Olga Migunov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Extrasence, Messing Pupil, film 2021



Olga Migunov was a child when he opened extrasensory abilities. The unusual gift of the girl noted Wolf Messing himself, who made it his student and helped to glorify the whole world.

Childhood and youth

Olga Petrovna Voropheyeva was born on February 23, 1950. The girl grew in a simple family, Mom was a teacher, and dad - the builder, but even then Olya knew that she was special. From an early age, the future celebrity was chased by mysterious dreams, but they did not scare her, because the grandmother was a talented herb, and wonders in the family were considered ordinary.

Soon, Olya discovered the abilities for drawing and began to transfer images from dreams to canvas. In school years, the girl continued to develop the gift of clairvoyance - predicted to the fate of friends and classmates, but not all perceived the stories of the schoolgirl seriously until the day she met with the Great Wolf Messing.

The girl received education in the Khabarovsk Pedagogical Institute, where he studied at the art-graphic department. Later she took lessons at Leonid Masyukov in the All-Russian creative master of pop art.

Personal life

In his youth, the spectacular actress did not have a penalty from fans, but only the pilot test by Vladimir was able to conquer her heart. Soon the beloved made a girlfriend, but the wedding was not destined to take place, because the guy died during the exercises. After that, Olga closed for a long time in himself and could not establish a personal life.

Only years later, a woman was able to once again believe in love when he met with Valery Migunov. Celebrating the wedding, the predictor took the last name of the chosennas. The pair had a daughter Svetlana, who became an artist and director. They also brought up a man's son from past relationships and celebrity nephews, which she took to her after the death of his brother and sisters.

After 30 years after the wedding, the spouses began a disagreement, and they were divorced. However, they could not live for a long time without a friend, so they settled together again, but without official marriage.


Migunova and Messing acquaintance occurred during her trip to the holidays in Gelendzhik. Being a teenager, Olya listened to the Baika about visiting Kudesnik, but did not expect that he could meet him personally. Soon the girl went to the concert of Mentalist, who immediately seemed familiar to her. She remembered that she had previously seen him among people on the beach discussing the artist.

For Olga, it was a surprise when the man suddenly drew attention to her, asked to get out of the hall and wait outside, because she prevents concentrate. Before that, Migunov was sitting in the 18th row and tried to inspire the artist that he would not succeed.

After the concert, Messing approached his mother's mother, who was offered to give her daughter to his student. He said that Olya has an amazing gift that needs to be developed. Parents did not immediately believe in the possibilities of the future artist, and soon the girl returned home to Blagoveshchensk.

This acquaintance with the mentalist did not end. They met again at a concert, where a man reminded his desire to take Migunov to the student. Two months after, the parents sent the daughter of Moscow. Only then the girl guessed that Messing applied hypnosis to them, and then she was just glad to have a chance to learn from the hypnotist.

In the apartment to Artist Olga called immediately after he descended from the train, at 6 am. Learn the secrets of the star speeches to the girl did not immediately manage, he left for tour in the USA. Migunov remained on the farm in the apartment of a man, where he honestly waited for his return. As a gift, Wolf Grigorievich brought the guest a porcelain doll, which she carefully kept in the following years.

After that, long days of tedious lessons began. Messing did not regret the succession, forced her blindfolded to look for hidden things, taught hypnosis, swearing for every mistake. In addition, her fragile shoulders lay down the household and the work of the assistant, for which Olya received the first small salary.

When Migunov began to do progress, Wolf Grigorievich gave her more and more instructions during scenic speeches. The first attempt to independently execute the trick in front of the audience almost turned out to be failing, from the excitement, the girl forgot to say the necessary words, but he took himself in time and corrected the situation. For that, she won praise from the mentor and soon gave the first solo concert.

Messing not only taught the Trick's succession, he instilled her sense of style, justice, the concept of equality, gave advice on cooking and behavior in society. Wolf Grigorievich taught Olya to be proud of himself, recalling that she was the only female hypnotist on the stage, besides, he took it into the student.

According to the woman, the mentor defeated her, warned about the dangers. It was he who predes the death of his native Olga, saying to her to be afraid of the numbers 6. Even after his death, Messing continued to defend Migunov, which was able to survive, despite transferred strokes and car accidents.

Overcoming, the woman performed on stage as a solo artist. She joined Magadan Philharmonic, during the period of work in which the white shaman received the nickname. So the predictor later called the book dedicated to his biography. During the tour activities, the star visited various cities of the former USSR, including hot spots and dangerous areas. Thanks to the artistic talent and artistism, her concerts were collected by the full halls of the audience.

Watching people with different ailments come to speeches, Olga received medical education and opened his own center, which specializes mostly on the disorders of the nervous system. At receptions, Olga was able to be implemented as a healer using hypnosis technique.

Olga Migunov now

On January 20, 2020, on the first channel, the series "Student Messing", dedicated to the life of psychic and his acquaintance with a mentor. Youth Olga embodied Actress Tatyana Cherdyntseva, the role of Wolf Grigorievich went to Yuri Belyaev.

Now the healer continues to carry out techniques, helping patients to cope with chronic diseases and dependencies. Despite old age, the woman leads an active life in social networks. It is divided by news on the official website, pages in Facebook and Vkontakte, where posts photos and useful information.

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