David Kronenberg - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News Movies, Director 2021



David Kronenberg is a shocking person in world cinema. The films of the Canadian director and the screenwriter are filled with strange images, expressive plots, mysteriously frightening characters. The paintings of the master merge elements of Horror, Tresh, there are parody and ironic principles, philosophical reasoning about the essence of human being.

Childhood and youth

A bright representative of American copyright cinema was born on March 15, 1943 in Toronto. Since childhood, the boy was in a creative atmosphere. David's mother is a professional musician, father - writer and journalist. Scriptwriter Lithuanian roots. The grandfather's grandfather was the name of Foreman and was a native of Lithuania.

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Later, the grandfather, together with his family, immigrated to the States, where he decided to start life from scratch. This was reflected in the new name, "borrowed" from Leopold Kronenberg, who was considered the richest and influential person in Lithuania. After graduating from school, David entered the University of Toronto at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.


Debut works - two experimental paintings - a young director took off in 1970, when he was a student. After 5 years, the first commercial tape of Kronenberg under the bright name "abomination" was published. The basis of the plot was the narrative of parasites penetrating in the body of people and causing those passionate desire to copulate. Already in this early work, art features were manifested, which the director will later use in other works. These are ironic motifs and arthouch "madness."Embed from getty images

In 1981, the "Scanners" film appears, in the center of which is a story about the emergence of a new race of people with telepathic abilities formed after an unsuccessful pharmaceutical experiment. Film crims subsequently repeatedly noted that the topics of metamorphosis, the transformations of the heroes in unusual creatures were born in the consciousness of the director on the basis of knowledge obtained at the university.

The following works of David secured the status of an avant-garde wizard, creating amazing fantastic worlds on the screen. High ratings received the screen version of the novel Stephen King "Dead Zone". And in 1986 a picture of "Fly", which became "program" in the work of the screenwriter. This fantastic ribbon with horror elements entered the history of world cinema as a bright sample of the genre "Biological horror".

In the early 90s, the director again turned to the screening of the literary work. This time Kronenberg chose the novel of Hipster William Berrowza. The painting organically combined scenes from the literary work and the facts from the biography of the writer. Burrow himself rated the work created along with film critics.

In the 1990s, David continues to shoot films containing a dramatic basis and at the same time empty, shocking viewers with an abundance of frank erotic scenes. These ribbons include "M. Butterfly "- a film created on the basis of real events, and the" car accident ", which received a reward in Cannes with the wording" for artistic courage. " In 1999, the painting "Existence" was released on the screens, illuminating the theme of the consciousness of a person who became the hostage of virtual reality.

The beginning of the new millennium is a turning point in the creative biography of the director. Cronenberg gradually departs from Horror, those genetic mutations and addresses human drams, society problems. In this case, the wizard can save the recognizable style. Among the bright work of the director during this period include the paintings "Dangerous Method" and "Cosmopolis".

Personal life

David signed the first marriage in 1972. The wife of the screenwriter became Margaret Hindon, who gave his wife to the daughter of Cassandra. After 7 years, the couple divorced. Later, the director again entered into marriage, in which the Keryoline Zeifman's daughter was born to Keitlin and son Brandon. The divorce with the second wife occurred in 2017.

David Cronenberg now

Recently, the director does not induce fans with new works and does not devote the press in creative plans.Embed from getty images

In 2019, the information that Cronenberg was going to release a new film was not appeared. It can be assumed that the master while collecting material for the next picture.

The screenwriter does not lead an "instagram", does not postpone for connoisseurs of his films photos. Father's case continues the son of Brandon. The young man has already removed several short work.


  • 1970 - "Crimes of the Future"
  • 1979 - "Ablen company"
  • 1981 - "Scanners"
  • 1982 - "Video Moder"
  • 1983 - "Dead Zone"
  • 1986 - "Fly"
  • 1991 - "Lunch Nagishche"
  • 1993 - "M. Butterfly"
  • 1996 - "Avtokatstroa"
  • 1999 - "Existence"
  • 2002 - "Spider"
  • 2011 - "Dangerous Method"
  • 2012 - "Cosmopolis"
  • 2014 - "Star Map"

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