Frank Darabont - Photo, Biography, Director, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In 35 years, directed by Frank Darabontt removed the picture, and now the first lines in the rankings of the best films. The metaphorical parable "Escape from Shawshank", filmed in the form of a prison drama, was loved by the audience, and critics.

Childhood and youth

Matter of American cinema by nationality of Hungary, a native of France. Frank's parents, after the suppression of the 1956 Hungarian uprising, fled to Western Europe. In the winter of 1959 in the refugee camp in the French commune, Montbeliard, known as the Motherland of Peugeot cars, a son was born from revolutionaries. 5 years after the boy's appearance, the family moved to the USA: first in Chicago, and then to Los Angeles.

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Frank has not studied in college or university. After graduating from high school, the young man went to work as a loader operator. At 22, Darabont was settled by an assistant producer (in fact, "Boy on the blisters") of a low-budget horror "Hell Night". The next 6 years Frank worked in Hollywood decorator and assistant artist-director.

Personal life

Darabont does not give a reason for woven about his personal life. Of all social networks, the director prefers "Twitter." Friendly relationships associated Frank with the director of Chuck Russell, with whom they worked together over the "hellish night", "nightmare on Elm Street" and "Drops", and with Allen Green, who died from AIDS, the memory of which is dedicated to the "Shushenka Escape".Embed from getty images

A man with a growing 183 cm, possessing, judging by the photo, charismatic appearance, is distinguished by a difficult character. In 2013, Darabont was joined with the AMS telemetry due to removing him from working on the series "The Walking Dead" and copyright violations. The TV channel for his part submitted a letter to the court with obscene Branje Frank to the network and colleagues.

In the summer of 2016, the director sold at the Auction Profiles in History, a collection of drawings and posters, as well as a bronze statuette of the cyclopa of the work of Ray Harrichuzen. Frank expressed the hope that new owners of rarity would experience no less happiness from their storage than he felt.


Darabontta filmography is associated with the work of Stephen King. The first time for the works of horror horror, the young cinematographer appealed in 1983, when he took off the short film "Woman in the room" in the Kingovsky story. The rights to Frank's shield acquired by the author for 1 dollar. The belt liked the writer and made his way to the semifinals of the contest of young cinematic talents.

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In the center of the picture, which made Frank's famous, is the biography of the fictional hero, the banker Andy Dufrein, who was in prison on charges of the murder of his wife, as well as his friendship with the prisoner to nicknamed Rad. In the story of King Rad - red-haired Irishman, however, Darabont took on the role of a dark-skinned actor Morgan Freyman. "Shushenka Escape" was nominated for Oscar in seven nominations, but never received a single figurine.

The action of the Green Mile, also delivered by Darantom on the work of Stephen King, again unfolds in prison. But this time the institution can not be called correctional. In the "E" block contains prisoners sentenced to death.

The supervisor Paul Eckeck, brilliantly played by Tom Hanks, does not believe in miracles until it faces one of them. The dark-skinned gigant John Coffif accused of killing two girls has a gift of healing. The film has footage of blood, scenes, forcing and turning the plot, protruding the ideas of the main character about justice and justice.

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In the third full-length film screening, which went to Russia called "Mist" (the faithful translation - "fog"), Darabont changed the ending, turning the final from the open-terribly-gloomy. The writer approved the metamorphosis, emphasizing that, going to the horror film, the viewer is ready to see the tragedy. As in the Roman William Golding "Lord Muh", the most terrible in the "MGL" are the internal demons of people.

In addition to the tapes delivered by Stephen King, there is a film "Majestik", scenarios for "bikes from a crypt", the third part of the "nightmare on Elm Street", "Godzilla", the picture "Save Private Ryan." Frank is the author of the dramatic basis of the "city of Gangsters" and several episodes of the "Walking of the Dead".

Frank Darabont now

On October 24, 2019, in honor of the "silver" anniversary "Escape from Schown", the picture reached the screens again. For Russian spectators, the show became a premiere, because at the homeland of Sergey Eisenstein, the tape has never been demonstrated in cinemas.


  • 1983 - "Woman in the room"
  • 1990 - "buried healing"
  • 1990-1992 - "Bikes from a crypt"
  • 1994 - "Escape from Shawshank"
  • 1999 - "Green Mile"
  • 2001 - "Majestik"
  • 2007 - "Moble"
  • 2010-2011 - "The Walking Dead"
  • 2013 - "City of Gangsters"

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