Anna Kanyuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Twitage 2021



Stretching stretching retail. And if the next twine of Anastasia Volochkova in unexpected places causes an ironic smirk from the public, and the comedians - a tide of inspiration, then the videos of Anna Kanyuk are deservedly gaining multi-million dollar views, and the Sports Master itself is "shelling" admiring comments and compliments. Moreover, the coach is admired not only Russian publications, but also foreign, including the British newspaper Daily Star.

Childhood and youth

July 29, 2019 in "Instagram" Kanyuk appeared a video that led to the delight of numerous follovers. Roller, where the girl closed the trunk of the car with the help of a magnificent vertical twine, in six months managed to watch 2.5 million subscribers.

The video turned out to be remarkable not only by this - the post Anna accompanied the record "Birthday Girl, Wonder Woman Mood. Thanks to all for congratulations, I love everyone! ", I first mention about the date of your birth. By the way, the beauty came to this world in the 1994th, and in the same social network you can often meet photos of loved ones and relatives - parents, grandmothers, mother-in-law, etc.

Touching on the early biography, the blogger did not hesitate to talk about the fact that her childhood was poor, but happy. The girl grew in Kuzminakh, when they were still the outskirts of Moscow, the rat ran their round, and the landfill was considered the attraction for the house.

The celebrity did not forget to mention the father, the diplomat by the profession, from which she passed to the difficult art of listening to people, communicate with them on an equal footing, to recognize their point of view, and already make decisions.

At the age of 15, the teenager earned the first money, distributing leaflets in the cheese transition, and she spent all the recent models on the phone, in those years they were considered the iPhone 3.

"Sport accompanied me since childhood. I was engaged in swimming for rhythmic gymnastics, visited the Volleyball, basketball and football section. Once in the camp, I saw a circus performance, but since there was no circus school nearby, I was given to rhythmic gymnastics at 10 years old, "Anya shared in an interview.

The story of the star of social networks supplemented the conclusion that at least she did not take place as a first-class gymnast and did not build a storm career, but he ordered the character and reached certain heights. At least - almost ideal body parameters.

Personal life

Anna took place not only as a businessman, but also like a loving mother and a caring wife: stylish photos with her husband Dmitry Butko and the only daughter of Jiah (George) resemble shots from Hollywood movies or commercials. By the way, the girl who appeared on the light in early September 2018, there is a separate account in "Instagram", regularly replenished day by day.

In an interview with the Stories magazine in July 2019, Kanyuk at the request of the journalist announced a dating story with the chosen one. Future spouses found each other in Vkontakte: He was already released from MGIMO, entered the university at the age of 16 for the presidential set (from all over Ukraine, only five lucky ones received such a chance, and she just became a student of RSUFXMIT.

Already on the first date, the girl "fell in love with the brain" of a young man, since then the beauty calls him not otherwise as a welcome, and he is in response - a wunderwumen. The secret of harmonious personal life is simple - to believe each other and each other.


At 16, an ambitious girl has already trained children, then switched to adults who taught to sit on a longitudinal and transverse sword right in the square at the Metro VDHH, for which rugs, bricks and pillows acquired for personal money.

In 19 years, she, in parallel, receiving a higher education in RhUFXMIT in the specialty "Sports Management", took up the promotion of his own first studio, and in 21 - copyright blog. The latter pushed the desire to bring the body to the proper form and reduce the weight, the instagramper was actively supported by subscribers and inspired to further career.

"At some point I needed to fly for fees to Turkey, to train children. But I could not quit the girls. Therefore, our first room happened. I found a replacement coach, now he is a co-founder of our network, one of three whales, everything is worth it. Others two - I and mine at that time a guy, and now my husband, "the secret of the success of Anna told.

By the beginning of 2020, the School of Kanyuk Topstretching numbered 19 branches: 13 in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Minsk, Kiev and Dubai. As it loves to repeat her creator, here, as well as to the page in "Instagram", the visitors come for inspiring example, youth and female health. After all, it is known, stretching contributes to a favorable flow of childbirth, allowing you to avoid many hours of battles, injuries, breaks and unbearable pain.

On the official website of the coach, you can sign up for various author's courses - "Transformation of the face" and "Stretching and punching of the body", learn the latest news about Facebilding (Face Gymnastics), in which an expert is an athlete, see how Anya looked before and after weight loss, And consult with a specialist.

Anna Kanyuk now

Anna continues to confidently develop a business, competing with a network SM Stretching Samira Mustafayeva, pushing the subscribers to small feats on themselves, admire its flexibility and gorgeous legs truly "from the ears" (height 177-178 cm).

As for the chic slender body, despite the rumors, speculation and put forward assumptions, the blogger continues to assert that they did not abuse the services of plastic surgeons, and the impressive indicators achieved herself. The only thing that had to do is rhinoplasty.

After in the summer of 2019, she posted on a network video with a trunk closing with a twine, followed by many women worldwide. Under the Kester #Annakanyukchallenge, videos appeared, where a resident of Russia, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, USA with a child trying to repeat the exercise of Kanyuk. However, everything turned out not so simple, as it seems at first glance.

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