Anton Suvorkin (Anton C) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Youtyub Channel 2021



"Yutyub" is full of extraordinary personalities, outrageous, but those and attractive. Anton Suvorkin, he is Anton C - one of these bloggers. The filling of its channel will seem unsuitable for a man: it demonstrates enchanting makeup skills, shares the gossip, goes on tarot. However, the subscribers appreciate the Anton Canal with precisely for this interesting content and, of course, sincerity.

Childhood and youth

Facts from the biography of Anton Suvorkin Skrupulzno, they are going from his rollers on "Yutube" and posts in "Instagram". It is reliably known, for example, that he was born in Estonia. The man's age carefully hides, sometimes frankly reducing himself years, but in open sources it is argued that the blogger was born on November 19, 1978.

In the description of the Yutiub-Channel, Suvorkin calls himself a "good Jewish boy." Belonging to this people, the blogger has repeatedly emphasized in the video, so this information is likely to be taken for a clean coin.

At 19, Anton Suvorkin left Estonia. For a while he lived in Italy, Great Britain, France, but spent most of his life in Norway. This country has become a second home for a blog: here he has found love several times, built a career: Suvorkin works in the sphere of PR. The man even mastered the Norwegian language, so difficult to perceive the Russian-speaking person.

Personal life

January 11, 2019 Anton Suvorkin released a "video mesmer" in which Kaming-Out made."I am constantly asked:" Anton, are you gay? You're damn coward, if you can't answer this question! " Why answer the question, the answer to which and so lies on the surface: yes, I'm the 100th gay! " - barely holding back the tears of rage, Suvorkin said.

About his orientation blogger learned in early, at 11 years old. Only 15 years later, in early youth, he admitted his sister and brother, and in 28 years old - Mom. She said son like this:

"I hate you for the fact that you confessed too late."

Exposure did not scare away the family, and now the audience. Forum under the video flooded comments from a number "The main thing that the person was good."

Suvorkin has a saturated personal life: he was married three times. All husbands were Norwegians, the younger blogger. With the first one he lived in the Union of a year and a half, with the second - 3, from the third to the year. The last marriage process ended at the end of 2018.

In relations with women, Suvorkin did not consist. His maximum is a kiss.

"French, normal, on a drunken head in a club, like any normal gay," a blogger launched.

Now Suvorkin entertains himself by dating. For this, he sat on a diet, although with growth 178 cm weighs about 80 kg - this is the norm for a man.


The Yutiub-Channel Anton Suvorkin is able to withdraw even the most indifferent person from mental equilibrium. The reaction may be different: some will be scared (or even disdain) feeding and appearance of a blogger, others are in love with sincerity, which he promotes.

In the blog Suvorkin, a few permanent headings. The lion's share is the so-called "gossip": a man discusses reliable and not very news of the Russian-speaking world. In the field of his view, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who allegedly discovered brain cancer, detained for the transportation of the drug Natalya Bochkarev and even the scandalous victory of the daughter Alsu on the "Voice" show. In general, popular and topical topics of show business and politics.

A separate niche of the Blog of Suvorkin is occupied by Mukbanga - a man eats on the camera and talks about life.

There are more unusual rubrics, for example, "fortune telling on the maps." The main guest is Angelica, Mom Suvorkin, who since 14 years old "reads" on tarot. In the first issue, the woman "displaced" the life of his son. It was assumed that the fortune teller would be to help subscribers, but the topic seems to be unclaimed and touched.

Suvorkin adores makeup. Most often, he appears in front of the audience without him, but some issues recorded with full parade: with arrows in front of the eyes and in long-haired wigs. He has on the channel you can find benefits affecting our skill.

Anton Suvorkin now

After the third divorce, Anton Suvorkin lived in Estonia for some time. The native country gave a man forces for new achievements.

Judging by the latest news, he moved to Berlin, so now Suvorkin's Vlogov is devoted to the study of the German flavor. He tells how supermarkets are functioning in Germany, how local residents behave and so on.

Blog Suvorkin allows you to learn the latest news from his life. He is much more reliable "Instagram": photos in the official account appear much less frequently than the video on Yutubeub.

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