler start their career in the model business.


Being a teenager, the girl attracted the attention of the Scout NEXT Models New York, who offered her cooperation. As a result, the novice model visited the United States, where he worked with Max Azari brands and Calvin Klein. The following years have passed in flights and wandering for removable apartments. At first, the income of Caraman was small, many things got to her as a gift from designers, but she had the opportunity to see the world and gain experience.

During life in Paris, the girl learned French, acquired useful ties. Among familiar Lera began to appear writers, artists and actors who attracted her love for art and cinema. Her relevance has grown rapidly, the star worked with L'oreal brands, Balenciaga, posed for the cover of Vogue.

Soon Karaman decided to try himself as an actress. She began to act in the clips, appeared in the video of such teams as "lawyers" and "vulgar Molly", became the main character of the video on the song Podruga from Rapper Skiptonitis. In parallel, the girl participated in the advertising campaigns.

In 2018, the network users touched the video from the Italian brand Diesel, calling for "follow their shortcomings." In it, the model played a girl who suffers because of too much nose and is solved on plastic surgery. Later she meets the guy who had previously corrected the form of the ears, and their child was born that inherited the disadvantages of both parents. But the presence of flaws of appearance does not make a boy less beloved, even the opposite.

Later, Valeria fell the opportunity to participate in the creation of a horror movie. She performed a key role in the film of Robert Eggers "Mayak". To get on the shooting, the girl was able to thanks to the director's wife, who drew attention to the Caraman, while the vulgar Molly Roller shows - "Typical Pool Party" - at the Film Festival in Berlin.

Lera, who has long been interested in the work of Eggers, was happy to work with the director. She appeared in front of the audience in the image of the mermaid, which comes in the visions of the main hero. Especially for the role of the girl had to deal with a professional diver and spend a lot of time in the water, taking a heavy silicone tail on themselves. The company at the model of the model amounted to Willem Defo and Robert Pattinson. In an interview for "TheBabel", Karaman told that the latter very much supported it and continued to communicate after the filming.

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When work on the film came to an end, the star returned to Ukraine. Together with friends, she took up the creation of a brand called Pre Apocalypse Clothes. The main purpose of the novice designer is the struggle for the ecology. For this, clothing buy in second-handes, and then reworked, turning into fashionable things.

Also, Karaman was engaged in promoting his own punk rock group "Blood", which was organized with his girlfriends. The debut composition "Accident Childhood" was ambiguously appreciated critics and soon received the same extraordinary clip, shot on the streets of the city. But, creating a project, Lera did not plan to seriously engage in music, but just wanted to have fun.

Personal life

During a conversation with a journalist "Thebabel" Lera agreed to shed light on the secrets of personal life. The girl said that in the past was the hostage of the abusive relations ending when a young man beat her.

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Shortly after the break, she met the future husband who helped the elect overcoming a severe biography stage. The marriage lasted 4 years and ended with parting without official divorce.

Valeria Karaman now

In January 2020, the premiere of the film "Lighthouse" took place in Russia with the participation of the actress. Now the girl continues to pose for famous brands and engage in creativity. She supports communication with subscribers of page in "Instagram", where publishes photos and news. The star is often divided by snapshots in a swimsuit, on which the advantages of her slim figure are visible.


  • 2019 - "Lighthouse"

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