Daria Petrinezkaya - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, actress, "Papik", TV series 2021



Daria Petrinezkaya - Ukrainian actress, which was lucky to play a major character at the very beginning of his creative path. However, to be a hostage of one role in its plans is not included, so Daria is happy to agree to the interesting offers of producers, and also develops in other directions - dance and vocals.

Childhood and youth

On the last day of the spring of 1991 Kiev, Yana, a graduate of the National Aviation University, presented his wife Sergey Daria. Remembering childhood, the star of the theater and the movie subsequently said that her family lived unenly, but economically - the price of money and how they are not easy to come, the girl learned from his father. Subsequently, the habit of not scattering with finances and not to spend them on unnecessary little things developed for her life.

At the end of the secondary educational institution, the girl entered the Knutkit named after Ivan Karpovich Karpenko-Karoy, where he heed with the knowledge taught and honed the acting skills under the attentive gaze of the mentor Oleg Nikitich Shavar ("Evil Fate", "Istanbulsky Transit", "Tsarevna").

In 2012, having received a cherished diploma of higher education in the hands, Dasha tied his creative biography with the Tyuch on stickies, where she worries and was now.


Almost simultaneously with the start of the theater career began both cinematographic: In 2013, the talented Petrinhitica was invited to the 21st series called "Only My" 2 part of the "female doctor". Flashing in the episodes of "Nobody" and "Black Flower", Daria lit up in the continuation of the medical melodrama.

In the future, her filmography enriched "Cafe on Sadovaya", telling about the fate of three waitresses - Olga, Niki and Valentina, "ConvertE", talking about the military feat of the group of Soviet soldiers, "PSS-4", where the main character is German Shepherd, "man Without a heart, "in which the artist tried on the image of the clinic administrator, and" I will give you a dawn, "where Dasha played a journalist.

"I am a characteristic actress and seems to be stronger in comedy. However, I love all the genres and want to develop myself. In my practice there was no completely "cold" heroine, but it would be very interesting for me to try to reincarnate in them. I think it should be historical cinema, "Ukrainka reflected in an interview.

In 2019, several premieres of movies took place at once, where Petrinezky shined. March 3, Mirage's melodrama was released on the screens, less than in a week - "Voice of Angel", on the Victory Day - "Last Fight", in October - "City of Lovers", at the end of December - "Papika", who brought Darius recognition and love public.

As you know, in the last project, the girl fell without casting, and the role of the seducer Lisa Yakushovye scenarios was originally writing under it. About his character, despite all his features, the performer responded with warmth, calling the dream of any actress due to versatility and depth.

After the premiere at the executor of the leading role, Daria Petrinhiticus made a lot of questions. The actress patiently responded to them and shared with journalists interesting details of the project. So, the fans learned that in real life, the girl is a complete antipode of his character, and when shooting candid scenes in the underwear, I tried not to think about shame.

People's Artist of Ukraine, Stanislav Bloklan, who left pleasant impressions from cooperation, Vyachesis Gindin, Maxim Maximük, Olesya Zhurakovskaya, and others, were partners in the comedy.

Tight working schedule did not interfere with Petrinitsky actively work in his native theater, where she and now goes to the scene in the play "Cherry Garden", "Forest Song", "Noah's Ark", "lived - there was a cheerful", "Roman Doctor" and other productions .

In addition, the forces and talent Darya grabs and musical creativity. It is a back-vocalist group of the "Dick" group, founded by the Mildays Bugaichuk, in which it was possible to get without the appropriate education - playing guitar, keyboards and electronic drums had to learn independently. Periodically, trowes on popular hits are published on the personal pages on social networks.

Personal life

Personal life Ukrainian beauty, externally reminiscent of the titled Australian actress Margo Robbie, now prefers not to advertise and not to share it from it. Although it used to do not believed that happiness loves silence, and actively published photos with a former spouse Alexey, with whom she lived for more than five years.

Daria Petrinez and Margo Robbie

However, this marriage was short-lived: the actress did not find the strength to forgive betray. And in the interview shared, he considers her early marriage one of the biggest mistakes in life. The search for an ideal man has not yet led to success, but Daria knows perfectly to whom she would like to see nearby:

"I am convinced: with a cute paradise and in a halate. My parents lived so, and I think it is real. But now completely different rhythms. Therefore, it is important to find your cute and already build a paradise and slash with him. It is difficult for me to imagine the perfect man. I think he should be kind, strong and with a good sense of humor. "

A year after the divorce Petrinezkaya told about the tragedy that happened to her for a while before the wedding. She was preparing to become a mother, but in the second month of pregnancy, bleeding was opened. Having lost a child, the actress could not come to themselves for a long time. And the first few years even noted the alleged birthday of the kid, who was not destined to be born.

Today, Daria does not please fans with information about the presence of a chosen. But at the same time does not hide, which finds the time of dating and dating in a dense shooting schedule.

Daria has an account in the "Instagram", where he puts pictures with friends, with joint recreation and traveling with them, as well as from work.

Daria (height 171 cm with a weight of 53 kg) got used to not hide their own addictions and phobias from fans: she frankly admitted that the insects are afraid, dreams of possessing teleportation, adores sweet, dance and ride roller skates, and every morning starts from a glass of water On an empty stomach.

Daria Petrinezkaya now

In the spring of 2021, the long-awaited continuation of the series with Petrizhitsky was started. "Papik-2", or rather, the finals of the ribbon, the actress shared in an interview, was driving the entire film crew. On the eve of the exit of the project, Daria said: She, like her character, believes that the love of all ages are submissive. However, admitted that she herself had never had to have a romantic relationship with an age man.

The star "Papika" does not like much when it is so called. But a resident of Kiev understands: this is one of the brightest roles in a professional biography, thanks to which she began to receive even more offers from films producers.

Now Petrinezky continues to go to the sample, opens new faces in the acting path and dreams of playing in historical cinema.


  • 2013 - "Female Doctor - 2"
  • 2016 - "Citizen Nobody"
  • 2016 - "Black Flower"
  • 2017 - "Female Doctor - 3"
  • 2017 - "Cafe on Sadovaya"
  • 2017 - "Convoy"
  • 2018 - "Die-4"
  • 2018 - "Man without a heart"
  • 2018 - "I will give you a dawn"
  • 2019 - "Mirage"
  • 2019 - "Angel's voice"
  • 2019 - "Last Fight"
  • 2019 - "City of Lovers"
  • 2019 - "Papika"
  • 2020 - "brave"
  • 2021 - "Papik-2"

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