Freken side (character) - pictures, carlson, kid, calls in the shower, cat


Character History

Freken side (frokeen side) - heroine of children's fairy tale trilogy about baby and Carlsone, created by the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. The colorful lady-householder (which Svante calls the Domomomacman) has a difficult character and is trying to force others to obey its rules. However, Carlson does not miss the case of "tool" the domineering housewife, which contributes to the plot of the mass of comic moments.

History of character creation

In 1955, Astrid Lindgren produces the first part of the fabulous story about the boy Svante Svaniason on the nicknamed Kid. The book tells about the birth of friendship between the small hero, the youngest of children in the family, and Carlson, "a man in the heal of the forces." Freken side appears in the second and third parts of the fairy tales as a housekeeper, hired to look after Svante.

Image Freken Bok

The appearance of the heroine, whose name is Hildur side, pushes and scares the baby. In the text, Lindgren "Domomomytelnitsa" appears in front of readers of the powerful woman in the years, high and cargo. The boy frighten the "furious eyes" of the ladies, as well as several chins. Hildur is still not married - this is evidenced by the status of "Freken", the analogy of the English "Miss", the French "Mademoiselle".

Present portrait of a woman more brightly helping illustrations created for Lindgren book by artist Ilon Vikland. Vikland managed to finely feel the character of the character - a continuously epiced unbeated woman appears in front of the audience with a harsh face in a long home dress. The lady does not tolerate objections and, barely appearing in the house of Svantsov, dictates his rules.

Freken side in cartoons and books

The image of the powerful domain from the fairy tale of the Swedish writer was remarkably embodied in the second part of the Soviet 2-serial cartoon about the baby and Carlsone, Carlson returned. Externally, the heroine turned out to be similar to the one that the audience had already seen Ilon Vikland in the pictures. Preserved growth, loading, face features - long nose, small eyes. The director Boris Stepanans made some changes to the storylines, and also added a new character - Foen's favorite side, cat Matilda.

Matilda, like her owner, at the very beginning of the cartoon is endowed with an unsuccessful character, but closer to the end of the series it changes and relvead. In the book, Hildur appears in the Svancesov family, because the mother of the baby goes to treatment and can not look after the son. In the cartoon, parents hire a nanny for the child, as they work and do not want the boy to stay at home alone. The literary degraders first exhibits severeness, but quickly finds in the sewage of who heroine can complain to life.

The main thing is the envy of the ladies - the sister Frida, with which Freken lives together. Frida once spoke on television, in transmission of ghosts. Now this fact does not quietly live the heroine of fairy tales. By definitely wants to get on the screens of TVs with some sensation. This is used by Carlson, who decided to play a lady, pretending to be ghosting.

This moment is comic about the cartoon. "The best checker of housekeepings" depicts a ghost than at the same time scares and pleases the heroine. Woman, thinking that calls on television to tell about what he saw, sits in the bath and talking to the shower. Then, having learned that it was a draw, not angry, but he penetrates a lump sympathy and treats buns.

In the book, Hildur manages to reach television, tell us that she has seen a ghost, and invite a shooting group to Svanceton's apartment. The discovery of the fact that no flying spirit was that this is a joke, seriously frustrating the heroine. When representatives of television come, everything turns around for the ladies in the best way - instead of transmission to drive, it is invited to a culinary program. After all, the householder masterfully prepares not only buns and buns, but also the temples in the sauce.

The cartoon heroine voiced Faina Ranevskaya. Unique intonation of a great actress, an accurate character in character, made an image with bright and unforgettable. The phrases from the cartoon, spoken festeen side, became quotes and quickly separated into the "people". Among them - "I went crazy", "nothing, I will make a person from her" (about the baby's dog) and others. To the final of the series, all the more enchanting Carlson, the lady loses rigor and severity.

In the third part of the book that is not displayed in the cartoon, Hildard appears again as a nanny for the boy. The comic events of the third book are strengthened by the appearance of another character - Uncle Julius, the relative of the Pope Kid. This gentleman is no less severe than Freken, joined and Zhaden. At the same time it turns out that grumbler, despite age, believes in spirits and ghosts.

This again enjoys a friend of sewage, playing the character. Julius finds an understanding soul in the face of Hilder. This time, Frida sister gives rise to a new reason for envy - finds himself a groom. After it turns out that one of the famous Zhulikov, Fille, has become the sister's boyfriend. And in the life of the "Householder" everything is going awake well - Carlson's draws bring the lady with Uncle Baby, and in the finals of the book Julius makes Hildur's hand and heart offer.


Children's flour harmful! Give the bun! He flew away, but promised to return! But he did not guess! I'm buzzing in both ears. Powered by Rogules! Well, what am I worse?!


  • 1968 - "Kid and Carlson"
  • 1970 - "Carlson returned"


  • 1955 - "Kid and Carlson who lives on the roof"
  • 1962 - "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again"
  • 1968 - "Carlson who lives on the roof, refuses again"

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