Lyudmila Egorova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At the end of June 2019, Lyudmila Egorova, familiar to the Soviet viewer in the Ivanovo "raised virgin", and the Russian - in Balabanovsky "cargo 200", took congratulations on the solid anniversary - the artist was 80 years old. Despite such a respectable age, she does not think to throw a favorite profession: willingly remove into the cinema and continues to go to the scene of his native theater on the foundry, which serves as faithfully since 1968.

Childhood and youth

From an early age, Lyudmila, which appeared on June 23, 1939 in Leningrad, was dreaming that when he would grow up, would definitely connect his life with the stage, and step by step went to his dream. At the age of 18, the girl accidentally found himself on Lenfilm's film studio, where she was told by Aleksandra Ivanov's assistants, who worked on the screening of Roman Mikhail Sholokhow, dedicated to collectivization on the Don and the movement of 25-thousand years.

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A little earlier, she had already had experience with the director, flashed in the image of the Sannaster in the "soldiers", but this time it was approved for one of the main roles - Barbara Harlamova, in love with Davydov's seeds.

Already after a successful film book, a beginner actress easily conquered the current RGISI, hitting the workshop Fyodor Nikitin, the laureate of the two Stalinist premiums. During his student, the student lit in the play "Three sisters" Anton Chekhov and Irkutsk History Alexey Arbuzov.

At the end of the university, Egorova served a couple of years in Lenconcert, and then for many years "entered into relations" with the theater of drama and comedy, subsequently became theater on the foundry.

Personal life

Personal life Actresses, unlike its one-name colleagues, is not covered in detail in the press and the more no longer falls into the scandalous news reports.

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While Tatyana Egorova continues to surprise fans in too a detailed description of relations with Andrei Mironov, including not one pregnancy from him, the stories whom Alexander Shirvindt "Clessed" or "did not clamp", Lyudmila Ivanovna retains deep silence.

Therefore, it is not known whether she has a husband now, whether she was to know the joy of motherhood and nursing the grandchildren, in any case, the blue-eyed Kruglitic Beauty was clearly not suffering from lack of male attention.

Theater and films

For the first time on the scene of the theater on the Flytery Avenue, which opened its doors in 1909, Egorova came out in the fairy tale "of the Lady" as the main female character. Creative biography over time has been replenished with other memorable roles: in Turgenev "bachelor" she played Malanu's cook, in Katasaya "Flower Road" - Masha, in Sholokhov's "Alien Blood" - Anice, in the Bulgakovsky "Doggy's Heart" - an old woman.

A complete list of productions, where the actress brightened, indicating short personal information is presented by photography on the official website of the Cultural Center.

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After the "raised virgin", which became the leader of the 1960-goes and turning Makara Nagulnov in a truly popular hero and a universal favorite, offers from other directors on Lyudmila. The next year, the French-Soviet comedy "Leon Garros is looking for a friend," Leon Garros is looking for a friend, and in 1965, the spectators met the first screening of the story of the faith of Panova "satellites" - the military "Mercy train".

Then, in the filmography of Leningradka, there was a long calm, she returned to the film site after 12 years, shutting up in the "sweet woman", "the second attempt by Viktor Krohin" and "Salt of the Earth." At the beginning of zero, actively starred in the series, appearing in the image of the cummer in the "Black Voronene", a neighbor in the 6th part of the "streets of broken lanterns", Anastasia Pavlovna in the "Mental Wars" and so on.

The virtuoso reincarnation in the terrible abnormal mother of Artem Zhurov in "Gruza 200" found a response in the hearts of the audience: some called her ancestor of evil, otherwise by the personification of the whole Russia.

"The Mother of Captain Militia Zhurov is all of us, adhering to a TV with" songs "and" houses 2 ", Petrosyan and other Labuda, who can only pronounce that" flies ", not noticing that they themselves turned into" Cargo 200 ", - said third.
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The titled Russian director himself said that the idea to remove the picture of the end of the Soviet Union appeared in the mid-90s, and he had shelled his whole decade.

During the years of labor, the director of the director of the scientific and popular cinema at the Sverdlovsk film studio he had to travel all the Siberia and the Far East, watching ordinary people live. And they lived very badly. As a result, from under the pen Alexei Balabanova, a work based on real events was published, where he did not lie away, but showed everything as it was, and everything that wasping.

"I thought that either the film would be taken or not. There could be no averages. So it turned out. Even the Orthodox people said me that the Lord must award me for the civil and spiritual feat that I made a "cargo 200", "the master in an interview was recognized.

Lyudmila Egorova now

On January 27, 2019, on the day of the 75th anniversary of the removal of the blockade of Leningrad, the premiere of the military drama "Creek Tishina", which tells about the most terrible hungry years. Roles in the film, in addition to Alina Sargin, Artem Bystrov and Svetlana Smirnova-Marcinkevich, went to Lyudmila Egorova, Vladimir Menshov and the hope of Markina. A year earlier, the actress flashed in the 10th series "Great Five" and "Maze".

In the repertoire of the native theater on the foundry for the 2020s with the participation of celebrities there are a lot of performances. For example, in a melodraman Alexander Volodin, she appears in the image of a woman on the ad, in the Gorky "Family Portrait" - Fedosha, in the Bulgakovsky "Theater Roman" - Opelia, in the "fathers and sons", which won the Golden Sofit Prize, - Princess Olga, In "Buratino" - Turtles of Tortila, in the "Peppi Longs" - Freken Rosenblum.

Detailed poster and photo reports performances fans will find in the social networks of the St. Petersburg temple of Melpomen - in Facebook, in Vkontakte and In Stagram.


  • 1957 - "Soldiers"
  • 1960-1961 - "Raised virgin"
  • 1961 - "Leon Garros is looking for a friend"
  • 1965 - "Mercy train"
  • 1977 - "Sweet Woman"
  • 1979 - "Salt of Earth"
  • 1987 - "The second attempt by Viktor Krohin"
  • 2001-2004 - "Black Raven"
  • 2004, 2012 - "Streets of broken lanterns"
  • 2007 - "Cargo 200"
  • 2010 - "Road Patrol - 4"
  • 2016 - "Secrets of the investigation - 16"
  • 2018 - "Maze"
  • 2018 - "Magnificent Five"
  • 2019 - "Creek Silence"

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