Mikhail Rumkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mikhail Ku is a difficult childhood, but this did not affect his ability to perceive life with optimism. The actor loved the audience to the talent of reincarnation in humorous and dramatic characters.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Kuzukuk appeared on May 11, 1974 in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Celebrity parents are Artists of the Ukrainian Cinema Antonina Palamarchuk and Peter Ruchuk. When the boy was 8 years old, the father died, so Mama was engaged in the upbringing of the artist and his brother. Woman raised sons in the spirit of love for homeland and folk traditions.

After school, the young man decided to become an actor. He went to the capital, where he entered the institute named after Ivan Karpenko-Karoy, he studied under the leadership of Nikolai Rushkovsky. After the release of Misha, he became a sought after the artist of the theater on stickies. She participated in the producer in the nobility, "Christmas night", "Wolves and ...". Later, the young man joined the theater's troupe on the left bank of the Dnieper.

In 2001, a tragic event happened in the artist's biography - his elder brother died. In an attempt to cope with the experiences of Misha got into music. He formed a group that performed patriotic songs in the disco-punk genre. After the collapse of the team, a new project "Kukatabanda" appeared.

Personal life

The actor does not hide information about his personal life. He is happy in marriage with actress and director Anastasia Osmolovsky, the couple raises the daughter of Maria. In an interview for the "Ukraine" channel, a man shared that the wife always supports him, gives advice, it criticizes it kindly and helps become better.


The debut of a young actor was the erotic drama "Island of Love", where he played an episodic character. After a long break, the guy received a small role in the series "Games of adult girls", and then starred in the tapes "Love Slepa", "Russian Medicine" and "Close People".

In 2007, Kuzukuk joined the acting composition of the "former" melodrama, in which the brother was played by the main heroine. In the center of the plot - a young woman named Anna, who is trying to cope with the problems in his career and personal life. In this she helps Alter Ego - a decisive and confident Yana.

Then Mikhail received a major role in the militant "Detachment". The events of the series unfold around the fighters of the Militian Detachment, who are trying to find the missing daughter of the governor. In the same year, the artist was invited to work on television - he became the leading night hit parade on the TV channel.

The following project, filled filmography of the actor, was the comedy "home arrest". His hero Konstantin works by the seller in the market and is the head of the usual Ukrainian family, whose members often fall into ridiculous and ridiculous situations, which are managed to extract useful lessons.

No less successful was the appearance of an artist in the series "Swallow Nest" telling about the girl Masha, which is trying to find his father. During filming, the image of a rustled, but good and fun hero, who sincerely fell in love with the audience was entrusted to the actor. But in his piggy bank there are enough dramatic roles that cause sympathy and empathy.

Sheet is not afraid of experiments on the screen. In 2017, he starred in the scandalously famous comedy "Swingers." His character is a typical businessman who made a state in the 90s. Like other heroes of the film, he wants to make a variety of boring married life and is solved on a brave experiment. The reaction of critics and viewers was ambiguous, but the project was continued.

That same year, Mikhail starred in the family film "Tale about money." This is a story about the guy, whose mind seized the thirst for enrichment. In the pursuit of ringing coins, the hero falls under the influence of dark forces and loses interest in love, friendship and other people. The only thing that can save him is to aware of your own mistakes.

2019 became especially fruitful for artist. He participated in the creation of Markus films, "Papika" and "Podkin", as well as the comedy "servant of the people - 3", in which President Vladimir Zelensky starred.

In addition to filming a movie, a man participates in television programs. The row appeared in the 6th season of the Ukrainian version of the show "Dancing with the Stars", where his partner became a professional dancer Elizabeth Druzhinin.

Despite the lack of dance skills, the actor demonstrated hard work, confidence and ability to reincarnate than the love of viewers earned. However, the judges did not appreciate the efforts of Mikhail, because of what he heard every broader criticism and received low estimates. As a result, the tired of injustice, the artist declared voluntary care from the project.

Mikhail Kuzukuk now

In 2020, the Ukrainian fairy tale "Jura Korolevich" came to the screens, in the creation of which an actor participated. Now he continues to film. Mikhail shares successes with fans on the page in "Instagram", where news and photos are published. The celebrity is trying to keep himself in shape and with a height of 184 cm weighs 95 kg.


  • 1995 - "Love Island"
  • 2004 - "Love Slepa"
  • 2008 - "Detachment"
  • 2010 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2013 - "Trap"
  • 2014 - "Looking for a wife with a child"
  • 2016 - "Second Breathing"
  • 2017 - Swingers
  • 2017 - "Fairy Tale about Money"
  • 2019 - "Family for a year"

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