Ivan Drago - Photo, Boxer, Film, Actor Dolph Lundgren, Rocky Balboa


Character History

Ivan Drago - hero of the Rocky cult film series, Russian boxer. The courageous appearance, straightness, persistently made a fighter one of the most vivid and memorable participants in the plot. The image of Ivan the masterfully embodied on the screen Swedish actor Dolph Lundgren. The character was controversial: some saw in it the idealization of the Soviet system, others - grotesque and parody. In addition to movies, computer games appeared with the participation of the Soviet boxer.

History of character creation

Captain Drago Character was conceived for the fourth part of the franchise about Rocca, published in 1985. It was a special time in the history of the United States and the USSR - friendly relations were established between the countries, televisions were arranged. At the same time, the Union remained a potential opponent for America. It is no coincidence that the Soviet boxer was chosen as a rival of the protagonist of the film. In the image of Ivan, stamps were embodied, characteristic of the perception of the Americans of Soviet citizens.

Surov character, few and not experiencing emotions. The texture of the fighter is impressive - according to the scenario hero's growth - 193 cm, weight - 118 kg. Supplements the image of the pumped figure of drago, powerful jaw and hairstyle, which has become popular in the Union in the 80-90s. In this image, it seems to be guessed, symbolizing the USSR in the eyes of the United States - a huge and dangerous state. In the dramatic moments, the Soviet boxer remains impassive, cold. The man does not touch the death of the fighter, with whom Ivan just fought, the captain is similar to a soulless mechanism that acts in accordance with the installations above.

The hero has no historical prototype, it is a collective image of the Soviet Boxer-Military. The speech of the character is also carefully thought out by screenwriters. A man speaks short-cut phrases through which he brings his plans to the audience.

Biography Ivan Drago

According to the plot of the film, Ivan is the winner of the 1980 Summer Olympic Games. In addition, Drago is a champion of a boxing union. Also from the biography of the character, it is known that he was born on January 8, 1963. The athlete's kick is impressive - while the usual boxer in a heavy weight category sends a blow to 350 kg, the Soviet fighter strikes a blow of 900-1000 kg. In parallel with the athletic career, the hero has the title of captain of the Soviet Army, and also has the award of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

In boxing coach of a young man - Sergey Rimsky. Together with the Roman and team of other mentors, as well as with the manager, Nikolai Koloft and his wife, Lyudmila Drago arrives in Philadelphia. Here, the 2-meter amateur boxer wants to speak on the ring against professional American athletes. The character challenges Apollo Crem, the black fighter, in the previous parts speaking Rocca Balboa's opponent. His role in the film played artist Karl Wezers.

While a press conference, held before the match, Cred in every way provokes the Soviet guest, but Ivan remains unshakable. During the battle in the first round, Drago delivers the enemy a series of powerful blows. This technique is unexpected for Apollo - the fighter disoriented. The second round becomes the last for the dark-skinned athlete - he dies in his hands at Rocca due to multiple injuries. The phrase of Ivan "will die so die" becomes a popular quotation that reveals the cynicism of the Soviet Olympic.

Through time, another match should take place, in which Balboa is going to take revenge on the deceased friend. To this end, the American boxer arrives in Russia and begins training on the farm, using a technician means as simulators. At the same time, the Soviet fighter is preparing to battle. Ivan trains on modern simulators, getting beyond the injection of steroids.

The fact of use by the anabolic athlete refutes his wife Lyudmila Drago, the Olympic champion in swimming. The woman speaks English well, so it often represents a husband at press conferences. In the film, Lyudmila's role performed the popular Hollywood actress Bridget Nielsen. The culmination scene of the fourth part of the picture becomes battle between rivals.

It seems that the victory on the side of the Soviets. However, at the end of the battle, Balboa opens the "second breathing", and the American won win. Photos of dramatic scenes appeared on numerous posters, which today are posted on the network. The Drago Hero can then be seen in the episode of the fifth part of the franchise - at the very beginning of the film, immediately after the duel graduation in Moscow.

Ivan Drago in films

In addition to the movie franchise, the Russian hero appears in the militant "Creed 2". 33 years after a memorable match, the life of the former Soviet boxer changed. Having lost the battle, Ivan was expelled from the capital "for the 101st kilometer," and after moved to the poor quarters of Kiev. The fighter's wife threw her husband with his son Victor immediately after defeat Drago. Now Ivan wants to take a revenge, training Victor for contractions with Adonis Creed.

This desire for the hero becomes almost manic - the drago elder does not pay attention to the experiences of the Son, it is not considered the willingness of a young man to go to the ring, to meet not so much with the opponent, as with the ghosts of the last life of the Father. Cold calculation, pleasure from the attention of the media, meeting with the former spouse characterize Ivan as an impassive and cruel person.

However, at the time of the fight, the character soberly assesses the forces of Victor and in a dangerous son's son throws a white towel into the ring. Here for the first time the emotions of the former fighter appear. Father does not blame the young boxer in the loss - he understands that life is more expensive. After the competition, Ivan and Victor return to Kiev and continue preparations for other competitions.


  • 1985 - "Rocky 4"
  • 1990 - "Rocky 5"
  • 2018 - Creed 2

Computer games

  • Ivan Drago: Justice Enforcer
  • 2002 - Rocky
  • 2004 - Rocky Legends
  • 2007 - Rocky Balboa
  • 2009 - FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 4
  • 2011 - FIGHT NIGHT CHAMPion
  • 2015 - Real Boxing 2 Creed

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