Ways to use fir oil for treatment


Healthy fir oil is obtained from branches of Siberian fir. Low cost makes it available for each person. The tool smells like a cheese, so often used as flavoring. It has proven its effectiveness in medicine and cosmetology. People learned what fir oil was used, so some diseases are treated without chemicals.

For joints

Ways to use fir oil for treatment

Fir oil struggles with pain in the joints, restores mobility and eliminates discomfort. For effective treatment, it is used during massage. It is rubbed into the skin so that the beneficial components began to act. Fir oil is used while taking foot baths. Just 15 minutes a day - and after 2 weeks of pain decrease.

For rubbing, it is impossible to use the tool in its pure form, it is diluted with sunflower oil. Before the start of the massage where the joint hurts, you need to smear with alcohol. Salt compress or warm water is suitable for warming up. Doctors recommend taking fir juice inside, but not more than 1 drops per day.

For fractures

Fracture is pain and long-term recovery. An unpleasant feeling during this period can be overcome with the help of fir. The remedy reduces pain and accelerates the bones. Folk Recipe: Elemented from Bread Brokes Kreagashi are impregnated with 5 drops of the fir. You need to use the medicine 3 times a day.

After removing the gypsum, the folk medicine can be used for massage. Rub a diluted conifer mixture into a sore place. Useful will be the adoption of a bath with this oil. The substance valuable for the body falls not only on the damaged area, but also impregnate the whole body.

From cough

Ways to use fir oil for treatment

Fir has a therapeutic effect on the upper and lower respiratory tract. Inhalation with its use is made of sputum from the lungs and eliminate the foci of infection. This method will help cure an angina, bronchitis and lung inflammation. It is not necessary to reduce yourself with steam inhalations, you can apply 5-6 drops on the fabric and put next to the sick person.

In the treatment of cough juice, fir is accepted inside. Recipe for a healing cocktail: a glass of juice, 2-3 drops of oil and 1 spoon of honey. He will stop inflammation, snoring and prevents the development of the disease.

From a runny nose

The vasoconstrictors (pharmacy nasal drops) are addictive, use them often do not recommend physicians. Alternative - fir juice. He narrows the vessels, fights the nasal congestion. The use of natural means does not cause pain, burning and discomfort. To defeat a runny nose, make inhalations or rubbing. Fir oil is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane.

Against skin diseases

Ways to use fir oil for treatment

The useful properties of fir have been applied to cosmetology. The tool is used in the composition of masks and struggles with skin changes: acne, wrinkles, gray face. Before use, the presence of allergic reactions is revealed.

Therapeutic mask: fir juice, plantain and honey. Regular skin care and its purification will protect against disease and early aging.

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