Vyacheslav Gindin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vyacheslav Gindin - Honored Artist of Ukraine, regularly appearing on Russian television screens. The star and cinema star admits that she was worried about how the boy was worried when the creative evening came from Jean-Field Belmondo.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on the last July day of 1966 in Kharkov. A photo of small glory can be seen on the Showman's page in Vkontakte.

The seventh grader Gindin came to the children's studio at the Kharkiv House of the actor and from the age of 13 went to the layout. The most memorable role of the young actor - Alyosha Akishin in the play on the poem of Yevgeny Dolmatovsky "Volunteers". From youth, Gindin keeps the autograph Andrei Mironova, who came to Kharkov on tour.

At 21, Vyacheslav graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Culture. Alma Mater Gindin, now called the Academy of Culture, is the first university of such a profile in Ukraine. Already on the 2nd course, the guy played Gangster in the play of the Kharkov theater of the dolls "Treasures of Sylvester" and, having received a diploma of the actor, went there to work.

Personal life

The puppet scene helped Vyacheslav to gain happiness in his personal life. With his wife, Tatyana Gindin met in the theater of dolls. Spouse - Colleague Vyacheslav Josefovich.

At first, the lovers were kissed by secret, because at the time of dating were not free, but then broke up with the previous partners and created a strong family.

Hindin loves dogs, especially scotteries. The actor has no page in "Instagram", the exact values ​​of the growth and weight of the man are unknown.


Speaking of the difference between the theater and filming in films, Vyacheslav Iosifovich claims that the actor game and there, and there - walking on the rope, but in the movie "The rope for which you have to go on the floor". In the filmography of Gindin, negative roles are dominated - corrupt officials and policemen.

For the first time, the actor flashed on the screen in the episode of the painting "Russian", filmed by the prose of Edward Limonov. Hindin's popularity was brought by Major Kharcheva in the TV series "Militia Academy" and regular participation in the Russian TV shows "Big Difference". Since 2014, Vyacheslav Iosifovich parods celebrities in the Ukrainian version of the television show.

In the film "Ivan Power", shot in 2013, Viktor Andrienko and Igor Firtaaka, Gindin, appeared in the form of the biography of Circus Athlete Ivan, Gindin appeared in the form of Novak teacher. The comedy detective "cops from the passage" presented Vyacheslav Iosifovich meeting on the set with the grandson of Alla Pugacheva - Nikita Presnyakov.

In the satirical TV series "Deputies", removed the Studio "Quarter 95", Gindin for the first time on television saved got the main role. The actor reincarnated in the father's deputy Vasily Zhuvoroda.

In the series "servant of the people", anticipating the election of Vladimir Zelensky by the President of Ukraine, Vyacheslav Iosifovich played two roles. In the 2nd part of the painting "From love to the impeachment", the actor appeared in the form of an assistant to the governor of Kharkov Volodya, and in the third - "choice" - reincarnated in Anton, Assistant Zhanna Borisenko.

An important part of Hindin's creativity is a Ukrainian dubbing of Western stars. Vyacheslav Iosifovich's voice in the film distribution of Ukraine was spoken by Christoph Valz and Pierce Brosnan, Willem Defo and Nicholas Cage, John Travolta and Gary Oldman.

Vyacheslav Gindin now

In January 2020, the Russian television channel STS showed the 1st season of the Papik's Multi-Series Comedy Melodrama, in which Gindin played one of the main roles - the dentist Gennady Ivanovich Prus. In Ukraine, the picture is recognized as the best series of 2019. In the 2020th, the artist is removed in the detective melodrama "Senior Investigator".


  • 2004 - "Russian"
  • 2005 - "Madness: Challenge and Fighting"
  • 2005-2007 - "Militia Academy"
  • 2011 - "Swallow Nest"
  • 2013 - "Ivan Power"
  • 2014 - "Cops Freight"
  • 2016 - "Deputies"
  • 2017 - "Server of the People - 2. From Love to Impeachment"
  • 2019 - "Server of the People - 3. Choice"
  • 2019 - "Papika"
  • 2019 - "I'll prove you all"
  • 2020 - "Senior Investigator"

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