Vera Kamsha - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Vera Kamsha is a writer and a journalist. The author works in the genre of historical fantasy. She regularly replenishes the bibliography with independent works and novels united in the series.

Childhood and youth

Faith Kamsha was born on November 5, 1962 in Lviv. The family of the writer moved there after the war on the orders of the higher superiors. Here a little faith went to school, received a certificate and became a student. The gamble chose an unusual specialty "Oilman" specialty for the girl and released from a Polytechnic University with a red diploma. According to the writer, it was not in addition, and in the desire to help the friends who she suggested at all credits and exams.

Faith gamble in youth

Faith thought that technical education gives more than humanitarian, therefore did not regret that he had sentenced literary or historical faculties. Youth has passed among representatives of different nationalities and countries. After graduating from the university, the former students went home, and Kamsh decided to try happiness in Leningrad.

In the northern capital, the girl got a job as an assistant deputy of Lensovet. Here she faced the first "romantic" hobby - democracy, and then with appropriate disappointments. On the advice of friends, Faith decided to try the forces in journalism and by 1994 it took it as a main activity.

Personal life

Faith Kamsha follows the habit of not applying to personal life. It is known that the writer has a spouse. Faith has an official website that is replenished with content and photos. She also leads a personal account in Facebook, where it shares his own opinion about what is happening in the country and makes reviews on news reports in the easy format of the author's statement.


Among the advantages of the new specialty Kamsch marked acquaintance with submariner sailors, held during the collection of material about the admiral of Sergeha Gorshkov. This period helped her again believe in people, their honor and decency. An important milestone in the creative biography of the author was the acquaintance with the writer Nick Perumov, who inspired a friend to work in the Roman's large-formal genre.

In an interview with Kamsha confessed that at first did not consider himself a writer. In her opinion, this status deserve, without writing several books, but feeling in themselves a deep. Faith said that such sensations is not experiencing, but it works with returns and pleasure.

In 2001, the world saw the debut work of the writer - the book "Dark Star". Roman along with the continuation of the "incomparable law" lay down the basis of the "Chronicles of Arction" cycle. Subsequently, the series replenished the writings of the "blood of sunset", "the argument of kings" and the "Riode Tower", published in the chronology after another.

Faith described a fascinating magic world, taking the leitmotifs of the works of the Perumov mentor. But her characters quickly gained their own way and fate.

Writer Vera Kamsha

"Arcian chronicles" consist of several dawed, work on which continues. The first tells about the "war war", the following are talking about the "War of Narcissus", the "year of three stars" and "year". Palace intrigues, magic and mystic, detective line and details that Russian fantasy have not been exposed before the Russian fantasy used to be overwritten.

At the conference Fantcon NP 2002, the first cycle of the essays of the Farm of Kumshi became the owner of the award in the nomination "The best work in the genre of Fantasy - 2001". Completing the work on the series, faith switched to new books that were combined under the name "Eterna Declections".

Vera Kamsha now

The creative biography of the author continues to evolve. The bibliography was replenished with separate novels like "Mlav Red", written in Createness with Nick Perumov, stories and stories.

Now the writer is working on the cycle of "Defali Eterna". The first book of the cycle was published in 2004. The continuation of the narration regularly appeared on the shelves of bookstores until 2012. A five-year pause forced fans of Caschi's creativity languishing waiting. Gasy Roman "Blue View of Death. Dawn "turned out to be not the last. It was divided into 5 volumes. In 2019, it was expected to publish the book "Blue View of Death. Noon, "which came out two volumes.


Cycle "Chronicles Arcia"

  • 2001 - "Dark Star"
  • 2001- "incomparable law"
  • 2002 - "Sunset Blood"
  • 2002 - "Argument of Kings"
  • 2003 - "Riode Tower"

Cycle "Defalles Eterna"

  • 2004 - "Red on Red"
  • 2005 - "From war to war"
  • 2005 - "Victory Lick"
  • 2006 - "Winter Flee. Volume 1. From the depths "
  • 2007 - "Winter Flee. Volume 2. The poison of the last "
  • 2008 - "The heart of the beast. Volume 1. True steel, false mirrors »
  • 2009 - "The heart of the beast. Volume 2. Bowl of Fate
  • 2011 - "The heart of the beast. Volume 3. Blue view of death. Sunset"
  • 2012 - "The heart of the beast. Volume 3. Blue view of death. Midnight"
  • 2017 - 2019 - "The heart of the beast. Volume 3. Blue view of death. Dawn"

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