Alexey Overchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation 2021



Alexey Overchuk - a representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Government apparatus, updated in 2020. The economist gradually built a career. From 2007 to 2011, he replaced the head of the Federal Agency for Special Economic Zones.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Overchuk was born in Korostyshev, Zhytomyr region. By nationality he is a Ukrainian. Overchuk graduated from school with in-depth study of physics and chemistry. Having received a certificate, the young man entered the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A. Timiryazeva. He facilitously preferred the direction with the sonorous name "Economic Cybernetics".

Politician Alexey Overchuk

Having completed training in graduate school, Alexey defended his thesis and became a candidate of economic sciences, which was allowed to associate a biography with a profile direction. Overchuk decided to continue research and remained in his native institute as a laboratory assistant department. Starting from the position of the younger researcher, the graduate reached the senior employee. In the future, for the development and strengthening of professional skills in practice, he chose public service.

Personal life

Like most officials, Alexey Overchuk purposefully not posted the details of his personal life. About his family - wife and children - the press almost does not speak. The politician also does not support the credentials of accounts on social networks and does not postpone the photo in "Instagram".


Noticeable professional growth of Overichuk began in 1993. For 5 years from the post of chief specialist, he was raised to the post of deputy head of the Office of International Cooperation of the State Committee for Land Resources and Land Management. The politician was then the head of the State Registration Department of Real Estate Rights in the Russian Land Committee of Russia. Before appointment, Overchuk also headed the information and analytical management of the Committee.

Moving on the career ladder, to the 2000 Overchuk received an appointment as the head of the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency. After 4 years, he was offered the position of the Deputy Head of the same organization. In 2007, the politician was taken by the post of deputy head of the Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones.

Alexey Overchuk in the FTS of Russia

The next 2 years, the political and economic activity worker was part of the management team of the investment company U-EF-Ji Esset Management. 2011 brought him an appointment to the post of deputy head of the FNS RV. By studying international taxation and currency control, Alexey Overchuk has established processes in such a way that the Federal Tax Service of Russia actively interacted with representative offices of other states. The service also joined the European organization of tax administrations, became a member of the OECD association and participated in the program against the erosion of the tax base.

Bringing a tax system to digital transformation, the transition to adaptive platforms and movement to a single transactional environment was the main tasks of the head, which he was openly stated in 2019. Considering profile activities, the economist nominated the initiative about the fence of the super plate from companies operating in the metallurgical and petrochemical areas. It would help replenish the country's budget for 513 billion rubles. Every year, but the offer was not agreed with the Ministry of Finance.

Since 2004, Overchuk was subordinate to Mikhail Mishoustina. Following the boss after it enhanced, the politician acquired a worthy reputation and the image of the right right hand. Turning to another structure and returning to the tax service, officials worked in Tandem. Following the head, Overchuk went to the new government of the Russian Federation, which was collected in January 2020.

Alexey Overchuk and Mikhail Mishustin

Alexei Overichuk, Alexey Overchuk, was invited to participate in a press conference, when his leader made an offer to become a prime minister. The emergence of an economist before the press turned out to be unexpected. Contrary to the hopes of journalists, Alexey Logvinovich spoke exclusively about the tax system.

Representatives of the media were surprised at how deftly and quickly politicians removed from the dialogue after the meeting and disappeared from the hall, without saying a word about the authorities and subsequent changes. Overchuk prefers not to disclose the press card and is not chasing cheap attention. Being deputy head of the FTS, he extremely rarely gave an interview and was not taken to discuss the higher guidance and its decisions.

Alexey Overchuk now

In 2020, President Vladimir Putin shared with Russians on the resignation of the government and the set of new government officials. January 21, Alexey Overchuk was appointed to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The new Cabinet formed in the short time was updated for two thirds.

Commenting on journalists during a press conference Changes in the State Management System, Overchuk noted that the structure of the economy and business affect the lives of people through digitalization. The data now has a lot of weight and cost. Goods and services are dematerialized. Weighing arguments to these words Alexey Overchuk led, speaking on January 16, 2020 at the Gaidar Forum.

Having entered into new rights, the Deputy Prime Minister continues to support the head of Mikhail Mishustina, together with which he received new commitments when moving to a position in the government.

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