The film "Man-Amphibian" (1961): Interesting facts about the shooting


In 1961, the artistic film "Man-Amphibian" came to Soviet screens. The music composer Andrei Petrov wrote music to Kinokartin, and Vladimir Chebotarev and Gennady Kazan was performed by directors. According to the plot, the love line is closely intertwined with power and cunning. The main characters are struggling with the injustice of life and the composite owner of the pearl ministries.

The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared interesting facts about the shooting and actors of the Movie "Man-Amphibian".

Russian difficulties are not afraid

Film Studio "Lenfilm" 10 years kept the script to this film on his shelf. The technological side of the filming seemed impossible, so even Hollywood directors refused to work on the novel. The New York Times edition released an article in which noted that even Walt Disney did not dare to shoot such a movie, so "Russians are doomed to failure." The success of the picture is in the shock of the whole world.

"Collapse the mountains" for the role

Vladimir Korenev (Ihtyandr) and Anastasia Vertinskaya (Guttiere) before starting work passed courses on swimming. Anastasia did not know how to swim, but he learned to do it so well that he refused the doubles and the most complex tricks performed itself.

Unusual suit for Ihtyander

The tight material from which at the time was made tights for women were used to tailor the main hero. It was manually sewn on it 2.5 thousand scales, carved from the old film. Then they were painted pearl paint. A total made 4 suit and cut 10 thousand scales.

Work can cost life

During filming, Vladimir Korenev was dangerous. In the episode, where they were removed like ichtyandra with the help of the iron chain, the sailor helped him. He had to keep this chain. But did not heal, and Korenev almost dragged to the depth. Underwater shooting was carried out in the Crimea, and Buenos Aires were removed in Baku.

In the sea lacks fauna

When work began at the depths of the Black Sea, the directors became clear that the living creatures were not enough. For a camera that removed under water, developed a nozzle and filled with live fish. So the impression of a rich marine animation was created.

Expressive look - this is the right light.

Eduard Rosovsky - the painting operator - sought to create a special look at the main characters. Each eye color had to correspond to the elements, which he belongs to: Ihhyander - Blue, Guttiere - green. Next to them put the special lamps of these colors, which made the color saturated.

When everything is not according to plan

In the episode with the liberation of Ithyander, Olsen launched Harpoon to the Schunov Pedro Zurita team (Mikhail Kozakov), but he flew out of the trunk. In addition, the rope must be tied to it so that you can pull it back. But in the film it was not.

And when for the first time Dr. Salvator presented Olsen Ihthyander, that was the fin. After the release of the "marine miracle", the fins disappear for them. Guttlere's belt on the waist changed the pattern. Before leaving the house, he was one, and on the festival became different.

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